Purple weed could save California’s pot farms from HLVd


Hydro Ninja
Bud Builders Supporter
Jun 5, 2023
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Scientists have discovered a type of purple-colored cannabis that appears to fight the widespread plant disease, which is called hop-latent viroid, or HLVd. HLVd damages cannabis plants and significantly reduces their value by decreasing the amount of active compounds, like THC, they produce.

Just read this this morning.. interesting. I know some of you guys out west will appreciate this knowledge.

I never heard of this disease until now.
Sup homie long time no see 🤙. Cool article, though it seems like the dude wants people to get his jamaican lion strain in the hopes they will pass on its anti-hlvd gene. Maybe not though.
Also makes me think someone is working on a GMO strain that is resistant to hlvd, but then we will contaminate the gene pool with gmo's.
The whole hlvd thing is a bit shady, like some people think its overplayed while others think its an actual scourge. Iguess best bet is to keep an eye on your plants for signs of hlvd and source your genetics from solid breeders.
Anyway hope all is well brother, stay lit!
I've heard of it but don't think ive seen it thankfully. So its lowers thc and the "fix" is to grow something that is low in thc?
I think the fix was a resistant strain that happens to turn more purple by the plant fighting it.

@ZombieRider I didn't know hlvd was controversial, so you're saying it's not as big a deal as the article makes it seem? That sounds right. I just thought it was the end of the world when I heard about a thc lowering disease lol

You're right, the last thing we need is a "reason" for gmo strains... A dark slippery slope indeed
I think the fix was a resistant strain that happens to turn more purple by the plant fighting it.

@ZombieRider I didn't know hlvd was controversial, so you're saying it's not as big a deal as the article makes it seem? That sounds right. I just thought it was the end of the world when I heard about a thc lowering disease lol

You're right, the last thing we need is a "reason" for gmo strains... A dark slippery slope indeed
Isn't just about everything we eat genetically modified? I mean we couldn't eat carrots unless they were genetically modified, , all the different varieties peppers, cherries, apples how do we get them without genetically manipulating their parts to make disease, & pest resistant varieties. Where did nectarines come from?.................Don't we genetically modify plants with colloidal silver to make female seeds? .........I may not know enough about it and everything can be abused but the term GMO seems wrong to vilify

Isn't just about everything we eat genetically modified? I mean we couldn't eat carrots unless they were genetically modified, , all the different varieties peppers, cherries, apples how do we get them without genetically manipulating their parts to make disease, & pest resistant varieties. Where did nectarines come from?.................Don't we genetically modify plants with colloidal silver to make female seeds? .........I may not know enough about it and everything can be abused but the term GMO seems wrong to vilify

This is the villainy of GMO, while an old story, I still remember this and just gets me hot. And this is only the farmers' side of it. I believe I have the right to know and choose which foods have been made using GMO produce, which was a hard battle here in the US. Whether someone is ok with is different than a company not being liable to inform the public.

No farmer is safe from the long reach of Monsanto. Farmers have
been sued after their field was contaminated by pollen or seed from someone
else’s genetically engineered crop; when genetically engineered seed from a
previous year’s crop has sprouted, or “volunteered,” in fields planted with
non-genetically engineered varieties the following year; and when they
never signed Monsanto’s technology agreement but still planted the patented
crop seed. In all of these cases, because of the way patent law has been
applied, farmers are technically liable. It does not appear to matter if the use
was unwitting or a contract was never signed.

This is the villainy of GMO, while an old story, I still remember this and just gets me hot. And this is only the farmers' side of it. I believe I have the right to know and choose which foods have been made using GMO produce, which was a hard battle here in the US. Whether someone is ok with is different than a company not being liable to inform the public.

No farmer is safe from the long reach of Monsanto. Farmers have
been sued after their field was contaminated by pollen or seed from someone
else’s genetically engineered crop; when genetically engineered seed from a
previous year’s crop has sprouted, or “volunteered,” in fields planted with
non-genetically engineered varieties the following year; and when they
never signed Monsanto’s technology agreement but still planted the patented
crop seed. In all of these cases, because of the way patent law has been
applied, farmers are technically liable. It does not appear to matter if the use
was unwitting or a contract was never signed.
I think that issues is more with patent laws and...spit lawyers They found a way to tweak a gene, identify it, copyrite it, then claim ownership to all plants containing that gene, knowing full well that their crops would contaminate other farmers fields with their pollen and they could claim the crops as theirs. Then charge the farmer with copyright violations....a spit lawyers wet dream
I assure everyone it's real, and it's terrible. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I had it last year, got it through a clone vendor on strainly that posted his negative hlv test results from dark heart nursery. Also saw other members who got clones from this vendor post negative results from dark heart nursery. Well there's rumors that dark heart wasn't even testing the samples people sent and would just send negative results. Is that true I have no idea but they definitely gave negative results to lots of positive plants. But those tests were all done with leaf and petioles tests.
After I started seeing signs of dudding on my second flower run I had tests done through tumi Genomics, nd they requested that I also add root samples. Well apparently root samples are supposed to be 100% accurate according to a study that tumi published about a month after I got my positive results.
I had to toss all my mothers, some I had for years that I went through hundreds of seeds to find ☹️ I also tossed my soil(had been using for 3 years or so) my pots and sterilize everything with bleach.

Took about a 2 month break and then started back up with a bunch of new clones I got from the states. Had them all test negative twice through tumi Genomics root testing.

So the dudded plants are really terrible, they lose lots of trichs and terps plus lack density. They grow side ways almost and the stems are super brittle.

It's alot harder in veg to tell but they will grow lateral branching with super tight noding that overlap and shoot out alot of three finger leaves. Sometimes they look super shiny as well.

What's messed up is you can cut clones from a infected plant and some will dud and others will grow pretty much normal. When mine dudded about 4 out of 15 dudded I think. I believe I've saw others post that it's around 30% of crop will dud if infected.

As far as this purple thing being hlv resistant. All my stuff came back positive but everytime I ran the apple fritter It turned out super dank and it was pretty purple. But on the other hand the pcg runtz was super purple and dudded big time.
Is this guy claiming the one purple strain he has is hlv resistant or is he saying all purple strains are resistant?

Now for some pics of some dudded flower compared to normal flower
Pcg runtz

Marshmallow og

Honestly the shot that dudded is only good for the trash bin 🤢🤮

Hope nobody out there gets this shit 🙏✌️
Reports say that it is mechanically transmitted so this spread through cloning. I wonder what the beer industry thinks of this and what they're doing to protect their hop fields.
That exhaust fan tho LMAOOO
Haha that's my intake, I guess the floor fan turned when I was moving my pots around so it looks like I'm trying to use it to exhaust 🤣🤣🤣
That exhaust fan tho LMAOOO
I really like my Honeywell Turbo fan. I was using it as my overhead circulator but it doesn't oscillate so I'm going to move it to the floor as my undercanopy ciruclator. I was going to pick up an ACI 6" oscillator but I think I'm going to go with a Honeywell Turbo oscillator. I like the build quality and durability of their fans. They even have a version of the oscillator that has a built in heater but it has to be manually operated. I've emailed Honeywell trying to get a schematic of how they wired it up to see if there's some way I can get the heater function to work off a thermostat rather than a rotary knob.
I really like my Honeywell Turbo fan. I was using it as my overhead circulator but it doesn't oscillate so I'm going to move it to the floor as my undercanopy ciruclator. I was going to pick up an ACI 6" oscillator but I think I'm going to go with a Honeywell Turbo oscillator. I like the build quality and durability of their fans. They even have a version of the oscillator that has a built in heater but it has to be manually operated. I've emailed Honeywell trying to get a schematic of how they wired it up to see if there's some way I can get the heater function to work off a thermostat rather than a rotary knob.
Yes those Honeywell ones work great. That what I use mine for, under canopy right next to my intake fan
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