Bandit on a Safari and I'm Hunting Unicorns


Main light is a spectramax 1000

Left and right supplements are ACI Ionframes

And UV is ACI Ionbeams, 10 bars total when it's all installed

I see...pretty nice
The flag looks like the same one on Racing USA and about the same quality as a Mahindra one with the car I got a few years ago. Texas weather is a bit harsh on them and only last a year so with this one I'll hang it in my carport so the wind and UV don't mess it up and it stays out of the hands of damn squirrels. They tore my SHR flag to hell.

The hauler haul was kinda weak with all the new drivers and drivers changing teams this year man.
Not much for Briscoe so this was all I got. No flag was available

i'll keep an eye out for a Briscoe flag from the place i got my flag from.. going on the third year now and not a single fray!! a slight fade but not bad at all. had to get a new stars n stripes, last one was all torn up from wind.

just got mine up the other day. we had some really nice weather and broke 70 the other day!!!


When my aero failed it was very similar to what I saw with yours. My choice was either fix the 'dro or move to soil and give it a tea. IDK what it was but it just looked like what I call "upset tummy" where everything internal and uptake wise is sick. Compost tea is like a dose of pepto in those regards so I went to soil and tea.
They all lived and moved on from it but I still think it stunted all my plants.
Funny you mentioned ebb & flow because I'm thinking maybe the same thing but using airpots and those mesh pot things stardog uses for seedlings but much larger for my airpots to fit inside. That way the flood cycles don't wash soil out of the airpots.
I'd mostly use it like an autowaterer so I don't have to hand water 20-25 airpots.

i think between the two of us man we've tried almost every auto watering there is for the airpots!!!

after recently looking at my hydro plant i have decided i am going back to airpots next round in soil. i'm going back to the small size and SIP like i used to do. i stopped doing that officially because my older plants were rotting at the stalks and snapping off out of nowhere... it's really how i lost ARC. at first i felt this was a SIP thing and causing my soil to be too wet, turns out i later learned that it was just my soil build from all those years of compacting and reusing my soil. it wasn't until i bought new soil till i realized just how bad i've developed the old stuff into over the years.

those pineapple root balls were the best growth i've had and want to go back to that.

Yeah Pride Lands makes a few soils and one is even tuned for flowering! Super hard to find and have it shipped though. I found one shop and it came out to around $55/bag/1.5cf.
But they also make the 2 - 5.5 - 5.5 NPK bloom formula to add into soils and it's much more cost effective so I ordered it to use in my mixer. Got all the good stuff I like to see in a bloom blend like crab & oyster, kelp, glacier dust and more.

yes sir, thats the stuff i've been using. i like their whole lineup!!!

greengro always has good prime day sales as well!!!!
i'll keep an eye out for a Briscoe flag from the place i got my flag from.. going on the third year now and not a single fray!! a slight fade but not bad at all. had to get a new stars n stripes, last one was all torn up from wind.

just got mine up the other day. we had some really nice weather and broke 70 the other day!!!

View attachment 93077

i think between the two of us man we've tried almost every auto watering there is for the airpots!!!

after recently looking at my hydro plant i have decided i am going back to airpots next round in soil. i'm going back to the small size and SIP like i used to do. i stopped doing that officially because my older plants were rotting at the stalks and snapping off out of nowhere... it's really how i lost ARC. at first i felt this was a SIP thing and causing my soil to be too wet, turns out i later learned that it was just my soil build from all those years of compacting and reusing my soil. it wasn't until i bought new soil till i realized just how bad i've developed the old stuff into over the years.

those pineapple root balls were the best growth i've had and want to go back to that.

yes sir, thats the stuff i've been using. i like their whole lineup!!!

greengro always has good prime day sales as well!!!!

I saw today they have a flag up on JGR's team store. Same style you sent.
I need a new stars and stripes too since mine was worn out. Might go for a deluxe flag next since they last longer than the cheapies they sell around the 4th of July.
Sun and squirrels are the worst on my flags. Just the spot on the fence gets full sun all day and squirrels try to tears bits of to build nests.

But I may have a remedy for the squirrels finally. I went and got combat loaded on the cayenne pepper....


Every time I mess with other ideas I always come back to airpots. I'm just dialed in with them better than anything I suppose.
I really like what I did waiting to upcan after flip so I saved labor and soils. I'll be interested to see exactly how much the roots grew after pistils show.
I used 5 gallon pots but manipulated volume so even though small plants are in 5g pots, there's only maybe 2.5 gallons of soil in there.
The perfect process for me is in there somewhere and I'm feeling it's very close the most I experiment with some things.


Picked up a one of kind rare art piece today. It will be here Monday and I plan on hanging it at my work for all to see.
It should probably be sent to Louvre or maybe even Smithsonian, it's that special. That unique.
Picasso? Meh
Rembrandt? Amateur.

The artist is from Indiana but the gallery is in North Carolina yet he made the piece here in my town only a few short weeks ago!
I even got to meet the artist and from there on knew I needed to have one of his latest pieces.

It really captures the essence of wheel hop in the esses and "rubbin' is racin' " IMO.

Screenshot 2025-03-13 100041.png
ah man thats the coolest piece you own!!!!! even your boss is gonna be jelly of that one!!!!!


freakin tree rats man!!! does the hot pepper thing chase them away? every few years the population around here gets in my opinion out of control so i thin the herd every few years but thats not something you could do where you live, cops would be at your house in minutes!! around here when gun shots go off neighbors honk their horns and wave!! haha


is this one of your smaller volume soil runs than you normally do? i can't remember you flowering in much less than 3.7gal before?

i bet it's nice not growing in triple digits for once and maybe able to use less soil that way?
ah man thats the coolest piece you own!!!!! even your boss is gonna be jelly of that one!!!!!


freakin tree rats man!!! does the hot pepper thing chase them away? every few years the population around here gets in my opinion out of control so i thin the herd every few years but thats not something you could do where you live, cops would be at your house in minutes!! around here when gun shots go off neighbors honk their horns and wave!! haha


is this one of your smaller volume soil runs than you normally do? i can't remember you flowering in much less than 3.7gal before?

i bet it's nice not growing in triple digits for once and maybe able to use less soil that way?

The sheet metal at work has been a hit since I started it. My boss calls them "car parts" hahaha. 😂
There's one guy who was always coming in to look at them. People on tours are always curious and just about everybody has had to come in and touch them and ask about them.
Admittedly though, there is just something cool about race used body parts hanging on a wall as art, especially fenders and doors with full numbers on them.

IDK if the cayenne will so much chase those fuckers off as much as deter them from certain areas.
So for my garden I'm gonna fence it off and inside the fence where my dogs can't go I'll sprinkle a lot of pepper on the ground.
At the base of flag poles and on fence lines I'll coat them with Vaseline then coat the jelly with pepper and create barriers.
They won't want to get that pepper on their paws so they'll avoid it.
At least that's the plan anyways until I develop a hat that gives me mind control over squirrels and I can send them to run out in front of cars and get ran over😋


Yeah this is one of the smallest grows I've done in a long time.
Pots are sold as 5g but true volume is 3.4 then when I put a plant in, some pots are only filled a little above half way. I kinda like that though because I've always liked wider than taller pots so it fits well.
In the past I think I've used 7-8 bags of soil to fill up a footprint but this grow is only 3 bags. Still 10 plants though so all this is a matter of just finding the right fit I suppose.

This sculpting method I'm doing keeps the plants more slender rather than bushy so I can fit more than normal going from 5 plants to 7-8 in the same space.
It's getting very close to being dialed in so hopefully the next grow all pieces fall into place and I get to see what this room can do maxed out.

Ideally, two tables with 7-8 plants each with plants ranging from 2'-4' tall, 2' wide, canopy leveled with hydraulics, and completed in 100 days from dry seed to harvest is the goal..
Everything is there except for the plant numbers so I'm thinking drop 25-30 seeds instead of only 20 and I should be there.

It's warm here again. 93 yesterday. I pretty much pissed away Winter easiness and am dealing with heat again. I'm just getting good at it now and the upgrades to intake and exhaust are doing well so far.
91 is the breaking point where stress happens so as long as I can tamp heat down to below 90 I'm doing well. I think I do my best work in a room running 82-88 but once they get used to being warm like that then 70s here are probably like what happens to you when temps are in the 60s or lower. It's all about acclimation.

Big weekend lined up because I've got two days off after a 12 day stretch of pure grind!!!😩
Got trips to Home Depot lined up for some grow room needed hardware then to the grocery store.
Gonna light the grill for the first cook out of the season! 🔥Chicken, seafood, and veggie kabobs are on the menu.🍗🍤🫑🌶️
Gotta make a run to costco for garlic too.🧄
New blade for the mower is here so I'll change that out and finish cutting the grass. Also doing yard work and garden prep.
Also gotta hang that TV in the extraction lab and of course, get high as fuck and stay there and watch a ton of racing!!!;checkers;bris;checkers
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Some lady posted pics of another woman letting her dog catch and kill a squirrel at a local park on our neighborhood online news forum.
Of course you get the bleeding hearts crowd and the squirrels have AIDS, herpes, covid, and rabies crowd chiming in on the comments but I'm sitting here saying "Hell yeah get that little fucker! That's a damn good dog! Squirrels taste like chicken so chow down Pooch!!"
So yeah, I keep my comments to myself around those fucking Karens. ;gr

When you're high, squishing nugs, and come up with an idea. Then you make that idea a reality;pirate



Because who doesn't wanna watch nug smasher videos while they smash nugs?🙃

BTW...If anybody just so happens to need a stl file to 3D print an adapter to hang a flat screen tv in a grow tent, hit me up ;smoke

Nug of another sort I found in a jar of of dispo diamonds. Thing is the size of a toddler's thumb


Way cooler than expected !!
It's the Mona Lisa of carbon fiber!😋🔥;bris;hem


Summer lids for 2025 are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


When you're high, squishing nugs, and come up with an idea. Then you make that idea a reality;pirate

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View attachment 93700

Because who doesn't wanna watch nug smasher videos while they smash nugs?🙃

BTW...If anybody just so happens to need a stl file to 3D print an adapter to hang a flat screen tv in a grow tent, hit me up ;smoke

Nug of another sort I found in a jar of of dispo diamonds. Thing is the size of a toddler's thumb

View attachment 93698

Way cooler than expected !!
It's the Mona Lisa of carbon fiber!😋🔥;bris;hem

View attachment 93701

Summer lids for 2025 are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

View attachment 93717

When you're high, squishing nugs, and come up with an idea. Then you make that idea a reality;pirate

View attachment 93699

View attachment 93700

Because who doesn't wanna watch nug smasher videos while they smash nugs?🙃

BTW...If anybody just so happens to need a stl file to 3D print an adapter to hang a flat screen tv in a grow tent, hit me up ;smoke

Nug of another sort I found in a jar of of dispo diamonds. Thing is the size of a toddler's thumb

View attachment 93698

Way cooler than expected !!
It's the Mona Lisa of carbon fiber!😋🔥;bris;hem

View attachment 93701

Summer lids for 2025 are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

View attachment 93717
I thought I was spoiled.
Y'all are too funny.;giggle
Gonna take the extraction lab for a test drive Friday. Gotta say it is nice to have everything in one space and not strung out between the g/room, dab bar, and boxes in closets.

So I finally have all the UV set up and installed in probably my most meaningful use of it being able to deploy it and measure it then see what happens.
It is UV-A by AC Infinity set to max power and TBH, very little regards for manufacturer recs and instead using a pulse pro as a 3rd party consultant if you will to set height, concentration, and coverage spread.

It runs for 10 hours/day beginning 1 hour after lights on and shutting off one hour before lights off.

3D printer once again very involved in creating parts like outriggers, chassis, and hanger A's



Screenshot 2025-03-18 141512.png

Let's turn 'em white!!!





Looks like I've found a new race track for RC NASCAR!!!! ;hop
Comes with maintenance too being swept clean daily for the 3-4 concerts here per week. Not all gritty like the parking lots I've been hitting up. Even has spectator seating benches off to the side there.
I'm looking at this as using the turf as the infield and the track is about a 4' wide perimeter around it making up a sort of technical tri-oval type track.
Gotta watch out for that light pole though!;drive


Ahhh! That unsweet tea with hibiscus and strawberry aqua fresca + mint with a doob, dab, and Gunsmoke on the radio just hits on a warm 84*F Spring Break day!

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Y'all are too funny.;giggle
Gonna take the extraction lab for a test drive Friday. Gotta say it is nice to have everything in one space and not strung out between the g/room, dab bar, and boxes in closets.

So I finally have all the UV set up and installed in probably my most meaningful use of it being able to deploy it and measure it then see what happens.
It is UV-A by AC Infinity set to max power and TBH, very little regards for manufacturer recs and instead using a pulse pro as a 3rd party consultant if you will to set height, concentration, and coverage spread.

It runs for 10 hours/day beginning 1 hour after lights on and shutting off one hour before lights off.

3D printer once again very involved in creating parts like outriggers, chassis, and hanger A's

View attachment 93818

View attachment 93825

View attachment 93826

Let's turn 'em white!!!

View attachment 93819

View attachment 93820

View attachment 93821

View attachment 93824

Looks like I've found a new race track for RC NASCAR!!!! ;hop
Comes with maintenance too being swept clean daily for the 3-4 concerts here per week. Not all gritty like the parking lots I've been hitting up. Even has spectator seating benches off to the side there.
I'm looking at this as using the turf as the infield and the track is about a 4' wide perimeter around it making up a sort of technical tri-oval type track.
Gotta watch out for that light pole though!;drive

View attachment 93817

Ahhh! That unsweet tea with hibiscus and strawberry aqua fresca + mint with a doob, dab, and Gunsmoke on the radio just hits on a warm 84*F Spring Break day!

View attachment 93816
Fkin sweet looking plants bro...SWEET!! You up canned i believe?.... light dialed nice!!...keep up the good work 👊!!
Sweet little spot man...nice

EDIT:::Nice work on the 3D work bud, handy for what we do 👌

I should take pics of other parts of my days. Then Y'all would be like fuck that! Bandit can have that shit! ;smoke

Fkin sweet looking plants bro...SWEET!! You up canned i believe?.... light dialed nice!!...keep up the good work 👊!!
Sweet little spot man...nice

EDIT:::Nice work on the 3D work bud, handy for what we do 👌

Thanks Buddy!
After the initial issue of almost killing the garden and starting over, I've been able to string together a long line of very good to great days in the garden.
You know how this shit can be 2 steps forward and 1 back. One issue can set it all back a few days to a few weeks and so on.
Well none of that now for about 4 weeks. Just stringing together one good day after another and it shows.

You weren't here for my initial leap going from farming trees indoors to a no veg or very few days of veg routine indoors. Increased plant counts from 8 to 18 and instead of 5 footers tall and wide, growing plants only 2-3 tall and wide.
I used to grow in 7 gallon pots with no need to adjust pH.
Going no veg, I downsized to 3.4 gallon but still didn't adjust. I had forgot all about soil volume being my buffer and I no longer had it so my intitial no-veg grows were solid but could be better for sure and needed to be dialed in better.

So I invested in a good pH meter for this grow and started pH'ing my water in the holding tank down to 6.8 from 9.0 then when I microdose the nutes, it's stable at 6.5. This adjustment alone has increased health and vigor and there's zero leaf drop or fall off in any way regarding health.

The pH adjuster I have is near empty now and I'm not sure if they still make it or sell it by itself so my new adjuster is made of citric acid and molasses and I hope it gives me even better results managing my water chemistry


But yeah man this grow there's the new lights and fancy gadgets and what not but the major improvement I'm experiencing now and why things are looking good is simply better pH management and water chemistry using organic adjusters, the AC Infinity pH probe, and taking care of it properly.

excellent structure on those plants too, not too leafy.

hate that leafy shit


Thanks Brother!
That's all a result of the sculpting I do early. Or really, it's effective defoliation with purpose and goal rather than doing it according to age or other random reasons. In the regular gardening world this is called pruning for growth.

1st stage of sculpting is remove alternating nodes 1 thru 4 and take the top off. I start these cuts when 5 point leaves emerge.
If node #1 is lacking vigor, take both #1's off and start from #2 or even #3 node.
There should be 4 main shoots growing in a spiral staircase pattern after the cuts are made.

A week later, remove all lower growth from those 4 branches and only leave the top two shoots/nodes on each of the 4 main branches.
A week after that, upcan and clean up lower growth again this time also removing any shoots growing towards the interior of the bush leaving only shoots that are growing outward. This will result in a hollowed plant and well cleaned up base area making it ez to water and all get excellent air flow and light thru the canopy all the way down to the trunk of the plant.
At the time of flip the plants will have very few leaves but at the same time will have roughly around 8-12 shoots per plant ready to burst into a vigorous growth pattern if all other factors are in alignment.

After flip it's hands off, no more cutting, and let the plants do their thing. From time of flip to harvest at the tip of the cola there will be roughly around 18 nodes all together. Directing that energy ensures they'll form together into large colas rather than a branched out plant with dozens of smaller nugs everywhere.
There will be no larf or trash at harvest and trim will go very fast. Everything will be quality yield because early on I was pretty much a traffic cop directing traffic (nutes/energy) into only desirable shoots
I should take pics of other parts of my days. Then Y'all would be like fuck that! Bandit can have that shit! ;smoke

Thanks Buddy!
After the initial issue of almost killing the garden and starting over, I've been able to string together a long line of very good to great days in the garden.
You know how this shit can be 2 steps forward and 1 back. One issue can set it all back a few days to a few weeks and so on.
Well none of that now for about 4 weeks. Just stringing together one good day after another and it shows.

You weren't here for my initial leap going from farming trees indoors to a no veg or very few days of veg routine indoors. Increased plant counts from 8 to 18 and instead of 5 footers tall and wide, growing plants only 2-3 tall and wide.
I used to grow in 7 gallon pots with no need to adjust pH.
Going no veg, I downsized to 3.4 gallon but still didn't adjust. I had forgot all about soil volume being my buffer and I no longer had it so my intitial no-veg grows were solid but could be better for sure and needed to be dialed in better.

So I invested in a good pH meter for this grow and started pH'ing my water in the holding tank down to 6.8 from 9.0 then when I microdose the nutes, it's stable at 6.5. This adjustment alone has increased health and vigor and there's zero leaf drop or fall off in any way regarding health.

The pH adjuster I have is near empty now and I'm not sure if they still make it or sell it by itself so my new adjuster is made of citric acid and molasses and I hope it gives me even better results managing my water chemistry

View attachment 93867

But yeah man this grow there's the new lights and fancy gadgets and what not but the major improvement I'm experiencing now and why things are looking good is simply better pH management and water chemistry using organic adjusters, the AC Infinity pH probe, and taking care of it properly.

Thanks Brother!
That's all a result of the sculpting I do early. Or really, it's effective defoliation with purpose and goal rather than doing it according to age or other random reasons. In the regular gardening world this is called pruning for growth.

1st stage of sculpting is remove alternating nodes 1 thru 4 and take the top off. I start these cuts when 5 point leaves emerge.
If node #1 is lacking vigor, take both #1's off and start from #2 or even #3 node.
There should be 4 main shoots growing in a spiral staircase pattern after the cuts are made.

A week later, remove all lower growth from those 4 branches and only leave the top two shoots/nodes on each of the 4 main branches.
A week after that, upcan and clean up lower growth again this time also removing any shoots growing towards the interior of the bush leaving only shoots that are growing outward. This will result in a hollowed plant and well cleaned up base area making it ez to water and all get excellent air flow and light thru the canopy all the way down to the trunk of the plant.
At the time of flip the plants will have very few leaves but at the same time will have roughly around 8-12 shoots per plant ready to burst into a vigorous growth pattern if all other factors are in alignment.

After flip it's hands off, no more cutting, and let the plants do their thing. From time of flip to harvest at the tip of the cola there will be roughly around 18 nodes all together. Directing that energy ensures they'll form together into large colas rather than a branched out plant with dozens of smaller nugs everywhere.
There will be no larf or trash at harvest and trim will go very fast. Everything will be quality yield because early on I was pretty much a traffic cop directing traffic (nutes/energy) into only desirable shoots
This is the way.

(Mando reference)



wow!!!! thats gotta even mess with your washing machine no? i mean stains are about ph too..


that panel looks so freakin cool man!!!! does it smell like a race car?

so i guess we only get the weekly lineup bonus points on fan rewards. i had the winner and didn't get any points like we did for the daytona 500.. oh well, i'll keep rackin em up!!


your grillin looked killer man, i need to get out on the grill soon. my doctor put me on a low carb diet, no taters, no noodles, no rice.. no good stuff!!! hahaha i'm doin alright with it, had corned beef brisky and a big bowl of peas yesterday!!

I should take pics of other parts of my days. Then Y'all would be like fuck that! Bandit can have that shit! ;smoke

Thanks Buddy!
After the initial issue of almost killing the garden and starting over, I've been able to string together a long line of very good to great days in the garden.
You know how this shit can be 2 steps forward and 1 back. One issue can set it all back a few days to a few weeks and so on.
Well none of that now for about 4 weeks. Just stringing together one good day after another and it shows.

You weren't here for my initial leap going from farming trees indoors to a no veg or very few days of veg routine indoors. Increased plant counts from 8 to 18 and instead of 5 footers tall and wide, growing plants only 2-3 tall and wide.
I used to grow in 7 gallon pots with no need to adjust pH.
Going no veg, I downsized to 3.4 gallon but still didn't adjust. I had forgot all about soil volume being my buffer and I no longer had it so my intitial no-veg grows were solid but could be better for sure and needed to be dialed in better.

So I invested in a good pH meter for this grow and started pH'ing my water in the holding tank down to 6.8 from 9.0 then when I microdose the nutes, it's stable at 6.5. This adjustment alone has increased health and vigor and there's zero leaf drop or fall off in any way regarding health.

The pH adjuster I have is near empty now and I'm not sure if they still make it or sell it by itself so my new adjuster is made of citric acid and molasses and I hope it gives me even better results managing my water chemistry

View attachment 93867

But yeah man this grow there's the new lights and fancy gadgets and what not but the major improvement I'm experiencing now and why things are looking good is simply better pH management and water chemistry using organic adjusters, the AC Infinity pH probe, and taking care of it properly.

Thanks Brother!
That's all a result of the sculpting I do early. Or really, it's effective defoliation with purpose and goal rather than doing it according to age or other random reasons. In the regular gardening world this is called pruning for growth.

1st stage of sculpting is remove alternating nodes 1 thru 4 and take the top off. I start these cuts when 5 point leaves emerge.
If node #1 is lacking vigor, take both #1's off and start from #2 or even #3 node.
There should be 4 main shoots growing in a spiral staircase pattern after the cuts are made.

A week later, remove all lower growth from those 4 branches and only leave the top two shoots/nodes on each of the 4 main branches.
A week after that, upcan and clean up lower growth again this time also removing any shoots growing towards the interior of the bush leaving only shoots that are growing outward. This will result in a hollowed plant and well cleaned up base area making it ez to water and all get excellent air flow and light thru the canopy all the way down to the trunk of the plant.
At the time of flip the plants will have very few leaves but at the same time will have roughly around 8-12 shoots per plant ready to burst into a vigorous growth pattern if all other factors are in alignment.

After flip it's hands off, no more cutting, and let the plants do their thing. From time of flip to harvest at the tip of the cola there will be roughly around 18 nodes all together. Directing that energy ensures they'll form together into large colas rather than a branched out plant with dozens of smaller nugs everywhere.
There will be no larf or trash at harvest and trim will go very fast. Everything will be quality yield because early on I was pretty much a traffic cop directing traffic (nutes/energy) into only desirable shoots
Been using citric acid for years, a little trick @Aqua Man 👈🏻🙂👌🏻 taught me
wow!!!! thats gotta even mess with your washing machine no? i mean stains are about ph too..


that panel looks so freakin cool man!!!! does it smell like a race car?

so i guess we only get the weekly lineup bonus points on fan rewards. i had the winner and didn't get any points like we did for the daytona 500.. oh well, i'll keep rackin em up!!


your grillin looked killer man, i need to get out on the grill soon. my doctor put me on a low carb diet, no taters, no noodles, no rice.. no good stuff!!! hahaha i'm doin alright with it, had corned beef brisky and a big bowl of peas yesterday!!


I can't smell the race car in that door panel but I sure can taste it! 😋

Yeah I haven't gotten any bonus points off fantasy other than the weekly check in and a 5x streak. Powerball is just 10 every Wednesday but it sure would be cool to hit on that and get a few thousand as a bonus.

Can you do wheat pasta?
The what can I eat now food challenge is a muthafucka sometimes. There's options but I have to sort thru a lot of bad stuff.
Found an end around with pizza using a thin wheat crust, no fat mozza, and veggie toppings.
You'd freak on my philly cheesesteak. As crazy as this sounds, Beyond Steak and plant based provolone is a super legit combo in flavor and texture without any of the bad.
The plant based cheese is kinda fucked while cold but it hits when it melts. Just weird that way.
And now I actually prefer oatmilk over moo cow milk.
But fucking tofu has made it's way into my home!!! off a couple little bit in the wrong way, will hold shit up....yep


Yeah that was one where I just got so accustomed to never needing to pH I forgot all about the old deal of less soil means more maintenance. Those big ol 7 gallon pots just pretty much took care of themselves.

Been using citric acid for years, a little trick @Aqua Man 👈🏻🙂👌🏻 taught me

Seeing the molasses in there was new. That hooked me on the new choice since I'm a fan of multitasking nutes. Now I can pH and feed the microherds at the same time 😋

somewhere in texas there's a pissed off squirrel because he can't play on his favorite jungle gym anymore...

View attachment 93993


Better to be mad then dead little fucker!!!


Some aroma is popping in the room today.
It kinda smells like this pic

2022-01-23 (22).png

Yeah...butcher shop aroma. WTF? I think it's that Ethos cut, Wrank. Not sure which plants but I smell them. Bonus funk too with a mix of rot and tobacco plus I fed a dose of Neptune's Harvest yesterday so it has that hot day at the docks thing going too.
So yeah...if you're into fresh cut meat and flesh, a dirty ashtray, body odor, and warm dead fish my grow room is the place to be right now🤢🤮
I can't smell the race car in that door panel but I sure can taste it! 😋

Yeah I haven't gotten any bonus points off fantasy other than the weekly check in and a 5x streak. Powerball is just 10 every Wednesday but it sure would be cool to hit on that and get a few thousand as a bonus.

Can you do wheat pasta?
The what can I eat now food challenge is a muthafucka sometimes. There's options but I have to sort thru a lot of bad stuff.
Found an end around with pizza using a thin wheat crust, no fat mozza, and veggie toppings.
You'd freak on my philly cheesesteak. As crazy as this sounds, Beyond Steak and plant based provolone is a super legit combo in flavor and texture without any of the bad.
The plant based cheese is kinda fucked while cold but it hits when it melts. Just weird that way.
And now I actually prefer oatmilk over moo cow milk.
But fucking tofu has made it's way into my home!!!

Yeah that was one where I just got so accustomed to never needing to pH I forgot all about the old deal of less soil means more maintenance. Those big ol 7 gallon pots just pretty much took care of themselves.

Seeing the molasses in there was new. That hooked me on the new choice since I'm a fan of multitasking nutes. Now I can pH and feed the microherds at the same time 😋

Better to be mad then dead little fucker!!!


Some aroma is popping in the room today.
It kinda smells like this pic

View attachment 93998

Yeah...butcher shop aroma. WTF? I think it's that Ethos cut, Wrank. Not sure which plants but I smell them. Bonus funk too with a mix of rot and tobacco plus I fed a dose of Neptune's Harvest yesterday so it has that hot day at the docks thing going too.
So yeah...if you're into fresh cut meat and flesh, a dirty ashtray, body odor, and warm dead fish my grow room is the place to be right now🤢🤮
Put them fuckin tree rats a that weber and light one...then go squishy'll be fine....rub some calmeg on the tree...make sure the PH is good. Then you'll be good 👍
Glow Party with ganja......


So I need to figure out some settings on my iphone camera to get better pics but I'm pretty much doing UV isolation tests today.
Pics are looking blurple AF but live, the g/room looks a little like

Screenshot 2025-03-20 132723.png

Since these are pretty much blacklight, I ordered a blacklight bar for parties to compare chart data with the ACI UV ionbeams.
Party lights come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I think bar and floodlight style may be best for growers but there's options and they're not costy at all. The party bar I ordered was only $11, 15" x 1" and pulls 42 watts. Covers a 24'x24' party but things are a bit different when it comes to horticulture and putting photons on a target.
I already have some blacklight or UVa for other purposes around the house...a UVa flashlight and a UVa CFL party light. The ACI UV is very much a different animal compared to those even though they're all "blcklights" so I'm super curious about the LED party light comparison.




The party light on the way states a range of 385-400nm but the ACI light hits beyond that.
Pulse only measures down to 380 but I'm getting 380 still up high at at almost 80% so there's a lot more purple not being measured and IDK where it stops or falls off sharp like it does beginning at 411nm.
Peak is at 406nm with 69 watts total deployed.
Bump in far and infra red confirmed as well even though it's on opposite end of the spectrum

Screenshot 2025-03-20 131346.png
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