A little funny?


Average guy who gets high. AKA the Slacker.
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Platinum Supporter
Apr 1, 2023
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Can't help myself when I see something funny.
I know why Moe doesn't have a cat now!

Things you should have done yesterdayView attachment 88
So, does a tree make noise if it falls and no one hears it?


If sound is vibrations, then the falling tree certainly does make a sound, because it produces vibrations in the air. Even if there’s no person or other animal around to hear the sound, a recorder with a microphone could certainly record those vibrations—as sound. But wait!
The internet is smart^^. :oops:
They actually had an answer!!😂
OK, I'll do that. Saw the trailer and was WTF is this crap? It felt a little sharknado-y to me, but if it's funny I'm in.
I get my movies for free so it was worth it. It’s like Disney meets Troopers.
1. What do you call a place where marijuana is legal but alcohol isn’t?

High and dry.

2. This is just going to be filled with bad puns….

Weed better stop while we’re ahead.

3. What do you call a potato that smokes weed?

A baked potato.

4. If there are two potheads in the back of a car, then who is driving?

The cop.

5. How many stoners does it take to change a light bulb?

Nah, man, they got lighters.

6. My neighbor just got arrested for growing marijuana…

I guess my property line isn’t where I thought it was.

7. How do fish get stoned?

From seaweed.

8. The dispensaries in California have teams devoted to rolling up marijuana.

It’s a joint effort

9. What happens when you eat marijuana?

You get a pot belly.

10. My brother and I sell marijuana.

We keep our money in a joint account.
1. What do you call a place where marijuana is legal but alcohol isn’t?

High and dry.

2. This is just going to be filled with bad puns….

Weed better stop while we’re ahead.

3. What do you call a potato that smokes weed?

A baked potato.

4. If there are two potheads in the back of a car, then who is driving?

The cop.

5. How many stoners does it take to change a light bulb?

Nah, man, they got lighters.

6. My neighbor just got arrested for growing marijuana…

I guess my property line isn’t where I thought it was.

7. How do fish get stoned?

From seaweed.

8. The dispensaries in California have teams devoted to rolling up marijuana.

It’s a joint effort

9. What happens when you eat marijuana?

You get a pot belly.

10. My brother and I sell marijuana.

We keep our money in a joint account.
6 is my favorite lol
Let’s continue shall we...

11. Why did the stoner plant Cheerios in the ground?

He thought they were bagel seeds.

12. Why did the cows return to the cannabis field?

The pot was calling the cattle back!

13. Why is a roach clip called a ‘roach clip’?

Because ‘pot-holder’ was already taken.

14. How do you hide weed from a hippie?

Put it in his work boots.

15. What do you call a stoner that just broke up with his girlfriend?


16. What do you call a stoner with two spliffs?


17. My cows just wandered into a field of marijuana.

The steaks have never been so high.

18. If smoking marijuana causes short term memory loss…

Then what does smoking marijuana do?

19. What do stoners do when they get lost?

Turn down the music so they can see better.

20. What is reality?

An illusion caused by a lack of good weed.
Okay...one more set...but only because everyone asked so nicely. 🤣

21. My pets ate all of my marijuana.

Damn pot-bellied pigs.

22. How do you know someone’s a true pothead?

When they clean their bong more often than the dishes!

23. In college I experimented with marijuana.

I did it in snow and I did it in sleet… But I did not in hail

24. The officer was blunt about what happens to stoners…

He takes them to the joint.

25. What do you call it when the blunt burns your shirt?

A pothole.

26. What do you call an alien who smokes weed?

A cannabinoid.

27. I was watching a documentary on marijuana.

I think all documentaries should be watched this way.

28. “Waiter, this bread tastes like marijuana.”

“Well, it was baked this morning”

29. Why did the mom smoke a fatty before she went to the PTA meeting?

Because she knew it would help her be less blunt.

30. A cop asks man, “How high are you?”

The man responds with, “No, officer. It’s ‘Hi, how are you.’“
Steam this
Steam this one reminded me of a telephone conversation I had last week. The guy down the street that got me into growing called me up, starts asking me to borrow an electric reel for fishing which I do not have. But back to the story, he is like wow this buddy of mine gave me some delta 6 edibles. I ate a whoe bag. Been up for about 3 hours and he was still high as a kite. He did the same thing a few years ago. Called me up whats up man I have been asleep for 36 hours. I was shipping out some edibles and they were really good so I just kept eating them.
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