Middle Aged Dude Attempts First Time Grow (Outdoor)


Stoned Scientist
Bud Builders Supporter
Jun 9, 2024
Reaction score
Hello all. I've poked around a bit and it's clear you have built a really nice community here.

I'm just making a quick introduction. On sort of a whim, I'm attempting my first grow. A buddy started this when he offered me a plant (Butter Waves) he had popped from seed. I ordered three clones (Slurty3, Sour Diesel and Jet Fuel Odder Popz) online to add to that. We're allowed four plants here. I'm growing outdoors in 100 gallon grow bags. I'll take some pics and look into starting a grow thread when I can. I'm sure there's a lot that can be improved, but everything "looks" healthy to my novice eyes, lol. I'm going to do the best I can and take notes for next year. I'm certain I'll learn plenty here that will increase my chance at some kind of success for the remaining time on this first attempt. So, thanks in advance.

I'm wide open to ideas, but hope to stay organic. I'm currently doing weekly compost teas and have already seen some super interesting KNF posts on here.

Anyway, hello and thanks for having me, Bob
Hello all. I've poked around a bit and it's clear you have built a really nice community here.

I'm just making a quick introduction. On sort of a whim, I'm attempting my first grow. A buddy started this when he offered me a plant (Butter Waves) he had popped from seed. I ordered three clones (Slurty3, Sour Diesel and Jet Fuel Odder Popz) online to add to that. We're allowed four plants here. I'm growing outdoors in 100 gallon grow bags. I'll take some pics and look into starting a grow thread when I can. I'm sure there's a lot that can be improved, but everything "looks" healthy to my novice eyes, lol. I'm going to do the best I can and take notes for next year. I'm certain I'll learn plenty here that will increase my chance at some kind of success for the remaining time on this first attempt. So, thanks in advance.

I'm wide open to ideas, but hope to stay organic. I'm currently doing weekly compost teas and have already seen some super interesting KNF posts on here.

Anyway, hello and thanks for having me, Bob
Hey Bob 👋🏻
Welcome to Bud Builders, brother.
I'm in on a 100 gallon outdoor grow, they should be beasts!! 🫡
Hello all. I've poked around a bit and it's clear you have built a really nice community here.

I'm just making a quick introduction. On sort of a whim, I'm attempting my first grow. A buddy started this when he offered me a plant (Butter Waves) he had popped from seed. I ordered three clones (Slurty3, Sour Diesel and Jet Fuel Odder Popz) online to add to that. We're allowed four plants here. I'm growing outdoors in 100 gallon grow bags. I'll take some pics and look into starting a grow thread when I can. I'm sure there's a lot that can be improved, but everything "looks" healthy to my novice eyes, lol. I'm going to do the best I can and take notes for next year. I'm certain I'll learn plenty here that will increase my chance at some kind of success for the remaining time on this first attempt. So, thanks in advance.

I'm wide open to ideas, but hope to stay organic. I'm currently doing weekly compost teas and have already seen some super interesting KNF posts on here.

Anyway, hello and thanks for having me, Bob
Welcome @BlueCollarBob 👋

You are correct. Lots of helpful patient people here. Glad to have you.

KNF is cool. @stonemason is our resident expert.

Bop over to @CannaGranny corner when you’re ready for a break. Shoot the shit or ask a question. All is good. Be careful about how you answer any chilli questions. ⚠️🤣
Hello all. I've poked around a bit and it's clear you have built a really nice community here.

I'm just making a quick introduction. On sort of a whim, I'm attempting my first grow. A buddy started this when he offered me a plant (Butter Waves) he had popped from seed. I ordered three clones (Slurty3, Sour Diesel and Jet Fuel Odder Popz) online to add to that. We're allowed four plants here. I'm growing outdoors in 100 gallon grow bags. I'll take some pics and look into starting a grow thread when I can. I'm sure there's a lot that can be improved, but everything "looks" healthy to my novice eyes, lol. I'm going to do the best I can and take notes for next year. I'm certain I'll learn plenty here that will increase my chance at some kind of success for the remaining time on this first attempt. So, thanks in advance.

I'm wide open to ideas, but hope to stay organic. I'm currently doing weekly compost teas and have already seen some super interesting KNF posts on here.

Anyway, hello and thanks for having me, Bob
Welcome. Hoping you are located somewhere where you can grow and flower those trees out before rot gets to them. 100 g pots are going to be massive plants.
Welcome. Hoping you are located somewhere where you can grow and flower those trees out before rot gets to them. 100 g pots are going to be massive plants.
Me too! I've got a ton to learn. May well learn that I need plants that finish quicker. Thanks for the welcome!
welcome to the site Bob, you'll fit right in here!!

ask away any questions at all...

so it seems to be a popular question here... how do you prefer your chili, beans? or no beans? 🙃
Thanks for the welcome! Fact: If it doesn't have beans, it isn't chili. Hope I passed this test.
Hello all. I've poked around a bit and it's clear you have built a really nice community here.

I'm just making a quick introduction. On sort of a whim, I'm attempting my first grow. A buddy started this when he offered me a plant (Butter Waves) he had popped from seed. I ordered three clones (Slurty3, Sour Diesel and Jet Fuel Odder Popz) online to add to that. We're allowed four plants here. I'm growing outdoors in 100 gallon grow bags. I'll take some pics and look into starting a grow thread when I can. I'm sure there's a lot that can be improved, but everything "looks" healthy to my novice eyes, lol. I'm going to do the best I can and take notes for next year. I'm certain I'll learn plenty here that will increase my chance at some kind of success for the remaining time on this first attempt. So, thanks in advance.

I'm wide open to ideas, but hope to stay organic. I'm currently doing weekly compost teas and have already seen some super interesting KNF posts on here.

Anyway, hello and thanks for having me, Bob
Hey, welcome to the club. Don't hesitate to ask for help, lots of folks here can guide you though if you run into issues. Granny's has the hangout, not all about growing but shit that happens to us daily with added humor.
Thanks for the welcome! Fact: If it doesn't have beans, it isn't chili. Hope I passed this test.
Nope you're out, according to some I won't point out who, have issues with beans in Chilli. according to them all meat or it ain't chilli........I've never had all meat chilli......Beans it is.
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