Molecular differences, THC eaten versus smoked?


POTM Winner 🏆
May 21, 2023
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Everything I can find about THC when consuming it orally (with the exception of transdermally through the lips), turns into a different molecule: Delta 11 THC versus Delta 9 THC (smoking and transdermal lips).

The highs, while generally similar, differ greatly in time, intensity and affect.

Personal observation:
When I smoke, I start feeling the buzz either as I’m exhaling the first hit or shortly there after, I really never feel buzzed anymore but I feel that it’s affecting me for about 30 minutes. I can’t smoke enough to feel out of control, I’d end up coughing myself to death.

When I eat it (mixed ground weed directly into peanut butter or oil extraction in brownies), it takes between 2 and 3 hours to feel anything, it hits much harder (have moments when my brain is trying to convince me it was a little too much), it lasts a long time (5 hours with a slow glide pattern).

Being two different molecules, with different affect patterns, would a T-break from smoking by eating, or vice-versa actually work?

Would alternating week by week, only smoking one week and only eating the next, affectively keep one’s body/brain from forming any resistance to the affects?

Also, I guess the missing piece to the puzzle, do all of the other cannabinoids, terpenes etc. also last in one’s system for the extended period because they were consumed as opposed to inhaled in smoke/vapor?
After taking a gram of RSO daily for a better part of a year, it no longer really affects me when taken orally. I go months between doses and it makes no difference. It kind of sucks.
Might be a good test, do you only take the RSO now or do you also smoke regularly?

If you only do the RSO, do you think a big rip off a bong might give ya a brief flush?

I’m really curious.
After taking a gram of RSO daily for a better part of a year, it no longer really affects me when taken orally. I go months between doses and it makes no difference. It kind of sucks.
By the way, I wanted to use that thinky emoji, but it says I disagree or something. I don’t disagree, I was trying to be thinky!
LOL! Thinky......

My take is when you ingest it through the lungs it goes directly into your bloodstream whereas with edibles it has to pass through the intestinal walls before it gets into the bloodstream. Inhaling it will give you that big boost since it's going direct versus having to wait for it to pass through the intestinal wall which is probably why it lasts longer too.
I detest whataboutisms, but that said, what about dry herb vaping?
I have a dry herb vaporizer and it will get you full on stoned. Have read that smoking them is bad for you. The first few hits have a taste but after that -- meh. My goal is every other day. In my experience twice a day makes my neck sore and the inside of my mouth tender. I love the smell of weed burning. Edibles are ok but it is a longer lasting different high altogether. @Amnesia what do you think?
Everything I can find about THC when consuming it orally (with the exception of transdermally through the lips), turns into a different molecule: Delta 11 THC versus Delta 9 THC (smoking and transdermal lips).

The highs, while generally similar, differ greatly in time, intensity and affect.

Personal observation:
When I smoke, I start feeling the buzz either as I’m exhaling the first hit or shortly there after, I really never feel buzzed anymore but I feel that it’s affecting me for about 30 minutes. I can’t smoke enough to feel out of control, I’d end up coughing myself to death.

When I eat it (mixed ground weed directly into peanut butter or oil extraction in brownies), it takes between 2 and 3 hours to feel anything, it hits much harder (have moments when my brain is trying to convince me it was a little too much), it lasts a long time (5 hours with a slow glide pattern).

Being two different molecules, with different affect patterns, would a T-break from smoking by eating, or vice-versa actually work?

Would alternating week by week, only smoking one week and only eating the next, affectively keep one’s body/brain from forming any resistance to the affects?

Also, I guess the missing piece to the puzzle, do all of the other cannabinoids, terpenes etc. also last in one’s system for the extended period because they were consumed as opposed to inhaled in smoke/vapor?
I'll let you know, I just ran out of edibles and won't be making any soon. When I first started eating them it was way stronger than smoking. I wouldn't even try to drive or do anything hard. I have quite a tolerence now to edibles. I think the liver finds a way to process it more efficiently with practice.
If you are trying to reduce tolerance to smoked weed by switching to edibles, I believe you will be disappointed.

If you don't have a vital medical reason for ingesting cannabis, you just need a week or two off. Get a pile of books you want to read and stay busy.
Has anyone noticed a difference between edibles and tinctures? I’m thinking maybe tinctures would metabolize faster since alcohol is the main carrier.
I have a dry herb vaporizer and it will get you full on stoned. Have read that smoking them is bad for you. The first few hits have a taste but after that -- meh. My goal is every other day. In my experience twice a day makes my neck sore and the inside of my mouth tender. I love the smell of weed burning. Edibles are ok but it is a longer lasting different high altogether. @Amnesia what do you think?
My conclusion is that every method of enjoying weed has a place in our lives. Circumstances so often determine what we do or how we do it.

We mostly smoked or used store-bought edibles and tinctures until we were given a concentrate vaporizer last year. That got us started vaping. I thought the cartridges were a bit expensive, so I bought some dry herb vaporizers. I also want to vape our home-grown. We now have a Pax Plus, a Pax 3 and a Mighty+. The Pax vaporizers are our favorite. They all have half-gram ovens.

I do think the high is different for different methods. I struggle with pain and the CBD edibles are good for that. Someday soon I plan to grow a CBD strain. Our favorite edibles are Mr. Moxey's brand that I believe are mostly available on the west coast. Edibles are nice because they can be used just about anywhere.

Nothing beats the rush from inhaling. We vape our homegrown every day. Vaporizers are so easy to use and can be carried in a pocket. The ash stays in the oven. There's no need for a lighter or matches. They have temperature control. It's easy to control the dose. Most importantly for us, they are much easier on the lungs. At least our lungs feel better, and we feel much less congested. No more coughing!

Now we hardly ever smoke because vaporizers seem to have so many advantages. We're probably using fewer edibles, too. Someday, we'll probably try to make our own edibles, tinctures or concentrates. We haven't grown enough crops to do that yet.
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