Three finger leaves, what’s going on here?


POTM Winner 🏆
May 21, 2023
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Any conjecture as to why this plant (and her sister clone), are producing only three fingers on each leaf?

I cut them and they started flowering, then revegging as they were rooting.

The leaves are big and healthy looking but only have three fingers per leaf.

Will they ever produce five, seven or nine points?

Will it affect quality or quantities when it does move back into flower?

Confused in kalifornia!IMG_6670.jpegIMG_6648.jpegIMG_6649.jpeg
Not an expert but from what we've gathered it's caused by stress.

Defoliating, temperatures, temp swings, RH, RH Swings, water PH, water EC, etc. At least for us it's usually not one or two of those things, but a combination of a lot of them at once. We did a defoliation, it's hot, RH is down, water EC was high and boom a bunch of three finger leaves.

Usually takes a couple weeks to grow out of it, but they always seem to, assuming you correct what's stressing her.
Any conjecture as to why this plant (and her sister clone), are producing only three fingers on each leaf?

I cut them and they started flowering, then revegging as they were rooting.

The leaves are big and healthy looking but only have three fingers per leaf.

Will they ever produce five, seven or nine points?

Will it affect quality or quantities when it does move back into flower?

Confused in kalifornia!View attachment 60323View attachment 60324View attachment 60325
What strain is this?
A few I've grown show 3 finger leaves when stressed, apples an bananas was HORRIBLE about it. She was actually the worst plant to grow when stressed lol.
Any conjecture as to why this plant (and her sister clone), are producing only three fingers on each leaf?

I cut them and they started flowering, then revegging as they were rooting.

The leaves are big and healthy looking but only have three fingers per leaf.

Will they ever produce five, seven or nine points?

Will it affect quality or quantities when it does move back into flower?

Confused in kalifornia!View attachment 60323View attachment 60324View attachment 60325
My guess is clones want more light when you put them out early, so you need to supplement light up until June or plant them last week of May early June. Earlier than that and they may start to flower and then reveg. Kind of looks like a partial reveg to me. That or she is getting stress maybe wanting more room for her roots. Thats my opinion and reasoning for it.

I also see some shade thrown over them in the pic...I've had plants along fences, corn fields etc start flowering early because the higher vegetation around them sort of acts as light deprevation while other same clones in full sun didn't.
Have you ever seen this plant produce more than 3 leaves?
If not genetic which is possible although rare, it is usually some sort or combo of stresses as mentioned.
Have you ever seen this plant produce more than 3 leaves?
If not genetic which is possible although rare, it is usually some sort or combo of stresses as mentioned.
This is a Super Blue Dream strain, neither this plant nor her sister clone have ever (since reveg), shown more than 3 leaves.

The mother plant they were both cut from had 5s and 7s.

The sister clone is in the Bay Area under LEDs, getting 16 hrs of light, cooler temps.
Both show only the 3 fingers.
My guess is clones want more light when you put them out early, so you need to supplement light up until June or plant them last week of May early June. Earlier than that and they may start to flower and then reveg. Kind of looks like a partial reveg to me. That or she is getting stress maybe wanting more room for her roots. Thats my opinion and reasoning for it.

I also see some shade thrown over them in the pic...I've had plants along fences, corn fields etc start flowering early because the higher vegetation around them sort of acts as light deprevation while other same clones in full sun didn't.
The shadow pic was at 6AM. There is a 7 foot pomegranate right to it’s east. After 6:30am, it’s in direct sun until 7:30pm or 8pm. There are a couple hours of bright sky bracketing it’s direct sun exposure.
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ive seen this quite abit on plants that have revegged..sometimes they get back to 5-7 before budding .i had a monstercropped plant(cutting from early flower ) throw out threes.i wasn’t too concerned bout that but more all the gazillion shoots..i was taking shoots off the branches just leaving 4-5 at the top then once it started budding didn’t touch it again..a cutting from veg turns out great but the monstercropped one was a little airy.buds looked big but had no body..I wouldn’t b concerned bout the 3 leafs..plants look good.should get really bushy.
ive seen this quite abit on plants that have revegged..sometimes they get back to 5-7 before budding .i had a monstercropped plant(cutting from early flower ) throw out threes.i wasn’t too concerned bout that but more all the gazillion shoots..i was taking shoots off the branches just leaving 4-5 at the top then once it started budding didn’t touch it again..a cutting from veg turns out great but the monstercropped one was a little airy.buds looked big but had no body..I wouldn’t b concerned bout the 3 leafs..plants look good.should get really bushy.
Oh yeah, it has a million growth points.

That was another question I have, should I do any pruning?
Given that I have the best light possible over this bad girl, I figure it should be okay with a lot of budsites. But I don’t want to end up growing what is the equivalent of shake!
Didn’t have the bat poop, so I gave it a 15.0.0 feeding.
That has a lot of calcium in it, so I hope that doesn’t goof me up with lockout.
I cup pee / gal water for immediate results. Days start getting shorter in 2 weeks. Looks like it's gonna finish early, so it needs to shift gears now imo.
We spent most of yesterday in the 100s, topped out at 103.7, RH of 25%.
Stayed in the upper 80s most of the night.
Finally dropped to 68 just before sunrise, so over 100 again today!

The plant in question, grew nearly 3 inches yesterday.

It’s acting like a stretch, so I’ll just keep hitting it with nitrogen heavy nutes.
I’m worried if this isn’t a stretch, and it can grow 3 inches a day between now and when I expect the stretch to begin (July 31). This thing is going to be hanging over the fences into the neighbors yards :0
I've had plants that revegged and then took about 2 months to develop more than 3 leaflet leaves. I was told it's bad to flower them that way, without further explanation as to why it was bad. The implication was that it was somehow unhealthy for the plant not to fully recover from revegging.

I wouldn't worry about it.
Oh yeah, it has a million growth points.

That was another question I have, should I do any pruning?
Given that I have the best light possible over this bad girl, I figure it should be okay with a lot of budsites. But I don’t want to end up growing what is the equivalent of shake!
And those growth points grow right up next to the main stalks. Eventually it becomes a head of romaine lettuce looking shit.
At least one of the two plants has finally started producing 5s!
The Bay Area plant, which is by far the smaller of the two Super Blue Dream clones, finally started producing leaves with 5 fingers.

The bigger plant (at least 3x larger), is growing in the central sierra foothills, I won’t be back to that location until next Monday, but it seems like the nitrogen dump that was recommended may have done the trick.

Thank you @Growsince79, your recommendation seems to have turned the page on getting these girls right on target!

Both plants are pushing out pairs of white hairs everywhere. These are not the beginning of buds, just the girls announcing that they are mature and ready to flower when ever Mother Nature cooperates! It feels like they want to flip sooner rather than later.

Here we go!
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