
  1. ninjadip

    Choose your own adventure!! Week 3

    You head out to meet Backyard Sally, the night has come. Everything on your list has been checked twice and you are wondering if the moon has always pulled at you in such a way. You've seen the moon before, but it looks different. Sitting on the log where you first saw Sally, you wonder if you...
  2. ninjadip

    Choose your own adventure!! Week 2

    Continued from https://budbuilders.org/threads/choose-your-own-adventure-week-1.358/#post-19613 There was a tie! I will do my best at combining the winners. "Name's Kitt. I am ninja. I have been trained in the ways of Gaiden during my time away from the farm, sowing my wild oats and what not...
  3. ninjadip

    Choose your own adventure!! Week 1

    On the hill you see her, what looks to be a kangaroo sitting on a fallen log, or you believe it's a her cause you see a pouch and you remember hearing something about only female kangaroos, or jills, have pouches. Yeah, that's right, you tell yourself, thinking about some random factoid that...
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