Do ya feed yourselves?

Skunky Dunk Farms

Stoned Scientist
May 11, 2023
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I'm a grower of all things that have roots.
So, I'll kick this off with this years veggie garden just getting going.
We've got onions, potatoes, garlic, peppers and tomatoes up, green beans and yams just breaking the soil.
When we bought this place 9 years ago it was a clay parkinglot. But after a few years of adding Sunshine 4 Mix, lime and gypsum we have a wonderful ot that I can dig down into a foot with my fingers.20230527_080845.jpg20230527_080852.jpg20230527_080901.jpg20230527_080924.jpg

Anywho, do any of youuns feed your family from your own soil?
I'll see about @moeadding another section concerning the arts of canning and such too. We can everything, we make wine and medicines
Nice garden man.
I just planted potatoes and basil this morning, the rest will go in probably Tuesday.
Zucchini, cucumbers, green bell peppers, green beans, carrots, lettuce, and butternut squash is all ill be growing this year.
Thanks GS, it was a later start this year with frosts through May 11th.
I would love to plant my garden the beginning of May but we just had 31f and frost again the other night. Rule of thumb where i am is not to plant before Memorial Day.
Ive had my weed plants outside 3 weeks now and ive had to cover them 3 times, the 4th time i didnt know it was supposed to frost and they took it very well.
God damn HOAs, no gardens... what the hell kinda rule is that... sorry Moe, that sucks.
Dude you have no idea - I’ve been in one that you had to put the trash out at 9:30 no earlier, and pull up the van by noon , no later or $250 fine

One - your sprinkler water could not hit the neighbors grass or again a $250 fine ? Wtf ! Never live in one again -
Dude you have no idea - I’ve been in one that you had to put the trash out at 9:30 no earlier, and pull up the van by noon , no later or $250 fine

One - your sprinkler water could not hit the neighbors grass or again a $250 fine ? Wtf ! Never live in one again -
Dude thats totally fucked!! I guess living in a trailer park isnt as bad as it could be lmao.
Weve got rules and shit to follow too, but i can have a garden, i can shoot my bow, no guns though.
There have been times i didnt mow my lawn for 5 or 7 weeks🤣
Not feeding the family but I throw a few crates of Sunshine Mix #4 into the yard.

So far I’ve planted;

Beefsteak Tomato
2x Cherry Tomato
Sweet green pepper
Green Been
Sweet Peas


Still have a bunch of seeds and crests to go. I think we just had our last frost warning on the 25th.
this one already has some nice size tomato's only 2 and directly in the center lol

Beautiful! I just spent the past four years getting the massive raised bed at a rental into pristine shape, following a similar regimen, and now we're moving to a heavily wooded property where I get to start all over again. So, likely no garden this year unfortunately.

I'll live through y'all for now
Might as well add a couple pics from the back yard. I learned something new last winter. Cilantro can survive our Zone 4 winters. Last Sept, I planted a handfull of seeds hoping to get a few leaves for the wife. She loves the stuff. Anyway, it sprouted and got about 1"-2" tall before winter set in. All winter long the sat there, short but green. Frost, snow 6" deep, -10* night temps and the darn things just wouldn't die. So, come late march and spring and those crazy plants took off. Now they're nearly 3' tall and flowering. WOW! Some broccoli next to then and spinach and fava bean just coming up.

I also took a picture of my strawberry box. YUM!!! and the Concord and White grapevines behind it. We're actually going to get some grapes this year. YEAH!!!

Yes, and then some. My newest venture is exotic tropical fruit trees. Love me some plants of all kinds. Have been doing hydro, aero, aquaponics both indoor and outdoor for well over 10 years.


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