Weeks 7, 8 and 9 - the lost weeks?


Herb Hitman
May 21, 2023
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It seems all the article I can find on growing weed give the promise of 7 - 8 weeks of flower and finished.

I gotta say, reading a lot of the statements from here and the lesser website across the street, everyone is like, don’t even think about harvest before 10 weeks! WTF?

Well, it’s true, but why the difference on web documents versus what is fact?
Did people used to harvest weed too early and it’s just now being corrected?
Is weed slower to ripen than 25 or 50 years ago? (I’m sure a global warming tax will fix that!).

Sitting here watching ladies in mid week 7, they are chugging along beautifully, golden and bronze colors beginning to show up, buds are fat but still tossing out clumps of white pistils and they look like they are a little bit bigger every day!

The first grow, I couldn’t wait to chop just because I wanted to smoke my own weed!
The second grow, I still wanted to chop, chop, chop, but I knew better and waited almost long enough.
Now, it’s like “just wait it out, it gets better every day! Just wait it out”.

Okay, yes my brain is just rambling, lucky you, you get the benefits of my mental exercises this morning!

Enjoy your holiday my friends!
ime the timelines have always been skewed because of all the variables at play. part of me thinks that breeders put these timelines on their packs because that timeline is when they started seeing mature turtles breaking out of calyxes. without sending a plant to procreate, it has to confuse the biology in some way, and that would extend out the flowering period by at least a few weeks as far as the logic in my head says.

that's why when we start to see senescence take hold, suddenly the buds throw patches of new white pistils and a third wind of vigorous growth. the plant realizes "shit, i have all this baby makin' hormone but no one has seeded me. i'm dying and need to try one last time to carry on the bloodline."

even in my own pet breeding projects, i've noticed a difference between the sensimilla plants and the seeded plants. unpollinated female plants carry much more vigor in the late stages of flower versus a thoroughly bred female who's content with their heavy does of male "love."

all that being said, it's also probably a lot of marketing BS. no one wants to be the one not making sales because they clearly state "somewhere between 10-13 weeks from budset to harvest" on their packaging. i think Jeff is the only breeder that's been pretty upfront with his customers about when to pull for desired effects. then again, he's the only breeder i've engaged with that seems to give a shit about the people paying for his work. some of the others in his caliber are complete assholes and buffer themselves with seed banks instead of engaging with their customers, and they're the same ones saying eight weeks to harvest is a guaranteed number.
It seems all the article I can find on growing weed give the promise of 7 - 8 weeks of flower and finished.

I gotta say, reading a lot of the statements from here and the lesser website across the street, everyone is like, don’t even think about harvest before 10 weeks! WTF?

Well, it’s true, but why the difference on web documents versus what is fact?
Did people used to harvest weed too early and it’s just now being corrected?
Is weed slower to ripen than 25 or 50 years ago? (I’m sure a global warming tax will fix that!).

Sitting here watching ladies in mid week 7, they are chugging along beautifully, golden and bronze colors beginning to show up, buds are fat but still tossing out clumps of white pistils and they look like they are a little bit bigger every day!

The first grow, I couldn’t wait to chop just because I wanted to smoke my own weed!
The second grow, I still wanted to chop, chop, chop, but I knew better and waited almost long enough.
Now, it’s like “just wait it out, it gets better every day! Just wait it out”.

Okay, yes my brain is just rambling, lucky you, you get the benefits of my mental exercises this morning!

Enjoy your holiday my friends!
i think there is more to this than just the timelines are off. The Environment plays a huge role on plant life spans. If you give a plan high PPFD. Add Co2 to the environment, Feed Correctly your growth rates with vary. Also media has something to be considered also.
Ive been chopping earlier actually than most, no more than 9-10 weeks and ive noticed increased flavor and terps. But like Anthem said its highly strain, environment and medium dependent.
I've always assumed breeders just reduce the actual time to maturity by a week or two, for marketing purposes. But I've heard several swear that their maturity times are based on the times reported by their testers.

My thoughts are that either their testers are better-dialed-in-than-average growers or their testers harvest plants too soon -- when they see amber anywhere on a bud.

In my current grow, the plants seem to be maturing faster than is usual for me, probably because I'm keeping things quite toasty warm in there, even during lights out. This makes me lean a little more toward the idea that the testers are not your average THC Farmer-type growers.
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