Flushing in soil when using syhtentic nutrie nts

flushing is a heavily misunderstood term and insinuates something that isn't. in soil, you aren't going to do anything but risk overwatering. in hydro, you're not doing anything but destroying potential potency and yield, unless you know wtf you're doing, and even then, flushing is a poor vernacular for the technique being applied.

tl;dr: don't run a shit ton of water through your soil for no reason. just keep on keeping on.
This is only second time in soil. And i no alot of people dont flush. Just taper down nutrients..
If using organic dont need to flush.
I was just seing what people would do
And yes i agree not flushing shit loads through. Would increase humidity which could lead to other problems
I wud jus be changing the autopot rez over to ro filter. . I wudnt be flushing shit loads through the top.
Even if you have uses sythentic nutrients. Or you growing organic
I used to use fox farm ocean forest with the fox farm trio, i never flushed, just reduced feed ratio and gave plain water the last 3 or 4 waterings. But now im in organics so i just give water only anyways.

Being in autopots id just put 1/4 dose nutes or plain water in the res for the last like 7 days and call it good.
If you dont over feed then you don’t need a flush. I think its a good idea to use enzymes periodically to prevent a build up in the media but that all depends on if you have overfed and/underwatered causing nutrients to build up.
I don't have a link handy, but there is a very long like 1.5 hour video where Bruce Bugbee is being interviewed. He talks about the testing he did with flushing.

Now flushing is not one thing. Especially as medias vary. But in general, there was no discernable difference in his testing.

I do not have much soil experience, so I can only parrot what I have read.

On hydro, I run a lower nute concentration (synthetics) at the end. On my last grow I just harvested, I got the timing wrong and the plants started to fade 4 weeks before I harvested. So that was a bad call. It would have been better if I just ran them normal to the end.

The other thing I would say is it seems counterintuative to remove things like sulfur at the end on purpose because that is the primary base molecule for bringing up terps. So to me, that is the danger - not having as stinky a harvest.

But I get the question, and honestly its a little bro-sciency because everyone has a different setup, different genetics, etc. There is no one fits all, just generalizations.

If a new grower asked me to flush or not, my first reaction would be no.
I've never done it. I've seen plenty of questions about it, though. I only used synthetic nutrients once—for my first grow. I use organic nutrients now, and my understanding is that flushing doesn't apply to organics.

I wonder if using reduced nutrients, no nutrients or increasing runoff are close to the same thing.

I also wonder if flushing could shock and stress the plant, and essentially do more harm than good.
All debateable and bro scienve like moered ans auqman said..
Ive done both and was hard to tell difference.
Jus trying new stuff all time to see if theres anyway to inprove the bud.

Im using shogun dragon force now which as sulfur in.
dragon force helps flush and gives them secondary nutrients they stil need At the end.


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I like to impress the next guy so I leave a floater and don't flush :poop:
I did a colon cleanse downing psyllium husk shakes and dropped one that looked like a question mark in the bowl.....❓

I was so impressed I had to call my ex wife over to witness the awesomeness. She didn't seem to hold the same degree of excitement as I did......... 🤣

Every LGO I've worked at does not flush their plants. Most tapered nutes. Some went full nute to finish but none flushed.
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The main nutrient that gets flushed from soil is nitrogen, unless the flush solution contains cations.

In my experience, flushing to remedy a problem gives the plants symptoms of over watering AND I still have whatever issue I thought would flush away.
ANd you cant tell a difference when smoking Flushed bud ot not flushed. I dont smoke so i wudnt no
I fade my nutes towards the end like the curve shows.
Last week or two by best guess I may just offer water with nothing added, but I do not water to excess runoff at any point during grow.
Like most nutes directions if the plant flowers longer and you know it, you extended both beginning and end nute feeds by a week or two.
I use organic soil but still like synthetic nutes. They work faster and are used faster.
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