
  1. GrumpAzz

    Grump's Dalato Grow 🌱

    Hello fellow BudBuilders. This journal will catalog my run towards a third harvest. This grow, I've added a ton of upgrades so I hope it goes as smoothly as my last couple. Nearly every aspect and piece of equipment is new and improved aside from the tent and the AC/Dehuey in the lung room. For...
  2. Observer

    The Fuckin' Bruce Bugbee Thread.

    how the fuck do we, am i blind or do we not have a Bugbee section? https://www.youtube.com/@ApogeeInstrumentsInc
  3. WeedRider

    'Failure is always an option' Bagseed Hydro grow

    Hey guys welcome to my grow. Saw some grow tents for sale, did the math, figured I have the room plus the privacy and so here we are. I've always smoked whatever I could get my hands on, never been picky at all so having high quality home grown is going to be an experience. I decided to start...
  4. tobh

    tobh's troll cave

    new place, new situation. figure i'll start this now, and just make it a living journal. gonna keep this one short, pic post to follow.
  5. GrumpAzz

    First Time.

    I started this journey at the beginning of the year. Planning took long enough that the idea went from a simple tent in the corner to a 5x5 with it's own little room. When it was all said and done, there's more room in the tent than out. I ordered several strains off the 2 dollar menu from...
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