Gardening by the moon?

Buddy my thread is full of germinating at the right moon cycle, flipping and even pruning and cutting with the moon.
I think the difference for those who follow and those who don't is the 2-3 weeks it takes their plants to adjust on their own.
The plants and many forms of life re produce and survive on a lunar cycle.
I know Granny is all in and I may have convinced Stoney. 🔥
You either align your grow with the moon or it will and you will wait or wonder why while it gets itself straight.(y)
Buddy my thread is full of germinating at the right moon cycle, flipping and even pruning and cutting with the moon.
I think the difference for those who follow and those who don't is the 2-3 weeks it takes their plants to adjust on their own.
The plants and many forms of life re produce and survive on a lunar cycle.
I know Granny is all in and I may have convinced Stoney. 🔥
You either align your grow with the moon or it will and you will wait or wonder why while it gets itself straight.(y)

Is everything done by the full moon, new moon or ???
Different days are better than others for planting, pruning and harvesting. The Farmers Almanac is good, but the calendar I linked works for me. Example, and a good way to see for yourself is using identical clones- the cuts made on days that say plant/sow will get roots faster than the same cut taken days earlier.
I'll give it a run. I'm always down for a little something different especially if there's good stuff to be had.🤘
Usually my drop success is high 90% if not 100% clones or seeds and it takes 3-5 days with seeds ready for planting, 8-14 days on clones being ready. I'll compare to that.

So I was planning on dropping seeds in the next 48 hours. According to the link I should wait until September 4th thru 6th. I can do that. All of it seems to line up too..Sowing seeds for annual leafy crops and herbs and I'm a Virgo!
Calling my shot now Y'all...Bumper Crop!!! 😋
I'll give it a run. I'm always down for a little something different especially if there's good stuff to be had.🤘
Usually my drop success is high 90% if not 100% clones or seeds and it takes 3-5 days with seeds ready for planting, 8-14 days on clones being ready. I'll compare to that.

So I was planning on dropping seeds in the next 48 hours. According to the link I should wait until September 4th thru 6th. I can do that. All of it seems to line up too..Sowing seeds for annual leafy crops and herbs and I'm a Virgo!
Calling my shot now Y'all...Bumper Crop!!! 😋

who is this new masked man named bandit? isn't this the same guy who said he's use it for planning a wedding at most?!?! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

i did it too man, my thought was, it couldn't hurt!!!!
who is this new masked man named bandit? isn't this the same guy who said he's use it for planning a wedding at most?!?! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

i did it too man, my thought was, it couldn't hurt!!!!

Well the link G79 posted made it reasonable to try. What's another 10 days wait I said to myself. But if that fucker woulda said wait until November I'd be like fuck that I'm lightin' this candle today!
I'm curious though about what he said regarding roots...Like I could start today but what if it's a slow germ and slow out of the gate. But if I line it up to that calendar then they could get going fast and the ten day wait would be a non-factor. Maybe a side by side will happen at some time in the future if I really get into it.
The only thing that's kinda off is how vague the results of this stuff seems to be and I'm just not sold on it being applicable indoors but I'll check it out.
When it comes to the Farmers Almanac yeah I don't trust it at all. Too many rain outs when it shoulda been clear and sunny and I think it's track record is around 50% accuracy. Chicago Street Race is an example and even COTA are planned using the FA. CSR is 2 for 2 on rain outs with '23 being a dang monsoon and COTA is 1-3 with that one rain out being another monsoon so yeah the FA has some work to do on accuracy IMO ⛈️🌦️🌧️
It works indoors as well as outdoors.
Just that most calendars figure you are outdoor so they don't recommend the full moon in February as much as the one in June or September.
It is real.
Well the link G79 posted made it reasonable to try. What's another 10 days wait I said to myself. But if that fucker woulda said wait until November I'd be like fuck that I'm lightin' this candle today!
I'm curious though about what he said regarding roots...Like I could start today but what if it's a slow germ and slow out of the gate. But if I line it up to that calendar then they could get going fast and the ten day wait would be a non-factor. Maybe a side by side will happen at some time in the future if I really get into it.
The only thing that's kinda off is how vague the results of this stuff seems to be and I'm just not sold on it being applicable indoors but I'll check it out.
When it comes to the Farmers Almanac yeah I don't trust it at all. Too many rain outs when it shoulda been clear and sunny and I think it's track record is around 50% accuracy. Chicago Street Race is an example and even COTA are planned using the FA. CSR is 2 for 2 on rain outs with '23 being a dang monsoon and COTA is 1-3 with that one rain out being another monsoon so yeah the FA has some work to do on accuracy IMO ⛈️🌦️🌧️

Steamster had me sold on it man, i couldn't come up with a single counter to the theory. if marine life that can't even see the moon are affected then it has to be the magnetism of the earth and gravity coming into play. Steam knows more about it than i do and has seen first hand affect with his fish. my koi are dumb, and they can see the moon so i'm not trusting mine!!!! :ROFLMAO:

i was all about it and it worked great, but then the very next round i forgot all about looking and germinated when i looked at the moon phase it was a time not to plant seeds and i went 15 for 15... and i'm pretty sure G79 is gonna have to many plants on his hands too!! :D

i'm convinced there really is something there, but i also believe the VG looks at the moon and says hold my beer!!! :D
Steamster had me sold on it man, i couldn't come up with a single counter to the theory. if marine life that can't even see the moon are affected then it has to be the magnetism of the earth and gravity coming into play. Steam knows more about it than i do and has seen first hand affect with his fish. my koi are dumb, and they can see the moon so i'm not trusting mine!!!! :ROFLMAO:

i was all about it and it worked great, but then the very next round i forgot all about looking and germinated when i looked at the moon phase it was a time not to plant seeds and i went 15 for 15... and i'm pretty sure G79 is gonna have to many plants on his hands too!! :D

i'm convinced there really is something there, but i also believe the VG looks at the moon and says hold my beer!!! :D

Gravity is a helluva thing!
I kinda wonder now if moon phases might play a role in hermies and bringing out that trait when it's recessive?
The basic idea behind Gardening by the Moon is that the cycles of the Moon affect plant growth. Just as the Moon’s gravitational pull causes tides to rise and fall, it also affects moisture in the soil.

Therefore, it’s said that seeds will absorb more water during the full Moon and the new Moon when more moisture is pulled to the soil surface. This causes seeds to swell, resulting in greater germination and better-established plants.

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