Understanding Organic Redox; reduction reaction theory


Puff Paladin
May 16, 2023
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Organic reductions or organic oxidations or organic redox reactions are redox reactions that take place with organic compounds. In organic chemistry oxidations and reductions are different from ordinary redox reactions, because many reactions carry the name but do not actually involve electron transfer. Instead the relevant criterion for organic oxidation is gain of oxygen and/or loss of hydrogen, respectively.

Simple functional groups can be arranged in order of increasing oxidation state. The oxidation numbers are only an approximation:

When methane is oxidized to carbon dioxide its oxidation number changes from −4 to +4. Classical reductions include alkene reduction to alkanes and classical oxidations include oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes. In oxidations electrons are removed and the electron density of a molecule is reduced. In reductions electron density increases when electrons are added to the molecule. This terminology is always centered on the organic compound. Many oxidations involve removal of hydrogen atoms from the organic molecule, and reduction adds hydrogens to an organic molecule.

Many redox reactions in organic chemistry have coupling reaction reaction mechanism involving free radical intermediates. True organic redox chemistry can be found in electrochemical organic synthesis or electrosynthesis. Examples of organic reactions that can take place in an electrochemical cell are the Kolbe electrolysis.

In disproportionation reactions the reactant is both oxidised and reduced in the same chemical reaction forming two separate compounds.

Asymmetric catalytic reductions and asymmetric catalytic oxidations are important in asymmetric synthesis.
Redox enzymes are a general term for enzymes that catalyze the redox between two molecules. Among them, oxidase can catalyze the oxidation of substances by oxygen, and dehydrogenase can catalyze the removal of hydrogen from material molecules. Numerous redox enzymes in organisms require coenzyme NAD or NADP as well as FAD or FMN when reacting.
In biochemistry, an oxidoreductase is an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of electrons from one molecule, the reductant, also called the electron donor, to another, the oxidant, also called the electron acceptor. This group of enzymes usually utilizes NADP+ or NAD+ as cofactors. Transmembrane oxidoreductases create electron transport chains in bacteria, chloroplasts and mitochondria,

Some others can associate with biological membranes as peripheral membrane proteins or be anchored to the membranes through a single transmembrane helix. 🧬
Enough for now. Feel free to ask questions or understanding a concept

Brief synopsis:

Guiding composition of elements... sugar.. alkene amines and alkaloid production building blocks... Custom chemical Assembly line

Outsourced Co factor and enzyme production

More 🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗 mean less bottleneck in traffic and transmission between cells and fluids....

Supercharged nad+ and energy outputs. Front loading Mitochondria and Krebs cycle

Remember to have me address the subject of fluid dynamics in another thread topic if it's interesting to anyone. That's all I got for now
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If anyone wants to encourage a plant to incorporate a particular chemical memory it can be "learned"or"trained" "evolved"into the RNA levels of the plants over generations; "in theory..."

The exhaustive list above comes with caveat of caution... Some chemical compounds on the list are extremely unhealthy and/or known carcinogen. Also some truly special combination possible

Extreme alchemy

Artificial selection is the identification by humans of desirable traits in plants and microorganisms and the steps taken to enhance and perpetuate those traits in future generations.
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Wow look at that went right over my head ! What was it a bird a plane -no it’s the franksta
Things to know
Easiest way to balance redox reactions
A redox equation can be balanced using the following stepwise procedure: (1) Divide the equation into two half-reactions. (2) Balance each half-reaction for mass and charge. (3) Equalize the number of electrons transferred in each half-reaction. (4) Add the half-reactions together.

Balancing Organic Redox Reactions​


You may balance organic redox reactions in the usual manner using oxidation numbers and electron transfers
(see the approach in most general chemistry textbooks)

Oxidation number is calculated assuming polar bonds between different atoms,
where a C-H bond is polarized C-/H+ , a C-O bond is C+/O- , and a C-C bond is nonpolar
Or you may use the following technique, which recognizes that

Many organic oxidation/reduction reactions amount to a change of one O atom or 2 H atoms

( sometimes a generic oxidant is written as [O] or reductant as [H] )
Examples of oxidations (with C oxidation numbers):

Steps in balancing redox reactions:

1) Divide the overall reaction into an oxidation half-reaction and a reduction half-reaction
2) Balance atoms other than O and H by inspection
3) Balance charges by adding, as needed, H+ (in acidic solution) or OH- (in basic solution)
4) Balance O by adding H2O as needed
5) Balance H by adding H (neutral H atoms, an artificial device)
6) Combine the two half-reactions so that the artificial H atoms cancel
7) If desired, add appropriate counterions (e.g., Na+)
I'm going to need to re read this several times to try and grasp the basic idea of what is going on but what jumped out at me as I skimmed through the info is that it boils down to hydrogen and oxygen levels and the electrical processes that allow the transfers to happen in a more efficient way by catalyzing certain elements?
I'm going to need to re read this several times to try and grasp the basic idea of what is going on but what jumped out at me as I skimmed through the info is that it boils down to hydrogen and oxygen levels and the electrical processes that allow the transfers to happen in a more efficient way by catalyzing certain elements?
Yeah and water.... Co2 hydrogen and oxygen are interchangeable

Even 🎯 exotic species can be created from those four elements plus an x factor. Ie sugar or amines

100% interchangeable just need to release or absorb energy

The beautiful about this approach is it's additive to the biological process of photosynthesis going on up above. Creating a type of synergistic effect
Yeah and water.... Co2 hydrogen and oxygen are interchangeable

Even 🎯 exotic species can be created from those four elements plus an x factor. Ie sugar or amines

100% interchangeable just need to release or absorb energy
I'm guessing this is where electro gardening is coming from? Cationic effects in soil?
I'm guessing this is where electro gardening is coming from? Cationic effects in soil?
I believe so yeah

I just think there's a lot of ways to do things and we don't have to lock ourselves into any one method and allow for the creative to occur. Creating a customized chemical conduit

But certainly having a handle on reaction timing and rates is critical to pH and SUCCESS

With coconut, peat moss or soil substrate it might be forgiving but in hydro and aeroponics require a more stableized approach. Complete your reaction to the end then rebalance and go...

CoCo is one of the best battery membrane IMO cause of it's CEC capacity...

Biochar is a developing technology because it can be used as raw material for making battery anodes. This technology is widely used in electronic devices such as cell phones, camera recorders, and laptops.
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Mark my words fellas. There going to one day grow antenna and solar panels in trees and learn how to network them together into arrays ... It's all very real science

The era of electrical bioengineering is here. But you would need a supercomputer AI modeling simulation to do it on a high level. Mostly our DNA 🧬 Is universal. We simply need to fudge the modeling ends and you can build virtually anything

Matter is the material substance that constitutes the observable universe and, together with energy, forms the basis of all objective phenomena. Energy, in physics, is the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms.
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I believe so yeah

I just think there's a lot of ways to do things and we don't have to lock ourselves into any one method and allow for the creative to occur. Creating a customized chemical conduit

But certainly having a handle on reaction timing and rates is critical to pH and SUCCESS

With coconut, peat moss or soil substrate it might be forgiving but in hydro and aeroponics require a more stableized approach. Complete your reaction to the end then rebalance and go...

CoCo is one of the best battery membrane IMO cause of it's CEC capacity...

Biochar is a developing technology because it can be used as raw material for making battery anodes. This technology is widely used in electronic devices such as cell phones, camera recorders, and laptops
Holy fuck yes.

I'm missing some of the underlying information that all of this builds on top of, but I'll figure it out.
Redox enzymes are a general term for enzymes that catalyze the redox between two molecules. Among them, oxidase can catalyze the oxidation of substances by oxygen, and dehydrogenase can catalyze the removal of hydrogen from material molecules. Numerous redox enzymes in organisms require coenzyme NAD or NADP as well as FAD or FMN when reacting.
I don't speak organic chemistry, yet.

For More on Biochar:

Dr. David A. Laird
USDA National Soil Tilth Laboratory g
Biochar not only offers a lot of environmental solutions, it can also provide the farmer and rural communities with a host of real benefits. These include improved soil quality; greater crop yields; higher fertilization efficiency; reduce contamination of groundwater from herbicides and other pollutants; heat for homes, barns, and other applications; and potentially the ability to sell carbon credits and offsets in emerging carbon markets.
If pyrolysis technologies are further developed and refined it may be possible to economically capture energy in the form of syngas and bio-oils that can be used to reduce dependence on foreign oil and gas while reducing carbon emissions.
Biochar could have an even more powerful impact on developing countries where food shortages, population pressures, and declining soil productivity often pose significant challenges. Simply put, biochar production is a long lever from which we can grab a hold of several problems turning them into opportunities to boost efficiency, economics and sustainability for the farmer.
While the potential benefits of biochar are large, there remain a lot of uncertainties and challenges. For instance, while using crop residues for biochar production is appealing, how much can be sustainably harvested without having negative impacts on soil quality? Figuring out means of sustainably harvesting, processing, and shipping biochar without expending too much money or carbon will certainly be a significant challenge. And determining the best methods of applying biochar to fields so that it is not prone to wind and water erosion is also going to be critical.
It’s prudent to stress that while biochar may have strong beneficial impacts on many soils, it’s unlikely that the dramatic increases in crop production reported for highly weathered soils in the tropics will also be shared by already fertile soils in temperate climates.
The most important challenge for biochar, in my opinion, will be integrating it into already existing models of sustainable agriculture that work to improve soil health, ecosystem services, and biodiversity. We will need to find out how biochar can work with other methods of soil carbon sequestration such as no- till, cover cropping, manuring, mulching, and agroforestry.
Biochar farming is likely to be largely experimental during the first decades. Many systems will need to be tried and tested which should offer farmers opportunities for partaking in novel and exciting research trials and a role in developing revolutionary agroecological models of “carbon farming” in which
biochar plays a critical role.
Presently, agricultural is one of the most highest greenhouse gas emitting sectors of society. It’s also highly dependent on huge amounts of fossil fuels to run tractors, make fertilizer, and ship food long distances. Biochar offers a unique opportunity to help transform agriculture from being part of the problem to being part of the solution.
There are many questions that need to be addressed when it comes to biochar: What is the best method for producing biochar? What feedstock can or should be used? What is the most efficient way to capture energy from the pyrolysis process? What is the best method to apply biochar to soils and at what rates? Despite the large amount of uncertainty—including possible detrimental effects if not used in an intelligent and appropriate manner—the initial data suggest that the potential benefits of biochar to farming are significant.
Potential benefits that biochar offers for farming include:
1. Improved soil fertility and crop yields
2. Increased fertilizer efficiency use
3. Improved water retention, aeration and soil tilth
4. Higher cation exchange capacity and less nutrient runoff
5. Clean and efficient biomass energy production from crop residues and forest debris
6. Combined heat, power, and refirgeration opportunities from pyrolysis
7. Leads to net sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere to the soil thereby increasing soil organic carbon (SOC)
8. Greater on-farm profitability
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