Passing Random Mouth Swabs


Wingin' it
Staff member
Contest Guy
Apr 16, 2023
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Hey all. I have a job opportunity that I'm looking at. It's a power plant technician position. Basically maintenance, which is perfect as I'm getting tired of this manual labor crap. It's about as high of pay as I could get with my experience and location, plus full benefits, retirement and a pension.

They do random drug testing. An ex-colleague of mine currently works there and says they've tested him 5 times in the last 3 years. Giving up pot isn't at all something I'm interested in doing. Stopping for a month to get the job... no big deal. Quitting forever in fear of a random... big deal.

So with that being said, any of ya'll deal with the ever-lingering threat of a random drug test? I found some detox gum that supposedly works in 30 seconds for 30 minutes. Oral Clear. Any of you ever use this stuff? Seems like it would be discrete enough to pull off and it's basically a super concentrated mouthwash that contains peroxide.

I won't quit smoking for a job. I have a job that pays well where they all know of my extracurricular. It's a don't ask don't tell sort of situation since Master Electricians are hard to come by these days. I'm just tired of carrying around a ladder, for one.
Method 1

Passing the Test with No Prep Time​

  1. Image titled Pass a Mouth Swab Test Step 1
    Suck sour candies to make your saliva more acidic. The more acidic and sugary your saliva becomes, the more difficult it is for drugs to be detected in it. So, if you only have 5–10 minutes before you'll be given a mandatory drug swab test, pop in 2 or 3 sour citrus candies. Suck them (rather than chewing) to get as much of the acidic citrus flavoring out of the candies as you can![1]
    Note: Multiple studies have shown that swab tests for drug use yield lower results right after people sucked...
Ive never passed a drug test....
All i can say is good luck dude 👊🏼
I've passed urine tests to get jobs with fake pee. Used fake pee to get a job for tesla doing solar work.

Swabs are a different animal. Failed one 2 years ago. Funny thing there is they said they wouldn't test me because I was open about not being able to pass. A month later they tested me. I quit.
I've passed urine tests to get jobs with fake pee. Used fake pee to get a job for tesla doing solar work.

Swabs are a different animal. Failed one 2 years ago. Funny thing there is they said they wouldn't test me because I was open about not being able to pass. A month later they tested me. I quit.
Every job ive had ive been tested for....
Ive never passed lol.
I would go in for a 5 panel test, failed 1 of 5 every time. Care to guess which panel🤣🤣
Thankfully the jobs i worked didnt care about weed they just wanted the results for hard drugs, which i dont fuck with so i was always good to go.
Imo, they should just do away with a 5 panel and make it a 4 panel for the hard shit only and quit testing people for cannabis, alcoholics dont get randomly tested so wtf.
Sucks that thc is stored in fat cells.
Hey all. I have a job opportunity that I'm looking at. It's a power plant technician position. Basically maintenance, which is perfect as I'm getting tired of this manual labor crap. It's about as high of pay as I could get with my experience and location, plus full benefits, retirement and a pension.

They do random drug testing. An ex-colleague of mine currently works there and says they've tested him 5 times in the last 3 years. Giving up pot isn't at all something I'm interested in doing. Stopping for a month to get the job... no big deal. Quitting forever in fear of a random... big deal.

So with that being said, any of ya'll deal with the ever-lingering threat of a random drug test? I found some detox gum that supposedly works in 30 seconds for 30 minutes. Oral Clear. Any of you ever use this stuff? Seems like it would be discrete enough to pull off and it's basically a super concentrated mouthwash that contains peroxide.

I won't quit smoking for a job. I have a job that pays well where they all know of my extracurricular. It's a don't ask don't tell sort of situation since Master Electricians are hard to come by these days. I'm just tired of carrying around a ladder, for one.
I've heard that adding VISINE to your urine makes it test correctly....There was also something called UR In LUCK many years ago, never used it. I interviewed for a job with USAID that would have been a late career kicker here and was straight for 6 months while waiting to 'get the call' but didn't get the job....then went back to the Green Giant Highway....I ended up teaching school for many years and did quite well in addition to enjoying being around younger people. I know nothing about the mouth swab thing or mouthwash gum which sounds neat. Where there's a Will there's a Shakespeare!!!
I don't know but I got a hot take on it since our state went recreational. Smokin pot has sort of ruined my quality of life because of the same shit, unable to take the job because I can't pass their bullshit. Well I'm not on any prescription meds, just pot so I see the benefits right away. My thing is though, I've stayed loyal to smoking weed loyal to myself...they already chose long ago they don't deserve my loyalty as an employee. So if they still pee test or swab....swab deeez mfers! I've had to work twice as hard as the lame person just because man has made nature illegal. Huge fuck em to all involved in that bullshit yall owe an apology first!
I don't know but I got a hot take on it since our state went recreational. Smokin pot has sort of ruined my quality of life because of the same shit, unable to take the job because I can't pass their bullshit. Well I'm not on any prescription meds, just pot so I see the benefits right away. My thing is though, I've stayed loyal to smoking weed loyal to myself...they already chose long ago they don't deserve my loyalty as an employee. So if they still pee test or swab....swab deeez mfers! I've had to work twice as hard as the lame person just because man has made nature illegal. Huge fuck em to all involved in that bullshit yall owe an apology first!
Well said brother, be loyal to who you were meant to be. You feet vote which way they go every day.
I don't know but I got a hot take on it since our state went recreational. Smokin pot has sort of ruined my quality of life because of the same shit, unable to take the job because I can't pass their bullshit. Well I'm not on any prescription meds, just pot so I see the benefits right away. My thing is though, I've stayed loyal to smoking weed loyal to myself...they already chose long ago they don't deserve my loyalty as an employee. So if they still pee test or swab....swab deeez mfers! I've had to work twice as hard as the lame person just because man has made nature illegal. Huge fuck em to all involved in that bullshit yall owe an apology first!
Man I'm right there with ya. I'm not quitting for anybody but myself and myself says toke it up. Were there no drug tests, it would be nearly the perfect job for me. One of them jobs that only gets an opening when the old farts retire and make room. Something I could do for the rest of my career and get paid handsomely to do it.

I ordered the gum. I'll use it for their pre-hire test and if it works, golden. If not, fuck em I don't want your crappy job anyway. Figured I'll try the gum for the pre-hire so I know whether or not it'll work for the randoms. I don't wanna clean up to get the job and then 6 months down the road, get canned cuz the gum doesn't work. Fuck that.

Not to mention... what would be the point of me even growing weed anymore if I can't smoke it and I make enough money to not need a side hustle. I'm loving this hobby and I'm not even through my first grow. I don't wanna give it up already.
Hey all. I have a job opportunity that I'm looking at. It's a power plant technician position. Basically maintenance, which is perfect as I'm getting tired of this manual labor crap. It's about as high of pay as I could get with my experience and location, plus full benefits, retirement and a pension.

They do random drug testing. An ex-colleague of mine currently works there and says they've tested him 5 times in the last 3 years. Giving up pot isn't at all something I'm interested in doing. Stopping for a month to get the job... no big deal. Quitting forever in fear of a random... big deal.

So with that being said, any of ya'll deal with the ever-lingering threat of a random drug test? I found some detox gum that supposedly works in 30 seconds for 30 minutes. Oral Clear. Any of you ever use this stuff? Seems like it would be discrete enough to pull off and it's basically a super concentrated mouthwash that contains peroxide.

I won't quit smoking for a job. I have a job that pays well where they all know of my extracurricular. It's a don't ask don't tell sort of situation since Master Electricians are hard to come by these days. I'm just tired of carrying around a ladder, for one.

Are there any federal requirements about this, like there are for people in transportation?

Depending on how easy it would be for you to get another job, you might develop a, "So go ahead and fire me," attitude.

In my last job, before I started working for myself, my section of the company was sold to new owners. They were discussing drug testing for all employees, so I told one of the new owners that I would test positive for cannabis. Next thing you know, we were all grandfathered in with no testing.
Man I'm right there with ya. I'm not quitting for anybody but myself and myself says toke it up. Were there no drug tests, it would be nearly the perfect job for me. One of them jobs that only gets an opening when the old farts retire and make room. Something I could do for the rest of my career and get paid handsomely to do it.

I ordered the gum. I'll use it for their pre-hire test and if it works, golden. If not, fuck em I don't want your crappy job anyway. Figured I'll try the gum for the pre-hire so I know whether or not it'll work for the randoms. I don't wanna clean up to get the job and then 6 months down the road, get canned cuz the gum doesn't work. Fuck that.

Not to mention... what would be the point of me even growing weed anymore if I can't smoke it and I make enough money to not need a side hustle. I'm loving this hobby and I'm not even through my first grow. I don't wanna give it up already.
Yea dude your happiness sometimes can't be bought. A job is just a means to get paid, a hobby is a means to stay sane. I love your attitude dude!

One I've been wondering lately is since my state went legal, are police still drug tested? Were supposed to take extra to law enforcement for destroying. My luck is I'd roll up with a half pound or something trying to do the "right thing" and get locked up for having more than 3 zips, then they'll probably take the shit home and smoke it and if they can't maybe they give it to their spouse or sibling/cousin or something. I don't feel right about that part of the law...yall gave me nothing but grief fuck am I gonna bring you free weed for now? If I ever did take it in best believe I'd do all sorts of shit first, pee on it...mix some borax in with it....set em up real good
Are there any federal requirements about this, like there are for people in transportation?

Depending on how easy it would be for you to get another job, you might develop a, "So go ahead and fire me," attitude.

In my last job, before I started working for myself, my section of the company was sold to new owners. They were discussing drug testing for all employees, so I told one of the new owners that I would test positive for cannabis. Next thing you know, we were all grandfathered in with no testing.
I don't think there will be any chance of not getting tested. I've thought of telling them I'm quitting and may not pass the first one, but I almost don't care. I want the job, obviously, but I'm not quitting.

I'm not talking to my current employer until I'm through the interview process and have passed the first test. Unless the test comes after getting hired, I guess. As I've stated before, though, with my position being in such high demand, they'll hire me right back if I failed. I just really wanna be done killing my body for money.
IME swabs detect usage in the past 24 hours. I failed the handful I was given because I was a stubborn bastard and quitting for minimum wage jobs wasn't an option for me.

A coworker passed one time after we bowled down the night before by sucking on a cough drop, but I can't promise that's reliable.

Depending if there's any notice before the test, or if it's truly random, it might be worth the risk. A lot of places in the PNW are no longer allowed to disqualify employees for cannabis usage due to the legality, but they obviously not a national standard yet.

My opinion is an employer can't afford me if they want to dictate what I put in my body when not working. I'm also in a field that everyone low key does a bunch of random shit and we just silently agree not to discuss extracurriculars while at work.
IME swabs detect usage in the past 24 hours. I failed the handful I was given because I was a stubborn bastard and quitting for minimum wage jobs wasn't an option for me.

A coworker passed one time after we bowled down the night before by sucking on a cough drop, but I can't promise that's reliable.

Depending if there's any notice before the test, or if it's truly random, it might be worth the risk. A lot of places in the PNW are no longer allowed to disqualify employees for cannabis usage due to the legality, but they obviously not a national standard yet.

My opinion is an employer can't afford me if they want to dictate what I put in my body when not working. I'm also in a field that everyone low key does a bunch of random shit and we just silently agree not to discuss extracurriculars while at work.
Yeah If I can't be me at work, I don't wanna be there.

I'm being told they're random as in the lady shows up and swabs ya. Maybe a few minutes notice. The guy telling me knows I smoke and knows I'd be good for the job. I'll just have to stop smoking my usual double dab before work and pray for the best. I can get over not smoking in the mornings and at work, but never smoking again... nah. Pass.
Why don't you just ask them what their weed policy is? A lot of employers don't really care about weed anymore especially if you're in a legal state. If you have a med card you can tell them the positive on the test was for your prescription. If they question you about being high on the job you can ask them if they decline employing anyone on prescription pain killers. If it's ok for people to be high on pain killers it should be ok for you to be high on weed.
Why don't you just ask them what their weed policy is? A lot of employers don't really care about weed anymore especially if you're in a legal state. If you have a med card you can tell them the positive on the test was for your prescription. If they question you about being high on the job you can ask them if they decline employing anyone on prescription pain killers. If it's ok for people to be high on pain killers it should be ok for you to be high on weed.
I like your thoughts on it all, but I'm not really in a position to be able to negotiate. The job opening is one that they'll have enough of a selection that any mention of it would put me out of the running. If that doesn't hint to what kind of state I live in, let me elaborate. This place is about as anti-pot as it gets. The kind of place where your close circle of friends never expands because you can't trust any of these muhfuckers. Parents still shake their heads, even after admitting to them that all my accomplishments have been achieved high. A stoner can't win here. I'm only where I'm at with my current employer because they know my worth and they need me. Had to prove myself. This new job won't wanna hear it.
I believe in my state that has medical marijuana, if you have a card a company can't fire you for failing for that without another cause? But I could be wrong and I know it doesn't always work out that way in real life lol

I've passed many many tests in my life... My mom started testing me for pot at 17 and kicked me out when I failed, come back in a few months, pass for a few months then fail one, but I wasn't trying my all to pass them back for my mom's. Got to do more drugs when she kicked me out lol... But I would know the day in advance and I would flush myself out with water and niacin.

I've passed one for a job with one of those drinks, made my pee neon green but I passed 😂
Here is one of those drinks, works in an hour. I keep one in the cupboard.

I've heard that if it's a swab you will pass unless you're smoking a joint on your way down to HR. Worked with a girl who said she got high that morning, within first hour gets into a forklift accident and passes the mouth swab.

What are the medical laws in your state

Edit, I'm starting a new job, just accepted their offer, and I liked how not one mention of drug test, but I'm still anxious about what the work culture will be towards marijuana. I might have to get my medical card or something idk
Method 1

Passing the Test with No Prep Time​

  1. Image titled Pass a Mouth Swab Test Step 1
    Suck sour candies to make your saliva more acidic. The more acidic and sugary your saliva becomes, the more difficult it is for drugs to be detected in it. So, if you only have 5–10 minutes before you'll be given a mandatory drug swab test, pop in 2 or 3 sour citrus candies. Suck them (rather than chewing) to get as much of the acidic citrus flavoring out of the candies as you can![1]
    Note: Multiple studies have shown that swab tests for drug use yield lower results right after people sucked citrus candies.

  2. Image titled Pass a Mouth Swab Test Step 2
    Chew a couple of pieces of gum to increase your saliva production. Chewing on a piece of gum stimulates your saliva production, which will dilute the concentration of any drugs in your saliva. Chewing gum will also change the chemical makeup of your oral fluids, which can make the mouth swab test less effective.[2] If you have a choice between different flavors, opt for a cinnamon or strong citrus flavors.
    • It wouldn't be a bad idea to carry a pack of gum with you to work on a daily basis if you're concerned about surprise swab tests.

  3. Image titled Pass a Mouth Swab Test Step 3
    Rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide 5 minutes before the test. Peroxide is what's known as an “adulterant”: a chemical that interferes with the swab test's ability to accurately detect drugs in your saliva. Take a gulp of peroxide just before your test, and swish it around inside your mouth for 30 seconds. Then spit it out into the sink.[3] Be careful not to accidentally swallow any of the peroxide. It's can cause internal harm if ingested.
    • Avoid using alcohol-based mouthwashes, though, as they can lead to a false positive result for alcohol abuse.
    Tip: If you don't have peroxide, try rinsing with a mouthwash, which is also an adulterant.

Method 2

Preparing in Advance​

  1. Image titled Pass a Mouth Swab Test Step 4
    Avoid taking any drugs for 72 hours before the test. The mouth swab test can only reliably detect drugs ingested in the last 48–72 hours.[4] Most oral swab tests are administered to check for marijuana use, as the THC compounds in marijuana are easily detectable in saliva. To be on the safe side, though, also lay off of whatever other drugs you may be using for 72 hours. Spending at least 72 hours drug-free is recommended to be on the safe side, especially if you are a heavy user.
    • Also avoid taking cough suppressant medication that contains codeine.

  2. Image titled Gain Weight While on ADHD Medication Step 2
    Add high-fat foods to your meals for 48 hours before the test. The THC molecules in your bloodstream (and saliva) bind easily to fat. Then, when the fat is eliminated from your body, it takes the THC with it, making your drug use much more difficult to detect. So, for 2 days before the oral swab test, eat high-fat foods as part of every meal to flush the THC out of your body.[5]
    Tip: Items from fast food restaurants and highly processed foods are high in fat. For a healthier option, though, try eating tuna or salmon, along with avocados, whole eggs, nuts, and cheese.

  3. Image titled Pass a Mouth Swab Test Step 6
    Sip water throughout the day to keep up saliva production. In theory, new saliva will have lower concentrations of drug-related chemicals than older saliva. Stay hydrated by sipping water, herbal tea, or fruit juice frequently, so you can produce more saliva. Also avoid liquids that dehydrate your body, including coffee, black tea, and alcohol.[6]
    • Chemicals get into your saliva from your bloodstream, which can't be “flushed out” the same way. Still, there's no harm in upping your hydration and saliva output for 48–72 hours before the test.

  4. Image titled Pass a Mouth Swab Test Step 4
    Brush your teeth twice daily to remove lingering old saliva. This isn't a very effective method, but it might slightly decrease the amount of THC (or chemicals from other drugs) lingering in your mouth. Use a new toothbrush and a reputable brand of toothpaste, and scrub your teeth for at least 2 minutes after breakfast and dinner. Make sure to scrub your tongue and cheeks as well as your teeth. Rinse and spit at the end.[7]
    • Brushing your teeth thoroughly and consistently won't work any miracles, but it will ensure that old oral fluids aren't built up in your mouth.

  5. Image titled Pass a Mouth Swab Test Step 7
    Gargle every 15 minutes for 4–5 hours before the test. If you get to work and find out that you have a swab test in 4 or 5 hours, don't panic! Step into the bathroom, take a big mouthful of water, and gargle with it for 20–30 seconds. Repeat this every quarter hour before your swab test. Rinsing with water will dilute the concentration of THC (or other drug chemicals) in your saliva and will make the drugs slightly harder to detect.[8]
    • The effect this will have will be small and short-lived.[9] But it's also one of the easiest steps you can take.

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