Artificial Intelligence & Agriculture


Quantum Yield Engineer
May 11, 2023
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have an idea that i cant execute without the required knowledge and skillset, but might look into it more and see.

but for now, throwing this up.

Anyone played around with Snapchat AI or chatGTP3 yet?
its been a little helpful lately.

maybe incorporating machine learning and augmented reality to identify plant issues and ask questions.
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not necessarily for growing, but we've been trying to grapple with AI at the company I work for. I'm of the mind that it has no place in our environment as there are many security concerns with it (Github copilot ingesting private repositories, OpenAI's recent breach, etc), but there is potential value once the models are trained extensively enough.

it's only a matter of time till someone releases some tooling to handle diagnosis of plant issues, or even automate a grow system end to end with it.
not necessarily for growing, but we've been trying to grapple with AI at the company I work for. I'm of the mind that it has no place in our environment as there are many security concerns with it (Github copilot ingesting private repositories, OpenAI's recent breach, etc), but there is potential value once the models are trained extensively enough.

it's only a matter of time till someone releases some tooling to handle diagnosis of plant issues, or even automate a grow system end to end with it.
its pretty cool to have a little bot you can ask questions and very quickly get ACCURATE/FACTUAL*** answers

started talking to ChatGPT3 yesterday and its been pretty useful.

ive heard they can spew out bullshit though sometimes but the kinks eventually be worked out, and figure it would grow exponentially.

and seems like it is
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its pretty cool to have a little bot you can ask questions and very quickly get ACCURATE/FACTUAL*** answers

started talking to ChatGPT3 yesterday and its been pretty useful.

ive heard they can spew out bullshit though sometimes but the kinks eventually be worked out, and figure it would grow exponentially.

and seems like it is
Are you using the paid chatgpt3? Im assuming im using v2.5 in the free version. How much better is v3?
Are you using the paid chatgpt3? Im assuming im using v2.5 in the free version. How much better is v3?
nah just the free version, and Google BARD

the paid version, ive heard is a lot better, and if you know how to "communicate" with "Them" they can really help.
"Hey Siri, do i need more Calmag?" "Yes Zombie, we always need more calmag. According to the rhizosphere profile, you have to add 1mlmore calmag for optimal levels.".
nah just the free version, and Google BARD

the paid version, ive heard is a lot better, and if you know how to "communicate" with "Them" they can really help.
Them being...things communicating through chatgpt like a virtual ouji board?
"Hey Siri, do i need more Calmag?" "Yes Zombie, we always need more calmag. According to the rhizosphere profile, you have to add 1mlmore calmag for optimal levels.".
One Day, on the MotherShip/Colony Ship....
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