4 plants in autopot under vipar spectra ks3000


Dank Daredevil
May 11, 2023
Reaction score
2 Weeks flower today.
autopots doing good.
Feeding 1.8 ec.
Strains are
3 moby dick
1 jealousy
Lights on 100% now.
Using coco 80 and 20 perlite
Using airbases but not domes.

Wil try the air domes one day
feeding cana a &b
flower burst
and a drio line cleaner

Video below is from day 12
View attachment VID-20240328-WA0007.mp4
Big sale.on clear water gentics have a look growmies

Wana try this also one of the times one big tray with one valve. Saw it earlier

View attachment 52153
He's having trouble with roots coming out the bottom of the pots, forgot to put control pads in the pots, I've been trying to encourage him to come over here off Reddit.

I love his set up, it'll be interesting to watch.
He's having trouble with roots coming out the bottom of the pots, forgot to put control pads in the pots, I've been trying to encourage him to come over here off Reddit.

I love his set up, it'll be interesting to watch.
Yh wil be mate. Becus id rather put more plants in and flip quicker.

Need more people with autopots.
View attachment VID-20240402-WA0014.mp4
Mine day 16flower today they have exploded everywhere hopefully the stretch slows this week.
I Jus pulled a load of leaves and put yoyo clips on to the taller branches to bring them down abit

The video was before defol.
Wil send anuva after defol tomorrow or later.
Also wil remove more off the lowers
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I uses this a week before flip.
Got refil coming tomorrow
Set rez ph 5.6 to allow for a little drift .always drifts at base of auto pot tray and wil drift a bit again at root level.


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He's having trouble with roots coming out the bottom of the pots, forgot to put control pads in the pots, I've been trying to encourage him to come over here off Reddit.

I love his set up, it'll be interesting to watch.
Theyl prob jus brown off and die once light gets to them
Wil more than likely take a few more leaves over next few days. Lights on fukll.
ec 1.8
Ph in rez 5.7 just.
Yikes, you're going to remove more solar panels?.....I like my leaves on the plants and only remove what I have to, Any covering bud sites or blocking air flow, you have lots of air flow and limited leaves, are you sure you want to strip more off?
Yikes, you're going to remove more solar panels?.....I like my leaves on the plants and only remove what I have to, Any covering bud sites or blocking air flow, you have lots of air flow and limited leaves, are you sure you want to strip more off?
Il chek them in a few more days see how they look. See if anything is geting bloked
I agree with @Pipecarver I've read some theories on defoliation but I don't subscribe to any of them, leafs are the foundation of photosynthesis or growth, even the leafs not catching light still absorb Co2, transpire water and store starches which gets used during the dark period.
That's asily verifiable with a simple iodine staining test done before and after light on ...its iron clad science.
With leafs of it
The buds didn't really see light as such, it's leafs that need light afaik?
I agree also. Provides energy to the plant .thats y i left plenty on mine theyl be fine. Il only remove some eya and there throughout if they blocking bud sites.
Alot of times i defoliate to help lower humidity, mines 63 at moment temperature 27-28.which is ok.with co2.. wen i took video tent had been open a while so temps dropped.
By week 5 il have dehumidifer in there on continuous drain to lower humidity..
Alot of times i defoliate to help lower humidity, mines 63 at moment temperature 27-28.which is ok.with co2.. wen i took video tent had been open a while so temps dropped.
By week 5 il have dehumidifer in there on continuous drain to lower humidity..
If I can see the floor through my canopy I figure I've plucked off too many leaves, I'm at 5 weeks now with my batch and I took off a few of the leaves pointing north but I'm leaving the rest on. Not to say I'm right, fk no I've no idea really I just go by feel, I've seen pro's strip their plants to the bone and produce big bad beauties so who fking knows but this is mine nowApril 4 group.JPG
If I can see the floor through my canopy I figure I've plucked off too many leaves, I'm at 5 weeks now with my batch and I took off a few of the leaves pointing north but I'm leaving the rest on. Not to say I'm right, fk no I've no idea really I just go by feel, I've seen pro's strip their plants to the bone and produce big bad beauties so who fking knows but this is mine nowView attachment 53204
Yeh ive saw ppl tek loads off and get massive buds also. Suppose its strain dependant and how they bounce back.
Yours looking good didnt you say you battling with humidity.
Maybe removing some leaves would help a bit i also like to remove some leaves if they am over lapping others due to the increase chance of mold and mildew forming.
Yeh ive saw ppl tek loads off and get massive buds also. Suppose its strain dependant and how they bounce back.
Yours looking good didnt you say you battling with humidity.
Maybe removing some leaves would help a bit i also like to remove some leaves if they am over lapping others due to the increase chance of mold and mildew forming.
Yes, humidity can be an issue but it's the pots keeping my medium moist and trays of water the plants are sitting in causing most of the problem. I do remove leaves, I trim I don't defoliate, I want my leaves sucking up the light for as long as I can keep them on.

I still have 1 of these big leaves on my 5 week flowering Wedding Cake, its on the outer edge down low with nothing below it, I'd normally trim it off but it's so fking big I'm just wanting to watch it grow.Wedding Cake leaf.JPG
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