Rosin Porn!


The Texican
Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 15, 2023
Reaction score

Nug run on an unknown organic grown sativa pheno from GPS seed stock.
Press is set to 180F, 800psi max material pressure w/ steady pressure never dropping below 600psi, 5 minute extraction using 2"x4" 120 micron bags











It's looking like that pile of nugs will fill three of these 4gram honey pots😛

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I've been slacking.
Got to do it soon~!
I have never made anything turn out light colored and I press at 180-185 also.🤷‍♂️
Memories here;
^ This might have been the lightest color I have got.^
Hell yea~!
I've been slacking.
Got to do it soon~!
I have never made anything turn out light colored and I press at 180-185 also.🤷‍♂️
Memories here;
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^ This might have been the lightest color I have got.^
Hell yea~!

Could be the age of the weed squished if not due to temps being too high.
These buds came straight from hang drying to being squished. 10 days ago they were alive.
In other runs with cured weed I think storing in the fridge also helps. Keeping it dark and cold greatly slows the aging but also slows the cure.
I pretty much like a 1-3 week cure then stall it out at that point and preserve it there. Just my preference because I enjoy my flower somewhere between fresh and lightly cured and the fridge really helps in those regards.
After that when squished if it's over dry it will come out in a blonde crumble but if it's a little moist it will come out in that creamy golden honey like color but be highly unstable and very waxy like this run here.
So like a half or 3 quarters of flower netted you 3 different 4g containers worth so you got like 12gs?

Haven't tried any of this because I always figured the return to be like 25% which seemed really low. I barely have looked into it but it always seemed like the numbers other people gave were low.

I do some black market dabbling and when flower is 150 a zip and dabs 300 a zip...assuming 25% return like I did above you'd need 600 in flower to make 300 in dabs and it never made sense to why someone would do that vs just get rid of it as I always thought something isn't right with the numbers and the return must be greater for it to make sense
Return is usually less than 25% for me.
That is why I don't press all the time.
Not short the product just hard to squeeze 21 grams and get 5 or less back.
Then you smoke on some of the 5g and it is fire~!🔥
I think demand is higher for dabs with people trying to be on the DL more and just sneak one hit here and there.
You sure don't need to sit for a session like with flower to get blown away~!
So someone sitting there with 4 ounces could make 600 street hustling but just says ahhh fuck it let me spend the time to squish it then sell this ounce I get out of doing all that for 300. Proper business model 😁, I get people want dabs and shit but I just figured you'd at least try to get 600 out of the ounce to rectify doing it ya know.

Made me also wonder how many presses they were doing of the same material
The market to sell rosin is worse than the flower market for sure.
I knew guys last year that had oz of rosin for $100~!
Hell I cringe to think of letting my flower go for less than $100 an oz.
Just won't do it~!
So glad all is just for me~!
I got a shitload of fine trim, does that stuff press well?
I think you can press trim.
Some of these crazies press kief~!🤯
Return is usually less than 25% for me.
That is why I don't press all the time.
Not short the product just hard to squeeze 21 grams and get 5 or less back.
Then you smoke on some of the 5g and it is fire~!🔥
I think demand is higher for dabs with people trying to be on the DL more and just sneak one hit here and there.
You sure don't need to sit for a session like with flower to get blown away~!
I squeeze about 1.5 grams per 1/4 ounce of flower for around 15-20% return depending on the flower
Dude I hear ya's bad out there when you can get a 100 zip of nice wax

Street dabs ain't doing it though anymore, the dispo dabs my wife was buying for a while were kind of shit too. Nothing like the dabs I was getting 6 or 7 years ago. Short lasting high. I've come to the conclusion these people are taking plants early for terps and saying fuck it on the development of the I'm assuming the reason the high don't last is bc they pull plants early so they taste good and well ...if the high is only 30 mins you'll just have a returning customer sooner than later. Could be wrong maybe it's just tolerance but man dabs at first used to light me up for 2 or 3 hours
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Jeez now ima have to go press some today


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Dude I hear ya's bad out there when you can get a 100 zip of nice wax

Street dabs ain't doing it though anymore, the dispo dabs my wife was buying for a while were kind of shit too. Nothing like the dabs I was getting 6 or 7 years ago. Short last high. I've come to the conclusion these people are taking plants early for terps and saying fuck it on the development of the I'm assuming the reason the high don't last is bc they pull plants early so they taste good and well ...if the high is only 30 mins you'll just have a returning customer sooner than later. Could be wrong maybe it's just tolerance but man dabs at first used to light me up for 2 or 3 hours
I think what it is with the low quality dabs is people use trimmings and not nugs. I used to dab from the dispo rosin and I also could dab all day and be stoned but NOTHING compared to smoking my own rosin. When I made my own rosin from some freshly dried bud HOLLLY crap is it a night and day difference. I take 1 or 2 dabs and Im LIT for hours.

Also kind of ridiculous people are charging $100 an O for rosin. Must be from the shittiest trim out there. When I was in CO last the good quality rosin was going for like 50-80 bucks per gram, which is a lot more what I would expect to pay for SO MANY MG of thc.

Do you have a press?
Could be the age of the weed squished if not due to temps being too high.
These buds came straight from hang drying to being squished. 10 days ago they were alive.
In other runs with cured weed I think storing in the fridge also helps. Keeping it dark and cold greatly slows the aging but also slows the cure.
I pretty much like a 1-3 week cure then stall it out at that point and preserve it there. Just my preference because I enjoy my flower somewhere between fresh and lightly cured and the fridge really helps in those regards.
After that when squished if it's over dry it will come out in a blonde crumble but if it's a little moist it will come out in that creamy golden honey like color but be highly unstable and very waxy like this run here.
100% gotta be the age of the material. Freshly dried bud gets you that golden beautiful rosin. As soon as the bud cures for a month or two, its a lot darker. Its a pain in the ass to trim THEN press stuff into rosin, but its totally worth it to press all your trim and small nugs as rosin AS SOON AS YOU ARE DONE DRYING, then cure the rosin @ room temp, whip it up and you have the best rosin/budder you can smoke.

I press at like 170-190f in 90u bags, never go too high in PSI and it turns out golden delicious every time.

Of course, some strains press WAY better than others. That Triangle Death Skunk from @dragonsflamegenetics DUMPS SO MUCH GOLDEN TREASURES its ridiculous. My blue dream strain? Barely anything.

You can feel when a strain is gonna be good pressing when it feels sandy/clumpy when you rub your fingers after touching a nug. If its greasy it wont dump well.
Up here in Michigan you can buy good rosin 50/60$ a g - way more expensive than flower , I find preparation of the pressed material makes a difference as well - mayb I’ll post some results later today - but if ya just throw a big nug in between some parchment and press , you will get much different results than if ya broke it up and stuffed a bag , and even something different if you pre press - I got a zip I can press later so maybe I’ll do side by sides ?

Nug run on an unknown organic grown sativa pheno from GPS seed stock.
Press is set to 180F, 800psi max material pressure w/ steady pressure never dropping below 600psi, 5 minute extraction using 2"x4" 120 micron bags

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It's looking like that pile of nugs will fill three of these 4gram honey pots😛

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I've never tried the stuff you're squeezing out, hash and grass only has passed these lips as far as smoking pot goes. Stuff looks toxic as hell, I'm not sure this old brain would recover from that stuff.; I know I gotta get out more & try new things but that equipment you have looks pricey and eats a lot of weed to get that little bit of sticky in a jar. Is it for daily smoking or????
I've never tried the stuff you're squeezing out, hash and grass only has passed these lips as far as smoking pot goes. Stuff looks toxic as hell, I'm not sure this old brain would recover from that stuff.; I know I gotta get out more & try new things but that equipment you have looks pricey and eats a lot of weed to get that little bit of sticky in a jar. Is it for daily smoking or????
Rosin is definitely not toxic, its just using heat and pressure to extract the oils from all the trichome heads. If you press too hot or too hard, you can end up getting plant waxes and other undesirables in your rosin, but nothing that I would deem "toxic".

Have you ever done a dab? I liken dabs to shots of liquor vs Flower is a beer. I have smoked rosin as a daily toke before and its nice but only if you have nothing to do thats really important cuz it FKS u a good way!
I have another plant to squish today so I'll take before and after weights but yeah, expect a return anywhere from 25-50% and sometimes better just depending on some factors, main one being the flower or kief being used. Second biggest factor is being dialed in on the material PSI.

In addition to the plant set to squish today, I also have about 6oz of fresh haul to squish and another lb of seeded weed that I first need to tumble and get kief out of it then press into rosin so yeah I'm one who will press kief too.

Another thing I'm looking at is bag size. I have some big 14 gram bags like what you see in Steams pics as well as small bags that maybe hold around 3grams. The big bags will pull a large yield but I'm not so sure if the smaller bags pull a more efficient yield.
More work and time with the smaller bags is needed and today I'm also gonna try squishing two small bags at one time to see where that takes me. It's nice to finally have some large plates to tinker with this.

Around here, last I checked commercial/black market rosin was around $40/gram but it's cut with terps and it's potency is lacking a lot. Without a doubt my home press is far more potent. Nothing I grow is for sale so I can't speak to that but I do know my shit is very unique when I smoke among other stoners and I get a ton of questions about where it came from.
I'll put it this way as well...I had one of my better hauls in recent years a few weeks ago. However these particular flowers from the haul I consider mediocre and nowhere near as good as the rest of the crop. That makes them a great choice to squish and just pull the good stuff out of them and ditch all the plant material otherwise they'd keep getting pushed to the back of the line when I'm pulling flowers to roll and smoke.

Turning them into rosin puts them at the front of the line now but I gotta be careful. Too much of this stuff too long and my tolerance goes sky high so there has to be moderation. There's no way I could smoke this stuff daily and exclusively. What one joint can do to me in 30 or so hits over a few hours, rosin will do the same with about two pea size dabs in minutes and it will keep me wrecked for hours.
This run being sativa is a super spazzy electric high for about 3 hours then a mad crash into couchlock for another 1-2 hours.

The old saying quality in, quality comes out applies. I'll mix frosty trim in with flower but my best runs will always come from flower or kief. Sometimes a trim run isn't even worth the time if it's not frosty and the return is less than 10%.
Using flower is also why I grow way more flower than I can ever smoke and then stack hauls on top of each other so there ends up being so much it's worth it to squish into rosin just to lighten that load and not have so much pot in storage.
I've never tried the stuff you're squeezing out, hash and grass only has passed these lips as far as smoking pot goes. Stuff looks toxic as hell, I'm not sure this old brain would recover from that stuff.; I know I gotta get out more & try new things but that equipment you have looks pricey and eats a lot of weed to get that little bit of sticky in a jar. Is it for daily smoking or????

Haha don't panic, it's organic!
I don't think you'll find a cleaner and more pure extract around than rosin since it's solventless.
You can make rosin using a $10 hair straightener or you can spend tens of thousands on a tricked out press. Mine is somewhere in between at $2K and will pay for itself inside of one year.
You can smoke it daily but you'll be a walking zombie. I tend to use in moderation or for special occasions like this eclipse coming tomorrow. We'll be sitting in the driveway listening to Pink Floyd's Brain Damage/Eclipse while doing dabs when the world goes dark tomorrow 😋
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Rosin is definitely not toxic, its just using heat and pressure to extract the oils from all the trichome heads. If you press too hot or too hard, you can end up getting plant waxes and other undesirables in your rosin, but nothing that I would deem "toxic".

Have you ever done a dab? I liken dabs to shots of liquor vs Flower is a beer. I have smoked rosin as a daily toke before and its nice but only if you have nothing to do thats really important cuz it FKS u a good way!
Maybe toxic is the wrong word, I was going for potent but It looks beyond that, I'm sure a couple of puffs would put me out.....Never done dabs either, 55 years of smoking pot, hash is the only concentrate I've done
Returns are low, but nothing like smoking your own pressed rosin. I honestly smoke rosin more than flower now. Im started getting into pressing bubble hash recently. I just took down my Gary Payton, Trop Cherry, and Chem 91 today and froze it all. Will wash the fresh frozen and press in a few weeks. Its pretty fun. I always dry and cure some of the harvest.
I am looking into pressing, but the presses are $, I found 1 for $290 or so, maybe for Black Friday I can get one. Gotta save money for it. I know I can get help here at Budbuilders,Cheers
Trying out a new paper stock and it's all kinds of baddass. Slick AF though so kinda difficult to load but once locked in, works outstanding.
It's about 5x thicker and heavier than regular parchment paper.
This is letting me go all the way up to 1000psi on the material and sustained at 850psi. Hydraulic pressure is at around 2500psi.

Today's yields started out at 33%. After a few adjustments, I got it to 50%. Nugsmasher has 80% return videos but I think those are by pressing hash and I haven't really dove into that yet.
I'm also finding smaller bags are indeed more efficient. Seems like I get a lot more out of them to completely deplete the puck where as the larger bags do yield great but also keep some of the wax inside.

When I'm looking to increase yields there's several factors I feel are most important.
First off you need oil gusher plants. This is where the frostier the flowers, the better the yields comes into play.
Second is gauge moisture and choose the proper micron accordingly. Lower numbers for dry weed, higher numbers for weed at around 10-12%(normal) moisture.
Third is correct material psi and having bags and paper that will hold up to the highest possible psi without blowing out.
Those 3 factors seem to reliably keep my yields anywhere between 25% and 50%. If my first two presses are in the 20s, I'm making slight adjustments to increase it every press after. If I'm hitting between 40 and 50% I'm feeling dialed in





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I’ve never came close to 40% but I press cold and short time I’m happy with 14/17 % cuz I wash all the pucks anyways so I get it all one way or the other - sorry haven’t made it to the side by side yet life happens , what’s ur temps at bandit ? 1st pic is 175 close to where I like to be- second is at 205 which for me is to hot image.jpgimage.jpg
Trying out a new paper stock and it's all kinds of baddass. Slick AF though so kinda difficult to load but once locked in, works outstanding.
It's about 5x thicker and heavier than regular parchment paper.
This is letting me go all the way up to 1000psi on the material and sustained at 850psi. Hydraulic pressure is at around 2500psi.

Today's yields started out at 33%. After a few adjustments, I got it to 50%. Nugsmasher has 80% return videos but I think those are by pressing hash and I haven't really dove into that yet.
I'm also finding smaller bags are indeed more efficient. Seems like I get a lot more out of them to completely deplete the puck where as the larger bags do yield great but also keep some of the wax inside.

When I'm looking to increase yields there's several factors I feel are most important.
First off you need oil gusher plants. This is where the frostier the flowers, the better the yields comes into play.
Second is gauge moisture and choose the proper micron accordingly. Lower numbers for dry weed, higher numbers for weed at around 10-12%(normal) moisture.
Third is correct material psi and having bags and paper that will hold up to the highest possible psi without blowing out.
Those 3 factors seem to reliably keep my yields anywhere between 25% and 50%. If my first two presses are in the 20s, I'm making slight adjustments to increase it every press after. If I'm hitting between 40 and 50% I'm feeling dialed in

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Love the paper what’s it called
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