Funniest moments smokin reef


Strain Encyclopedia
May 11, 2023
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This is just a thread to share personal stories that are just funny, or unbelievable involving cannabis. We all have gravitated here and gel pretty well over the subject, so it's without saying some of the most memorable moments have happened when endulging with others. I don't want to start this off like some big rambling scripture, so I'm just passing the spliff hoping someone else kicks it off?
Got super high with three of my friends in HS and ditched class. Went to the local Carls Jr(Hardees) since we all had the munchies. We're all sitting in a booth getting ready to dig in when one of my buddies says "I can take a bigger bite of my burger than you can!" to my other buddy. He takes a giant bite and sits there smiling while hamburger is falling out of his mouth. The other friend that he said that too decides he's going to take him up on the challenge and practically sticks the entire burger in his mouth. While all this is happening my other friend and I are calmly eating our burgers watching the 2 stooges in action just waiting to see what happens.

The friend that took the bigger bite has a giant grin on his face while he tries to wrestle down the burger he just stuffed into his face. All of a sudden his grin turns to horror and he starts choking on the burger. My friend, who was eating with me watching these buffoons try and one up each other, looks at me and calmly says "I think he's choking." I look at my choking friend while he's gagging and pointing at his mouth trying to get us to do something and I look at my calm friend and say "Yeah.....I think you're right...". We sat there for a few seconds longer until I finally got up and Heimliched the burger out of his windpipe, then, sat down and calmly ate the rest of my meal while he laid on the floor gasping for air and cursing at us for not helping him sooner!!
A young man with a multi-coloured hairstyle sat next to to me at the lake on a park bench.I stare at the guy. He says to me whats wrong old man never done anything crazy in your time. I said ya i got really drunk one night and had sex with a parrot was just wondering if you were my son !! I made a friend that day.
A lot of my friends to acid in high school [ back in the early 80s 🩲].Me not so much.
We partied alot on the golf course and crazy places. But one night, the first snow fall and accumulation of the season we all took orange barrels along with our beer ball and bongs. There was a full moon and everything was orange because of it. :cool:
I took 2 and my buddies took 4 each. We were just chilling at the golf course on the 5th hole shed.
I always as a youth had a golf course on the other side of my back woods.
We all decided to try roll snow balls. I tried and tried but kept smashing the ball to pieces before it was 8 inches.
I kept trying and finally turned and called out to my friend " I can't roll this shit!".
As I said that he was calling me" hey man help me push this thing!"
He had a snow ball about 6 feet tall he had pushed down the fairway like 50yards!

Another time we found a barn pretty far behind someone's main house that had an old airplane in it.
It was winter and we partied in this barn many times without causing issue, damage or being realized.
One night were hard into it drinking liquor since it was too cold for beer. We always smoke if we had it.
3 of us passed out and when we came too we could not find #4.We looked all around and then we heard him" pilot to bombardier, pilot to bombardier."
He was in the plane pretending he was flying.We almost fell out of the loft above~!:ROFLMAO:
A lot of my friends to acid in high school [ back in the early 80s 🩲].Me not so much.
We partied alot on the golf course and crazy places. But one night, the first snow fall and accumulation of the season we all took orange barrels along with our beer ball and bongs. There was a full moon and everything was orange because of it. :cool:
I took 2 and my buddies took 4 each. We were just chilling at the golf course on the 5th hole shed.
I always as a youth had a golf course on the other side of my back woods.
We all decided to try roll snow balls. I tried and tried but kept smashing the ball to pieces before it was 8 inches.
I kept trying and finally turned and called out to my friend " I can't roll this shit!".
As I said that he was calling me" hey man help me push this thing!"
He had a snow ball about 6 feet tall he had pushed down the fairway like 50yards!

Another time we found a barn pretty far behind someone's main house that had an old airplane in it.
It was winter and we partied in this barn many times without causing issue, damage or being realized.
One night were hard into it drinking liquor since it was too cold for beer. We always smoke if we had it.
3 of us passed out and when we came too we could not find #4.We looked all around and then we heard him" pilot to bombardier, pilot to bombardier."
He was in the plane pretending he was flying.We almost fell out of the loft above~!:ROFLMAO:
We used to smoke big blunts of these what we called mids, wasn't dank wasn't Reggie looked like this


So my friend is driving his wife's minivan, he was married at a young age we were all early to mid 20s. My other friend is riding shotgun and I'm in the back bench seat sitting in the middle. Driver hands me a quarter that's like one big bud of this type of weed and asks me to roll a blunt. Alright, so he is hauling ass doing like 80mph in a 40 and I was like yo slow down I got a traffic warrant and our friend riding shotgun was on probation. Driver is like "ah just eat it" I say "dude that's like a quarter I can't eat that". He says he could I'm like yea right. He says "motherfucker if I can swallow a hotdog whole, I can swallow a bud whole". A brief pause had me grinning at how much "bud whole sounded like butt hole". Then ole buddy riding shotgun really wide eyed and shocked looking says "you can swallow a hot dog whole?!" It was real quick and I was still taking in the totality of the statement and our buddy hits the homerun pointing out the more embarrassing part of the statement. Driver got pissed because we were laughing uncontrollably and started slamming on the breaks, break checking us and was like "you mfers can get out!"....we just kept laughing...

I sent him this video about a month ago his reply was simple, "fuck you" lmao...hasn't lived it down in over 15+ years
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One of my HS friends parents were attorneys but they also smoked weed. They told my friend Scott that he could grow weed in the backyard as long as he planted tomatoes next to it to hide it. He did so and had a nice harvest. He cooked down the larf into canna butter and poured it into some butter molds he had.

The next morning his mom wakes him up and is giggling like a school girl but is wagging her finger at him. She told him the next time he makes canna butter to mark it because now she couldn't go into the office since she had used the butter for breakfast!

Fast forward with the same friend and we all decide to go over to his house to play some ping pong. He makes a plateful of medicated chocolate chip cookies and tells us to not eat more than one and that even one will knock us on our ass. We each take our cookie and go outside and start playing ping pong. I ate around 1/2 of my cookie and after an hour I was high as fuck. I go inside to take a piss and I notice my friend Jack laying on the couch. I piss and on the way back he's still there. I tell him to get up because he's next. He doesn't answer. I go to shake him and he doesn't respond. I tell my friends what's going on and we all go inside and try and wake Jack up. One of my friends starts to panic after he shows us the plate with the cookies....sorry....WHERE the cookies had been. Jack decided to not heed the advice of my friend Scott and ate around 9 cookies. We all start to panic and my friend starts to freak out saying that Jack doesn't have a pulse and that we killed him. We're completely stoned out of our minds as, in addition to the cookies we were taking SHITS. Shots and bong hits. As we're panicking one of my friends wants to "get rid of the body". We start trying to come up with a plan as to where we're going to dump him. We decide we're going to dump him in the river wash where no one goes. We carry him to the car and we're driving to the wash completely freaked out. Half way there Jack starts to come around and we all breath a sigh of relief. We were still completely freaked out about the situation, so we diverted to his house, carried him to his door, laid him down on the porch, rang the doorbell and ran!!!

The next morning we see Jack at school and he's pissed. He got grounded for 2 months but that wasn't the worst of it. The friend that freaked out told him what had happened and he was pissed at us because we were going to dump his body in the river!! After a couple weeks he calmed down enough for us to talk and, after a while we all laughed about it but every time we would get high he would give us a stern look before he took a hit and said "Don't fucking throw my body in the river if I die Assholes!!!!
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Lemme tell Y'all how I came to be banned from Holiday Inn Hotels in North America and I didn't even get high. But it was over pot.

It was an early October morning in Dallas, Texas. We were getting an early start to the day so while my wife was getting ready I decided to roll a couple joints so I had some prerolls before the day began. We'd be in large crowds later and I didn't wanna have to stop and roll one in a crowd.

I had Sour Pez in my stash. A gnarly sour diesel from La Plata I had grown and maybe cured it for 3 weeks or so. Did my duty, packed my doobs, and a few minutes later we were out the door and onto the freeway.
The day went well and all was fine. Got really fucking high and had a great time at the State Fair and got home late that night.

The following Monday I'm looking over CC statements online and I see Holiday Inn charged me $300 on top of the 1 night room stay. I called the hotel and asked why.
The lady proceeded to tell me it was a cleaning fee.
Cleaning fee for what?
The room had a smell after you left.
What did it smell like? Are you sure it's not the AC because the AC in the room had a bit of a weird odor.
No it's not the AC. You know what it was
No I don't. It sounds like you're scamming me with a cleaning fee so you can pocket the money
In an angry voice...You know God damn well you had a marijuana party in that room and now we have to do a deep cleaning and cannot rent it out for 3 days. And BTW you're no longer welcome to stay at our properties and have been reported to the corporate office.
Oh. Well for the record I never smoked pot in that room. I rolled a couple joints but I never smoked any. What can I say, I like stinky weed!
Click, followed by dial tone.
Lemme tell Y'all how I came to be banned from Holiday Inn Hotels in North America and I didn't even get high. But it was over pot.

It was an early October morning in Dallas, Texas. We were getting an early start to the day so while my wife was getting ready I decided to roll a couple joints so I had some prerolls before the day began. We'd be in large crowds later and I didn't wanna have to stop and roll one in a crowd.

I had Sour Pez in my stash. A gnarly sour diesel from La Plata I had grown and maybe cured it for 3 weeks or so. Did my duty, packed my doobs, and a few minutes later we were out the door and onto the freeway.
The day went well and all was fine. Got really fucking high and had a great time at the State Fair and got home late that night.

The following Monday I'm looking over CC statements online and I see Holiday Inn charged me $300 on top of the 1 night room stay. I called the hotel and asked why.
The lady proceeded to tell me it was a cleaning fee.
Cleaning fee for what?
The room had a smell after you left.
What did it smell like? Are you sure it's not the AC because the AC in the room had a bit of a weird odor.
No it's not the AC. You know what it was
No I don't. It sounds like you're scamming me with a cleaning fee so you can pocket the money
In an angry voice...You know God damn well you had a marijuana party in that room and now we have to do a deep cleaning and cannot rent it out for 3 days. And BTW you're no longer welcome to stay at our properties and have been reported to the corporate office.
Oh. Well for the record I never smoked pot in that room. I rolled a couple joints but I never smoked any. What can I say, I like stinky weed!
Click, followed by dial tone.
Same shit happened to my GF and I when we stayed at a small, independent hotel. They charged her $145 for violating the no smoker policy they had.
I was out hiking with a bunch of WVU students in the Dolly Sods Wilderness Area, when I was in my 20s. There was one particular gal I was interested in. I had two Siberian huskies who loved to hike with me, so they came along.

Huskies have their own agenda. They love people, but they want to run and hunt. So as the group walked along, the dogs would come streaking across the trail periodically, in front of us or behind us, letting me know where they were.

We stopped at a nice scenic spot to get high. We could hear thrashing around in the brush, in the distance. When we were ready to leave, I called the dogs. My female returned. The male was still out there, but I could hear him crashing around. Finally, he came trotting in.

His entire head and neck was covered with blood, covering much of his chest, too. "EEEEK! Aieeee! OMG! The poor thing!!!" He was sort of a living teddy bear, who had a bad habit of killing anything that wasn't another dog or wasn't a human. So up until then, he was a darling, as far as the ladies were concerned.

They all thought the dog was hurt. I knew better. I took some snow and wiped him down. For some reason, nothing sticks to husky fur, so the blood came off and it was pretty obvious he had no injuries. He was happy as can be. He had just killed god-knows-what.

The mood of the crowd group changed to, "What kind of person would let a vicious animal like that run free??!!!"

I'm pretty sure it was a ground hog, as they were one of his specialties. Explaining that did not help my case, and definitely didn't help with the gal of my interests. Oh well. It was hilarious while it was happening. To me, at least.
^^ That's funny^^
The last of my five labs, Gia was getting older and we had ground hogs that had advanced from the field into the yard one day.
Not living in the yard just on the wrong side of the fence.
When my wife told me about the ground hog I looked at G and said you better earn your keep and protect your yard.
The next day when I came home my said I think G killed the ground hog it is still laying in the yard back there.
Sure enough even though Gia was only 40lbs larger than the ground hog there it layed dead.
Gia just smiled at me~! :D
Had a part beagle part lab about 10 years ago...fucker came home with a deer leg one day, let him out a couple months later and he came home with another one...he'd climb fences, he was a wild shit
My dog has a knack for killing possums. He wants a raccoon and squirrel but they're smart enough to go up a tree when he chases them. Possums are dumb as shit and just sit there with their mouth open showing teeth but don't bite. Then they play dead. Ollie my dog DGAF about the play acting. He grabs those fuckers by the neck and shakes the hell out of it until it's dead. He locks his jaw too so there's no escape. I feel bad for the possums and like having them around since they're like a walking garbage disposal but damn possum, get up the dang tree before it's too late will ya!!
This thread is a hoot! Love it !
Thought we were being chased by the cops one time in the 80’s pulled over and everything pitched the bong and beer - cop drove right around us ! Not funny at the time
This thread is a hoot! Love it !
Thought we were being chased by the cops one time in the 80’s pulled over and everything pitched the bong and beer - cop drove right around us ! Not funny at the time
Some super troopers shit there meow
Old friend of mine from grammar school was going to Berkley in SF and came down to L.A. to visit. Clay was a chemistry major. When he arrived he had a gallon ziploc bag full of, what looked like, brown sugar. I asked him what it was and he told me he had synthesized it in the lab.

MDMA better known as Ecstasy.

He had another gallon bag of empty pill capsules and told me if I helped him fill them he would give me some. We filled them all and he gave me a sandwich bag full of pills. That evening a friend of mines band was playing so Clay, my ex wife and I drive into Hollywood to go check them out. My friend Eric was the lead singer of the band along with having a clothing brand named FUCT. I go backstage and see him and the guys getting ready to go on and I tell Eric I have a special surprise for him. I give him a handful of pills and tell him what it is. I go back out front and after a while they hop on stage and start playing. After a few songs they take a break to tune up and Eric decides to fill in the time by getting on the mic.

"Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that came out tonight but especially my buddy Johnny! He gave me some killer ecstasy and I'm tripping balls right now!! I LOVE EEEEVVEERRYYYY OOOONNNEEE!!!"

I'm used to being the center of attention at a music club, having been in a band myself, but having the entire club staring at me after he said that was a bit unnerving. We all decided to leave after that in case security decided to have a talk with us. Mind you, we're ALL tripping at this point.

I don't remember much about the trip home but I do remember the next morning waking up with feathers in my mouth. We had a down comforter and it was torn to shreds........but wifey was SUPER happy......Hmmmmm....... 🥴
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Many years ago I made a pan of pot brownies with a very strong strain of pot, something from Calif that cost me $300, which was a lot back then when oz’s were selling for less than $100. Back then, in the 80’s, I would just throw an Oz in with the brownie batter and cook them like normal. Anyhow, a friend and I ate one and went to the movies, where I proceeded to puke up and down the isles as I left the theatre about 1 1/2 hours later. I was totally fucked up, swirling and spinning and couldn’t focus for shit. Went home, fell asleep for a good long time. They were beyond potent.

After, I had enough of those but cut the rest of them up into normal brownie squares and gave them to a musician friend shortly after, warning him of their potency. He threw them in to his freeze until....

He had to go away for the weekend and needed another buddy to watch his dog and bird. The friend goes out Friday evening, gets very drunk and comes back home late night hungry as shit and rummaged thru the fridge and freezer looking for a bite to eat. Low and behold he finds the frozen brownies and proceeds to eat 3 or 4 of them..........

Come early Monday morning, my buddy arrives home to find his friend asleep on his couch, still sleeping from Friday night. His first question was, what was in those brownies? My buddy has passed on now, but that story used to regularly come up within our group of friends, and was always good for a hysterical laugh or two.
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1: Pink Floyd, Oakland Coliseum, odd lighting storm in the bay area, out door concert, floyd lasers, people in the row I was in rolled a joint like a cheech and chong doobie. It had to be at least 15 inches long and about a half inch in diameter. I took a few drags because it just kept going back and forth.
2: I forgot
3: weed and mushroom on the hills over the pacific just south of Corona del Mar. It's now a lot of houses, used to be fields leading to a cliff. Kite-sailing and remote controlled airplanes made for the best shroomin entertainment.
I want to share a personal bit of my own cannabis lore. Trash to every person on this earth besides maybe one other. I would like you to behold the never ending debt list.
This was from a period of time between 2012 and 2015. The 2 main players here are the first two names. Dave and JH are both good buddies of mine (a trio of friends). That list started with Dave and JH both coming over needing a front. Dave said dude I get paid biweekly so it'll take me 2 weeks (like 10 days) to get you the money, ok. JH gets paid weekly and should have it to me in a couple days. Eventually Dave paid me and JH hadn't. So Dave asked for another bag and so this chain of me fronting him a sack for 2 weeks until he got paid started. Dave's borrow and repayment goes all the way over to the right and 3 rows down. I retired this debt list the day Dave and JH showed up again together and BOTH finally paid me. Each notch being a 2 week period. It became a running joke. Dave would come by with JH during this stretch and JH would be like "I ain't got your money dude I'm just trying to catch a buzz". JH also had a stash of homegrown that he smoked on so I know if he had to have weed he would have paid me. He was just being skeet and had 5 kids to take care of so I didn't sweat it much. We were all like brothers.

I'm about to harvest another plant and I get hit with thoughts of my friend JH who passed away in 2015 (I will also hear the undertaker theme song in my head now thanks to @budsofmadison lol). But I don't know if this thought will ever go away for me at harvest. Me and JH grew shitloads of buds back in the day together and he was a trustworthy partner in crime. Miss the dude bad. I know me and Dave would give him that whole list worth of bud plus just to hang out again.

Anyway I'd have to count the notches, it just ended up being a long ass time and we still laugh about this list.

Also that 75 is for a quarter back in the day of 100 a quarter still...I was breaking the game
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Hit my hot dog chugging buddy up with another classic today lmfao

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