Over or under watering perhaps ?


Dope Dynamo
Mar 13, 2024
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I planted this clone 2 days ago. Since it has drooped and yellowing on edges. The clone was in rockwool that I put down in BiuildASoil 3.0.

Can experienced growers here tell me if I should water more or not?


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Welcome to Bud Builders AlphaLima! Lots of great soil growers here I am sure will chime in soon. I'm in hydro but have grown in soil before.

Your clone doesn't look terrible bad, not sure about rock wool into soil like that, never used that stuff. Not familiar with that soil either.

I can see it looks like you have watered around the clone recently? How much water did you give her? Do you have experience watering in soil? Normally I would think you would want to water till slight run off getting all the soil moist. To me, it doesn't look overwatered but I could be wrong. Does the pot feel light when you lift it yet? That was how I decided if my plants needed watering when I was in soil. Sounds like you are familiar with the fact that overwatering can be an issue.

Also, give us more info about your grow, as much as you can. Do you have your lights raised high and the intensity down low? If not, I would do that first. What is your temp and RH? Give everything about your grow you can, will help folks help you!
I'm assuming you watered it 2 days ago when you planted it as well?
It could be a very slight case of overwatering if you have watered it the last 2 days.

I've heard things about rockwool in soil, none were good but I have no experience with rockwool in soil so I can't say if it's true or just more broscience.

When that dries out you will want to water the entire pot until all is saturated then wait til dry again. Spot watering is the biggest cause of over/underwater in my opinion

Also, like SweetLeaf mentioned, any and all info on your setup would be super helpful
Thank you guys for the help and advice.
I should have provided more details.
I picked up two clones from the dispensery last Friday. The instructions just said to dip the clone in pitcher of water to remove any perlite attached. Didn't say anything about removing the rockwool. In fact, the roots are all tied up so I don't think removing the rockwool would be possible without hurting the small amount of roots thus far.

Yes, I watered them Friday afternoon. I used a sprayer to soak them good. I didn't water the whole 5 gallon fabric pot since it seems that would waste washing away the nutrients not being used yet until the roots grow out. I waited until today and watered a little more than stopped as I think it's overwatered. The yellowness is what started to concerned me.

My environment has been steady with temps being in range of 76 - 81 degrees. Humidity has been 50% - 56%. I have a small clip fan giving a slight breeze but haven't been running the inline fan as it zaps all the humidity out of the air.

My lights have been about 18 inches above my plants. I bought an AC Infinity grow tent kit.

These two pictures attached are my setup before I put the plants in and lowered the lights. The second pic is Friday after I planted them. The other plant looks fine.IMG_5368.jpegIMG_5376.jpeg
Thank you guys for the help and advice.
I should have provided more details.
I picked up two clones from the dispensery last Friday. The instructions just said to dip the clone in pitcher of water to remove any perlite attached. Didn't say anything about removing the rockwool. In fact, the roots are all tied up so I don't think removing the rockwool would be possible without hurting the small amount of roots thus far.

Yes, I watered them Friday afternoon. I used a sprayer to soak them good. I didn't water the whole 5 gallon fabric pot since it seems that would waste washing away the nutrients not being used yet until the roots grow out. I waited until today and watered a little more than stopped as I think it's overwatered. The yellowness is what started to concerned me.

My environment has been steady with temps being in range of 76 - 81 degrees. Humidity has been 50% - 56%. I have a small clip fan giving a slight breeze but haven't been running the inline fan as it zaps all the humidity out of the air.

My lights have been about 18 inches above my plants. I bought an AC Infinity grow tent kit.

These two pictures attached are my setup before I put the plants in and lowered the lights. The second pic is Friday after I planted them. The other plant looks fine.View attachment 51336View attachment 51338
Roots won’t grow in to dry soil so water the entire pot. The yellow is telling you they are hungry. There is no food for them in that rock wool. There is in that soil. But you got to encourage them to grow their roots into the soil.
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