Hello, I am New here!


Stoned Scientist
Mar 22, 2025
Reaction score
Just saying hello.

I am still a newbie with only a small handful of grows under my belt, mostly indoors.

I recently made the switch to organic from synthetic. I am also looking to commit to organic outdoor grows for most of my cannibas, while maintaining an indoor grow during Winter months, with a heavy focus on pushing organic grows to the limit without utilizing Co2. More for fun, if you will.

My commitment to outdoor grows will utilize raised beds, Hugelkultur, Worms and my recycled supersoil. Basically a living soil. This is a new development in the planning stages, as the political climate has made the construction of this too expensive right now.

I hope to start experimenting with Red and Far Red light during the next grow in September 2025. Additionally, I am interested in Under Canopy and Side Canopy Supplemental Lighting. I am just now experimenting with UVA/UVB.

Lots of fun stuff in my future. I will share and offer up anything I learned. Unfortunately, at this moment, I am not equipped with a second tent, which would allow for some low level comparisons between tent with/without specific wavelengths of light. Or, for that matter, any comparisons, in and of any technique, product, methodology etc.

I would never propose to offer scientific results or perport anything. I would only offer my unscientific observations, for your interpretation.

Lastly, and in short. I thought I would NEVER again join a Cannabis Forum. I was a member of xxxwwwwww, for a few weeks, and was rudely booted, without explanation, just cause, or recourse. I was disconnected from some really important and very cool new friends. I was so dissapointed. Then randomly, I landed here. I was reading a post and discovered three of my old friends were here. One thing led to another. Seems most all of those once lost friends had migrated right here.

Go figure. Too bad xxxwwwwww, you just lost some of the best there is to offer.

So happy now. Look forward to many great conversations. Thank you BB!!!
Welcome to BB Tremojem! Happy to have you here!
Say...in regards to chili...Beans or no beans in your chili?
I'm in Texas so we don't put beans in chili but I'm always curious about others.

I once asked this question to the owner of another forum not to be mentioned and his answer was not just in favor of beans, but he went on about lima bean and garbanzo bean chili.;shks
I considered those fightin' words and no way I was gonna hang around a lima bean chili eatin' dude so you could say the parting of ways was mutual but he banned me too just to make it even more weird.
Relax there Tex. Kinda started out on fire there. Slow down and hit the pipe.

Let's just pretend I don't eat chili. What does that say?

And...happy to be here, thanks for the welcome party.

Had I known you brought chili, I would have brought beer.

Is this a Cannibas forum...or a cooking recipe questionnaire, whereby your answers mean a hell of alot more than your answers.

Now before you get all hot under your 10 gallon hat...I am just messing with you.

Glad to be here and thanks for your warm welcome.
Welcome....I'm pretty new here too but have settled in nicely.
There are several of us playing with supplement lights here. Some doing more "playing" (me) than others that are taking a more scientific approach with actual scientific methods. Great to have another player in the game!
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