Fear and Loathing in Las Phoenix

Coco Lopez

Din Grogu
Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 21, 2023
Reaction score
Sup good peeps from far and near. PerfecTrader comin at ya loud and clear. Hope all yall are happy and well

Wanted to post my grow cause hah it's a shit show. Every strain has issues and I don't/wouldn't know where to start with any of them. I'm convinced my issues are all PH related and going to dial PH a few waterings and hope for the best. They say you should never flip to flower without healthy plants but it is what it is and I'm not lookin to veg long and allow things to get worse. Shootin to flip within a couple days and keep not sweatin shit. Would love any help advice from my peeps here so please don't be shy.
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I like what I see.
No real shit show and sure you can flip soon without major issues.
Dealing with different strains/ phenos can be challenging.
As I see it being a multi strain grower you are meeting in the middle.
You can't please all the plants without doing individual approaches which most just don't do.

Being in AZ and having liquid rock water second only to Texas IME I would be looking at a RO set up so you can dodge always needing to tweak your water and gain consistency from your source water easily.
Once again you caught me with my mouth open. I was expecting a shit show. That is not a shit show. And a good tune as well.

What are you concerned with specifically?

I'm learning soil now too. Maybe I'll be useful to you. Are you doing Gaia Green?
Sup good peeps from far and near. PerfecTrader comin at ya loud and clear. Hope all yall are happy and well

Wanted to post my grow cause hah it's a shit show. Every strain has issues and I don't/wouldn't know where to start with any of them. I'm convinced my issues are all PH related and going to dial PH a few waterings and hope for the best. They say you should never flip to flower without healthy plants but it is what it is and I'm not lookin to veg long and allow things to get worse. Shootin to flip within a couple days and keep not sweatin shit. Would love any help advice from my peeps here so please don't be shy.
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Normally wouldn’t do this it’s embarrassing, but you’ve all been there mayb not this bad but I am cut and run and a good sanitation .


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I like what I see.
Yooo brotha Steam! Hah ya made my day
No real shit show and sure you can flip soon without major issues.
Dealing with different strains/ phenos can be challenging.
Yeah I kind of knew what I was getting into but this was my last YOLO run before going clone only and getting serious with 1 or 2 plants per 4x4.
Have really found it interesting how each cultivar has grown differently. Just really cool to watch the differences. The Vanilla Frosting from Anesia Seeds for instance has been the runt of them all and I will be happy if she nets me a few quarters at this rate. She also busted out with the neon overnight leaf growth inside the leaves not new growth. Seems the most finicky and least likely I would grow again. And then on the opposite spectrum is the Black Domina from Sensei Seeds that @ninjadip(he not here yet lol) gifted me. That thing is like a honey badger. It don't give no shit and has showed zero signs of anything but being a pleasure to grow. Also the SNS(Saturday Night Special) a dude I know online from Lake Havasu crossed it and it just grows like wild. All 8 strains are pretty heavily indica except that one though so may play a role. I do not know what it is at all but it sure grows sativa-ish in the way it is growing like wild.
Thanks for sayin you think I'm ok to Flip. Moving now to full-flipmode and securing all light leaks. Will change lights tomorrow to turn off at 6pm and 12/12 will begin
As I see it being a multi strain grower you are meeting in the middle.
You can't please all the plants without doing individual approaches which most just don't do.

Being in AZ and having liquid rock water second only to Texas IME I would be looking at a RO set up so you can dodge always needing to tweak your water and gain consistency from your source water easily.
Yeah the water is brutal. They claim like 300 ppm and I've tested near 700-800. I let it sit out for days to dechlorinate but maybe it is still to "hard"? I use RO in my dehumidifiers but it is an under-the-sink that is slow enough just keeping up with how much the dehumidifiers take. I would not be able to feed these ladies 6-8g at a time with it. I've tried past grows with it and found I ran into like opposite spectrum issues so this time got sold on that my soil would be enough. I'm thinking it isn't and this is PH related. The video completely masks all the deficiencies/issues each are having. Gonna watch Otto with the woman and will take pics later. Thanks much again my friend
Once again you caught me with my mouth open. I was expecting a shit show. That is not a shit show. And a good tune as well.
Love me some PF and hopefully the ladies like it to cause they hear it a lot. Once again my dang phone camera(real new, has 5 frikken cameras on back no joke lol) is making it look better than it is. I will take pics later cause I really think yall would feel differently in person if saw.
What are you concerned with specifically?
Basically how if I've done everything I can that I felt was right why is each plant going downhill. Pics will show and will post in couple hours
I'm learning soil now too. Maybe I'll be useful to you. Are you doing Gaia Green?
yeahh kinda lol I went cheap on the fly and got Dr Earths 4-4-4 from Ace Hardware for $18 per 4lbs. I do have 2-8-4 from Gaia though and 8-9 days ago I top dressed with 1/2c of each of them. Was planning to flip then wait about 3 weeks and top dress with 2c each plant of 2-8-4 per @shadedone(not sure he here yet) Other than that I have given them some Recharge, little PowerSi, little seaweed and molasses once or twice, and an Extreme Compost Tea when I top dressed. Been feeding/watering half from top and half from bottom. Was thinking of moving to mostly bottom feeding from here on out though. Do you think it is safe in flower to bottom feed in soil for most of the cycle? Like aside from when top dress in/compost tea or another time or two?
Normally wouldn’t do this it’s embarrassing, but you’ve all been there mayb not this bad but I am cut and run and a good sanitation .
Naw Mosh that looks dank to me. I'd rather be that far into flower with some leafs discolored than right before flower. I kept reading things about how it was the worst thing ever to flip to flower with unhealthy plants. It spooked me
Damn got slammed with one thing after another my bad. Meant to post this last night. Just took new pics and things appear to be getting worse fast. All 8 plants showing 1 thing or another. No idea if these are N deficiency or my guess is PH issues. Just don't see how you fk up 8 different cultivars with how I've grown these unless the PH is the culprit. But if I had a clue I wouldn't have 8 plants I don't feel are healthy. Now I want to flip to flower and feel like I'm wasting my time cause I'm failing once again. Could sure use a ooosahh pep talk and/or some help of any kind.

1 Banana Krumble

2 Bg Bud

3 Black Valium

4 Bubba Kush
5 Black Domina

6 Saturday Night Special

7 Imperium X

8 Vanilla Frosting

So have you joined the B.A.N. army yet? 🤣

It's a slight deficiency my Bro! Nothing to worry about for now. Looks to me like an Iron or Manganese def but I'll let the experts do the diagnosis.
Yoooo Roots what it be G? Aye yup account has been pilfered. Just emailed Phlizon from their site though so who knows. I have 2 lights though and pretty sure they aren't the issue.

"slight" wtf am I smokin then. I'm lookin at them in person like I'm ready to give up and pack it in lmfao
Aight you gave me the push. That's it. I have 40 minutes to make room ready for lights off at 6 and we are moving into flower. YOLO!
Damn got slammed with one thing after another my bad. Meant to post this last night. Just took new pics and things appear to be getting worse fast. All 8 plants showing 1 thing or another. No idea if these are N deficiency or my guess is PH issues. Just don't see how you fk up 8 different cultivars with how I've grown these unless the PH is the culprit. But if I had a clue I wouldn't have 8 plants I don't feel are healthy. Now I want to flip to flower and feel like I'm wasting my time cause I'm failing once again. Could sure use a ooosahh pep talk and/or some help of any kind.

1 Banana Krumble
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2 Bg Bud
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3 Black Valium
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4 Bubba Kush
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5 Black Domina
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6 Saturday Night Special
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7 Imperium X
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8 Vanilla Frosting
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I don’t know what I’m talking about and you know that.

Big bud I’d add cal-mag and silica. That’s a big plant very vascular. Need’s structure molecules imo.

Saturday night special id suspect something going wrong on watering there. Is it different in any way?

Vanilla frosting is strange. If this were hydro I would hit it with a dose of micros to rule out all the weird shit like zinc. It kinda looks like bloom nutes too. I’m not sure how to advise you. Maybe one of these soil professionals here can help?

But I don’t see any emergency here and I would flip if you are ready.
Sup good peeps from far and near. PerfecTrader comin at ya loud and clear. Hope all yall are happy and well

Wanted to post my grow cause hah it's a shit show. Every strain has issues and I don't/wouldn't know where to start with any of them. I'm convinced my issues are all PH related and going to dial PH a few waterings and hope for the best. They say you should never flip to flower without healthy plants but it is what it is and I'm not lookin to veg long and allow things to get worse. Shootin to flip within a couple days and keep not sweatin shit. Would love any help advice from my peeps here so please don't be shy.
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Ah... I wondered how you got nailed. Didn’t see your intro. New name got me till I saw the avatar.

Good to have ya here. 👍
I don’t know what I’m talking about and you know that.
What you talkin bout Willis? You are for sure one of the most knowledgeable growers I've ever known and imo likely have genius or near IQ. If you didn't know how to do something you could figure it out faster than my woman can fetch the mail :ROFLMAO:
Big bud I’d add cal-mag and silica. That’s a big plant very vascular. Need’s structure molecules imo.
Ok roger that I have cal-mag and some other things but not sure I've ever had or if have pure silica. Is there a silica ou recommend that I could obtain pretty quick?
Saturday night special id suspect something going wrong on watering there. Is it different in any way?
Only different in that I suspect it may be more sativa that anything else of the 8. I do not know any of its lineage but I do trust the breeding of the guy I obtained it from. I grew 2 of the SNS while in solos and gave 1 a way. Both were literally pawning the other plants in growth. I gave one away to a friend who planted it outside. I would not doubt it is 5-6ft already. It is the only plant I had to you lst clips on because it was growing to fast. All plants wee topped only once
Vanilla frosting is strange. If this were hydro I would hit it with a dose of micros to rule out all the weird shit like zinc. It kinda looks like bloom nutes too. I’m not sure how to advise you. Maybe one of these soil professionals here can help?
Hmm micros. Like more Recharge? and what do you mean by "it kinda looks like bloom nutes"?
But I don’t see any emergency here and I would flip if you are ready.
Flipped last night but have a lot of work to do to block out light enough to feel comfy about it. Lights are set to 6am/6pm but sun rises before 530 and sets after 730 out here now. Too much light still even comes in under the door to the room for my liking. And I can go pretty blackout on my windows but making my office unusable after 6pm sucks because my pcs are in here. I may opt for a diy solution of covering the tents with some sort of blackblack material for while they sleep
Ah... I wondered how you got nailed. Didn’t see your intro. New name got me till I saw the avatar.

Good to have ya here. 👍
Yeah leave it to me lol I never gave a second thought about that till you just mentioned it. All for the better though. Would never want to be a part of a community that says "YOU ARE WITH US OR ELSE"! Went full blown straight Scientology on us all :ROFLMAO:
I was kind of disappointed he chose that name.....I was hoping for Coco Lopez!! 🤣

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Hah you are 100% right and I'm regretting it. Must have been real high atm when signed up. Now I feel sad every time I see my ole boy ClydeFrog and if change image the name still there. I either have to wait till October or if @moe.red could pull a "one-time" I'd change to Coco Lopez right meow
What you talkin bout Willis? You are for sure one of the most knowledgeable growers I've ever known and imo likely have genius or near IQ. If you didn't know how to do something you could figure it out faster than my woman can fetch the mail :ROFLMAO:

Ok roger that I have cal-mag and some other things but not sure I've ever had or if have pure silica. Is there a silica ou recommend that I could obtain pretty quick?

Only different in that I suspect it may be more sativa that anything else of the 8. I do not know any of its lineage but I do trust the breeding of the guy I obtained it from. I grew 2 of the SNS while in solos and gave 1 a way. Both were literally pawning the other plants in growth. I gave one away to a friend who planted it outside. I would not doubt it is 5-6ft already. It is the only plant I had to you lst clips on because it was growing to fast. All plants wee topped only once

Hmm micros. Like more Recharge? and what do you mean by "it kinda looks like bloom nutes"?

Flipped last night but have a lot of work to do to block out light enough to feel comfy about it. Lights are set to 6am/6pm but sun rises before 530 and sets after 730 out here now. Too much light still even comes in under the door to the room for my liking. And I can go pretty blackout on my windows but making my office unusable after 6pm sucks because my pcs are in here. I may opt for a diy solution of covering the tents with some sort of blackblack material for while they sleep
Well, I really do not have soil experience, not any kind of expert there bud. I'm learning just like you.

The advice I gave was like if your plants were in hydro what I would do. For us, silica does a world of good for PH balance, and also supplies monosilicic acid which is a plant ready molecule that builds cell wall structure and some other things. Very healthy to have on board early in veg, especially on big plants. I'm not sure how well that translates to soil. Something I will be figuring out for myself very soon.

By micros, I mean this kinda thing:


If you look closely, you might say you have a zinc deficiency. This is really unusual, and the plant needs very little, so I sometimes throw a fertilizer like this at a plant with symptoms to rule out the weird shit. Mo, Zn, Mn, Cu. Co, B, and a nice shot of calcium all in one. You may not have access to this, so I am sorta speaking in generalities.

I wish you were next door man. I'd swing by with bottles and potions and dig in with you.

I'm not far behind you starting to grow in soil, someday I will be more helpful.
Well, I really do not have soil experience, not any kind of expert there bud. I'm learning just like you.

The advice I gave was like if your plants were in hydro what I would do. For us, silica does a world of good for PH balance, and also supplies monosilicic acid which is a plant ready molecule that builds cell wall structure and some other things. Very healthy to have on board early in veg, especially on big plants. I'm not sure how well that translates to soil. Something I will be figuring out for myself very soon.

By micros, I mean this kinda thing:

View attachment 2178

If you look closely, you might say you have a zinc deficiency. This is really unusual, and the plant needs very little, so I sometimes throw a fertilizer like this at a plant with symptoms to rule out the weird shit. Mo, Zn, Mn, Cu. Co, B, and a nice shot of calcium all in one. You may not have access to this, so I am sorta speaking in generalities.

I wish you were next door man. I'd swing by with bottles and potions and dig in with you.

I'm not far behind you starting to grow in soil, someday I will be more helpful.
Ahh "as if". Roger that and makes much sense and hawt damnnn if you lived next door 😔 man would that rock.
That all makes sense about the micros. My tap water is over 8 so I think better PHing is also in order from here on out.
Funny 2 days ago my head was in the gutter and I was fuming about this grow. Now I don't feel alone and have a crew behind me 💪🙏 Thanks much Moe
Im right there with you on this man. The way he reacted just shows who he really is and i dont want to be a part of something toxic like that.

BudBuilders is my new home now. 🏡
Like leaving one contract but starting another and you find half the people you like working with already there.

Now get out of my cubicle, I’ve got calls to make. Meet you for smoke brake in the lobby. 🤣
Well, I really do not have soil experience, not any kind of expert there bud. I'm learning just like you.

The advice I gave was like if your plants were in hydro what I would do. For us, silica does a world of good for PH balance, and also supplies monosilicic acid which is a plant ready molecule that builds cell wall structure and some other things. Very healthy to have on board early in veg, especially on big plants. I'm not sure how well that translates to soil. Something I will be figuring out for myself very soon.

By micros, I mean this kinda thing:

View attachment 2178

If you look closely, you might say you have a zinc deficiency. This is really unusual, and the plant needs very little, so I sometimes throw a fertilizer like this at a plant with symptoms to rule out the weird shit. Mo, Zn, Mn, Cu. Co, B, and a nice shot of calcium all in one. You may not have access to this, so I am sorta speaking in generalities.

I wish you were next door man. I'd swing by with bottles and potions and dig in with you.

I'm not far behind you starting to grow in soil, someday I will be more helpful.
Are you talking about Si or different silica?

Trying to follow but came in the middle. Si came in my Sunshine mix 4. Don’t think it’s in my pro mix hp.


Ya! I gots a red banned banner! 💀😂🤣
Sup good peeps from far and near. PerfecTrader comin at ya loud and clear. Hope all yall are happy and well

Wanted to post my grow cause hah it's a shit show. Every strain has issues and I don't/wouldn't know where to start with any of them. I'm convinced my issues are all PH related and going to dial PH a few waterings and hope for the best. They say you should never flip to flower without healthy plants but it is what it is and I'm not lookin to veg long and allow things to get worse. Shootin to flip within a couple days and keep not sweatin shit. Would love any help advice from my peeps here so please don't be shy.
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So glad your here Bubs! Can you believe that wanker kicked me out?

So glad your here Bubs! Can you believe that wanker kicked me out?
AND ALLLLLLLLLLLLLAS the clouds part and the sun shines through 🥰 Sooooo glad to see ya here and I was about to reach out by phone. Didn't know if you were being held hostage over there. Yeah what a tool/wanker. I don't profess to know the ins and outs of forum protocols and such but I know an asshat prick move when I see one. Not to wish ill-will on anyone but I hope all his plants hermie and get spider-mites 😂

I miss ya Coach. How ya been?
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