Far red 730nm light.

You want a red/far red ratio in the 2:1 range.

So it depends on your main lights.

I used a pair of 30W 4' LED bars in a 4x4.

30 mins before main lights out until 30 minutes after.

Phytochromes are reversibly transformed by red and far-red light between conformations with different absorption spectra. The light-sensing moiety in all phytochromes is a covalently attached bilin chromophore. Following synthesis in the cytoplasm, the phytochrome apoprotein binds chromophore and, in the absence of light, this holoprotein folds into a stable, red-light-absorbing conformation, Pr. Absorption of red light by Pr converts the protein to the far-red-absorbing conformation, Pfr. Absorption of far-red light by Pfr converts the conformation back to Pr (Figure 1). Hence, to a first approximation, phytochromes can be thought of as reversible red/far-red light-activated molecular switches.
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