Does larf have a higher THC content?


POTM Winner
Apr 15, 2023
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I've seen discussions on when cannabis has the highest thc and from what I've seen its around 8 weeks. Most of us grow for 10 - 11 or more to bulk up the weight and to mellow the effects losing a small percentage of THC along the way.

Some folks when harvesting will take all the large tops off and let the larf / lower buds mature more.

Well then if the lower larf buds are not mature does that mean they have a higher THC content too. If the top buds have lost some THC due to degrading do the lower buds not as mature keep the higher % of THC do to not degrading?.........
No way to know the answer, but Larf seems like a kidding your sister kind of stone.
No way to know the answer, but Larf seems like a kidding your sister kind of stone.
I think that would depend on the quality of the tops then, My....larf...isn't all that wispy and light and it gets mixed in with the rest of my smoke. I just reach in and grab a hand full...larf and all gets smoked. It was just a video I saw Dr. Bruce talk about when THC was at its highest percentage and it got me to thinking.....
Pipe, I know you like it short and sweet, spare the science.

Short answer is no, not in my testing. These are Phytocannabinoids we are after, Phyto being latin for light.

Naw, that's bullshit phyto means plant. But it would have been cool if that were true!

But in real testing I have done comparing buds in the shade to those up top using TLC, the tops always win. For top shelf bud, lollypop your plants is my takeaway.
Pipe, I know you like it short and sweet, spare the science.

Short answer is no, not in my testing. These are Phytocannabinoids we are after, Phyto being latin for light.

Naw, that's bullshit phyto means plant. But it would have been cool if that were true!

But in real testing I have done comparing buds in the shade to those up top using TLC, the tops always win. For top shelf bud, lollypop your plants is my takeaway.
Then do the lower buds have peak thc at the same time as the tops? from what the Dr, said it peaks at around 7- 8 weeks and slowly degrades from there but we get more weight if we wait.....and as we like to smoke pot that has amber trichs that the lowers don't get

Some top their plants to expose the lowers to more light for a double harvest. Somewhere along the line the lowers will have their peak THC. Is it after they degrade????? can't be.............. so is it that their are less trichs on the lowers giving a lower THC count??????
I think 7-8 weeks is a bit arbitrary.

None of this is timing stuff is relevant IMO. Genetics... grow styles... Indoor / Outdoor, setup all play a factor.

I can tell you that I have tested on a handful of plants over a handful of grows that the larf is never as good as the top buds in terms of cannabinoids produced. In my indoor RDWC CO2 injected environmental controlled grows. I have no other data to share on folks doing it differently or with different genetics.

I still let them grow wild from time to time to learn about genetics, but if I am going specifically for harvest potential, it's scrog for me with zero larf. For me, it has produced measurably superior results.
Pipe, I know you like it short and sweet, spare the science.

Short answer is no, not in my testing. These are Phytocannabinoids we are after, Phyto being latin for light.

Naw, that's bullshit phyto means plant. But it would have been cool if that were true!

But in real testing I have done comparing buds in the shade to those up top using TLC, the tops always win. For top shelf bud, lollypop your plants is my takeaway.
I had my Sour D at the middle of the back plants with no rear access. I did minimal lolly popping and Holly Shyt I have 3 times the weight of this one plant as an of my others. With massive multiple top buds and 3 days worth of trimming .... 3hrs in reality the whole thing. Its was too big to get a good pic unless it was separated you couldn't see its mass. Pics won't do it justice but just wow on what 1 plant can produce. I broke / cut 3 big tree sized arms off her to dry and I still have a section hanging out another 1/2 hr should do
I think 7-8 weeks is a bit arbitrary.

None of this is timing stuff is relevant IMO. Genetics... grow styles... Indoor / Outdoor, setup all play a factor.

I can tell you that I have tested on a handful of plants over a handful of grows that the larf is never as good as the top buds in terms of cannabinoids produced. In my indoor RDWC CO2 injected environmental controlled grows. I have no other data to share on folks doing it differently or with different genetics.

I still let them grow wild from time to time to learn about genetics, but if I am going specifically for harvest potential, it's scrog for me with zero larf. For me, it has produced measurably superior results.
Oh I'm not arguing, I don't grow for larf but the story Dr,Bruce told about when the THC is at its peak is not when we harvest, making me think the slightly immature buds may actually have a higher % of THC in them
Oh I'm not arguing, I don't grow for larf but the story Dr,Bruce told about when the THC is at its peak is not when we harvest, making me think the slightly immature buds may actually have a higher % of THC in them
I'll see what I can dig up from the vaults.

I specifically did a test and posted it at the other place where I tested every week in flower to see the trend specifically to find the best time to harvest. My takeaway is longer flower gives you more complex plants. There is a point at which THC starts to drop off, but others like THCV start to be measurable.

Going only by THC, cloudy on the edge of amber but not actually amber was the best time for me in that test.

I have not seen this Bugbee video or article you reference, give me a link and I'll see if I can understand why our results are different.
I do notice that sometimes shaded sugar leaves have a ton of trichomes like the light hasn't blasted away the terpenes but that's all I can contribute.

Also, I've never liked the highs off my plant when I harvest early. The later I take it the longer and harder it seems to hit my high tolerance ass.

I'm not even sure I need to look at trichomes anymore because the whole bud takes on a certain look when it's ripe. I think I take my buds like 2 weeks past the far date range.
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My unscientific, broscience studies prove to me, the best buds are about 8-12" below the tops. Terps love shade, especially true in direct light as opposed to diffused light. The shadow cast from a single HPS makes a kind of shade you don't have with LED. Thayt is where the best buds are. imo.
I'll see what I can dig up from the vaults.

I specifically did a test and posted it at the other place where I tested every week in flower to see the trend specifically to find the best time to harvest. My takeaway is longer flower gives you more complex plants. There is a point at which THC starts to drop off, but others like THCV start to be measurable.

Going only by THC, cloudy on the edge of amber but not actually amber was the best time for me in that test.

I have not seen this Bugbee video or article you reference, give me a link and I'll see if I can understand why our results are different.
I'll see if I can find it, I've seen a bunch of his so it may take a bit to locate
I'll see if I can find it, I've seen a bunch of his so it may take a bit to locate
I tried its lost in my grey file cabinet, I thought it maybe in my YT history but I couldn't locate it. It was either the Dr, talking to Mr Grow it or Mr. grow it talking to someone else about the reason we grow longer is because of the extra weight & effects at the expense of a higher % of THC.........

its in their somewhere it just deep in a pile of trash.I'm sure its under the fact the DEA is going to consider taking cannabis off its schedule 1 status........but that just gets me shaking that after 50 fking yrs they are going to CONSIDER IT.!........almost everything under that is lost
What do you think would happen if the wattage was lowered the last week? Would it act like those shaded trichomes?
I do notice that sometimes shaded sugar leaves have a ton of trichomes like the light hasn't blasted away the terpenes but that's all I can contribute.

Also, I've never liked the highs off my plant when I harvest early. The later I take it the longer and harder it seems to hit my high tolerance ass.

I'm not even sure I need to look at trichomes anymore because the whole bud takes on a certain look when it's ripe. I think I take my buds like 2 weeks past the far date range.
i do similar, because you're right. the entire plant takes on this appearance of ripeness. it's something only experience has brought to me, no one can really teach another through pictures and banter on the internet.
My unscientific, broscience studies prove to me, the best buds are about 8-12" below the tops. Terps love shade, especially true in direct light as opposed to diffused light. The shadow cast from a single HPS makes a kind of shade you don't have with LED. Thayt is where the best buds are. imo.
That's old school knowledge right there. I remember years ago, long before LEDs became a thing, the old illegal commercial croppers talking about this.
What do you think would happen if the wattage was lowered the last week? Would it act like those shaded trichomes?
Technically, you should be lowering the DLI at the end of flower. That serves a few purposes in influencing plant hormones and subsequent responses. There were some fairly extensive threads about this at the old place. with time we'll rebuild that knowledge base.
i do similar, because you're right. the entire plant takes on this appearance of ripeness. it's something only experience has brought to me, no one can really teach another through pictures and banter on the internet.

That's old school knowledge right there. I remember years ago, long before LEDs became a thing, the old illegal commercial croppers talking about this.

Technically, you should be lowering the DLI at the end of flower. That serves a few purposes in influencing plant hormones and subsequent responses. There were some fairly extensive threads about this at the old place. with time we'll rebuild that knowledge base.
How much lower on dli. I haven't been doing that. I'll try it this run.
How much lower on dli. I haven't been doing that. I'll try it this run.
it depends on plant progression. week nine-ish drop 10%, and 10% every week after that. it really depends on the genetics, the maturation of the plants, and environmental conditions.
it depends on plant progression. week nine-ish drop 10%, and 10% every week after that. it really depends on the genetics, the maturation of the plants, and environmental conditions.
My lights don't dim much from 100% to 95% at weeks 10 I drop mine down to about 65% to let them ripen. I've also extended the on time up to 16hrs per day in flower the last 7 days. It gives under performing buds a boost before chop, Its not long enough to reveg it just gives them more grow time.
My lights don't dim much from 100% to 95% at weeks 10 I drop mine down to about 65% to let them ripen. I've also extended the on time up to 16hrs per day in flower the last 7 days. It gives under performing buds a boost before chop, Its not long enough to reveg it just gives them more grow time.
I've recently started wondering about that "last 7 days" strategy, if it's okay with 16 hours, why not 24 hours a day for the last 7?

Just curious?
I've recently started wondering about that "last 7 days" strategy, if it's okay with 16 hours, why not 24 hours a day for the last 7?

Just curious?
I've heard DR. Bugby say that 24 hrs for the last day made some sense. I m not sure how longer than that would effect them.

What I was told was what you lose in intensity by turning down the light you make back up by extending the hours so they get the same DLI? ( I'm bad with acronyms) over an extended period. .....???? not sure I got that right either .....Mongo just knows it be good.
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I've heard DR. Bugby say that 24 hrs for the last day made some sense. I m not sure how longer than that would effect them.

What I was told was what you lose in intensity by turning down the light you make back up by extending the hours so they get the same DLI? ( I'm bad with acronyms) over an extended period. .....???? not sure I got that right either .....Mongo just knows it be good.
I got out of it that he was going against the bro science of 24hrs of darkness. He said terps are made during lights on so that extra 12 possibly could give a boost. Implied during darkness no terps were synthesized.
My lights don't dim much from 100% to 95% at weeks 10 I drop mine down to about 65% to let them ripen. I've also extended the on time up to 16hrs per day in flower the last 7 days. It gives under performing buds a boost before chop, Its not long enough to reveg it just gives them more grow time.
you know, i didn't consider extending the time before. dimming is just to simulate the changing of the season in nature, but i could see how extending the lights on period could help with potential terpene production.
you know, i didn't consider extending the time before. dimming is just to simulate the changing of the season in nature, but i could see how extending the lights on period could help with potential terpene production.
I been doing some tests - taking them out of the closet, and leaving in room light like a houseplant for the last few days. Both times they finished nice and tasted great. Not sure if it helped, but it sure didn't hurt; and it frees up space in the closet.
you know, i didn't consider extending the time before. dimming is just to simulate the changing of the season in nature, but i could see how extending the lights on period could help with potential terpene production.
As long as you don't let it reveg. I was told 7-10 days I've not gone longer than7 days
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