420 fast buds original white widow auto


Puff Paladin
May 21, 2023
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Do you bury part of the stem when you plant your seed cups into the cloth pots? I'm always worried that I'll get rot from doing that but I've seen lots of people do it. I'm told that the part that gets buried will just sprout stems.
Do you bury part of the stem when you plant your seed cups into the cloth pots? I'm always worried that I'll get rot from doing that but I've seen lots of people do it. I'm told that the part that gets buried will just sprout stems.
I do it when there's a lot of stretching. I haven't had any problems with rot. That part of the stem does grow roots. I've read advice against adding soil higher than the cotyledons, but I haven't tried it, so I don't know for sure about that. It seems like it would be okay because clones are rooted from other parts of the plant. For my purposes, burying part of the stem is an effective way to handle stretching.
Do you bury part of the stem when you plant your seed cups into the cloth pots? I'm always worried that I'll get rot from doing that but I've seen lots of people do it. I'm told that the part that gets buried will just sprout stems.
i had these in peat pellets so i just buried the pellet but i know what your talking about and i have done it there right it grow roots , you wont get root rot unless ur watering to much
Do you bury part of the stem when you plant your seed cups into the cloth pots? I'm always worried that I'll get rot from doing that but I've seen lots of people do it. I'm told that the part that gets buried will just sprout stems.
I did it with this one
i took a leggy ass clone that was in a solo cup, and put in at the bottom of a 1.5 gallon nursery pot and then filled the pot, otherwise there would have been 20+ inches of bare stem sticking out of the pot before it branched out lol.
even tho my 4x4 is on 12/12 i am wondering if i should just move these few joints into that tent to finish and go ahead and start my next grow
this place is worthless guess u have to be a paying member to get help cause no one answers anything here
this place is worthless guess u have to be a paying member to get help cause no one answers anything here
Im watching your thread, but havent seen it in my notifications or the main board.

Sorry man.

As for the question you asked.
That is what i would do with them. Put them in the 4x4 at 12/12 to finish and start more plants so you have a head start on the next grow.
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