Blue Dream & God’s Gift grow.

I use FF/ COM/Sohum and promix and never pH my water.
My water is way worse than yours.
7.6pH 365ppm but low GH [9] and KH [2].:oops:
If this is from unpHed water then you will recover no issue.
I have some plants that go purple early and hard and then others that don't so I don't pH still.
In most cases the soil will buffer ph. It’s when it’s really high or low out of tap that you got to add up or down. I quit testing my ph except when I aeroponic clones.
Yea man you are on point the way I see things.
Slight tip curl but no real burn. :cool:
That is right where I have been trying to stay.
Push baby~!:p
Thanx I appreciate that. Yeah I’m basically staying course with everything. I did up the Potassium a tad. Just 2 mls. Cut the Big Bud. Started the Overdrive. I’m happy with their progress.
2 days away from week 7. Plants are still going strong. Couple of God’s Gift are gonna finish up soon. A few are lagging behind. Same with the Blue Dream.
Pics of the GG

Pics of the BD.

Pic of the whole group.


Thanx for looking.
Got my next ones growing. I have 2 Blue Dream, 3 GG, 2 Double Purple Doja, 2 Grandaddy Purple and 2 Purple Diesel. Plants recovered well after a repotting.


The 2 DPD.

The PD and the GP just sprouted.



All is going well. Thanx for reading.
I was kinda worried about the plant that went full herm. But it’s looking like I was lucky. I don’t see any seed development on any of the plants. I did however pull 2 plants from my new grow. One was just really short compared to the same strain. The other was lanky and had uneven limbs. One limb was 2 inches the other side 6.
Picture Day. Couple days after week 7. Plants are going strong. Got some leaves dying off. Feed is still the same. Maybe a week or 2 left. Bout ready to Cut, Dry, Jar and Char. Thanx for looking




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Outstanding looking grow Ikilledit! You are definitely killing it with that frosty goodness. I bet it's smelling all kinds of groovy up in there too🥴
Been a minute since I’ve been here. Doing a small addition to the house. Plants are close to finishing. Maybe a week or 2. One Blue Dream finished so it’s chopped and drying. The others are coming along well. I have one plant that doesn’t look like the others. It’s more purple looking but the buds are dark. Not sure what it is. Here’s some pics. Thanx for reading.

Here’s the BD plants.

The Gods Gift


Some more BD


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I ran a gods gift outdoor - everyone loved it - it was outdoor for me, did make great hash and wax


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I ran a gods gift outdoor - everyone loved it - it was outdoor for me, did make great hash and wax
Nice. Plant looks great. I cut the bigger Gods Gift about 2 weeks ago. It was ready at 7 weeks. Dried it whole for 7 days then cut all the buds off. So now I’m sweating them a week. Been working on the house the last few weeks. Then I caught this bad cold. I hate being sick. I’ve got 2 BD that I’m cutting tomorrow. Gonna be ending this grow soon and moving on to what’s in veg now. So I’ve got the Double Purple Doja, Granddaddy Purple, Purple Diesel and 2 Gods Gift. I ended up cutting the 3 Blue Dream down. They were really tall and very skinny at 2 months in veg. The mains had a set of leaves and node then 7 inches up another. Seemed to spaced out to really do anything. Again thanx for dropping in and checking out my grow.
Just when you think the problems are over they’ve really only just begun. So I’ve been working last few weeks and sick this week. Haven’t really paid to much attention to my plants. My daughter came down to visit us last week. She wanted to see my plants. So she goes upstairs checks them out. Later on that night she says the upstairs door was open and she saw the cats running down the stairs. She said the cats didn’t go in. So if feeling better today. I go up and water. Start looking at my plants and I started noticing HAIR everywhere. Hair on everything. Dang cats were up there going crazy for hours. Even ate on my new plants again. I don’t even want to take pics of the buds because of the hair. It’s going to take me forever to pick them off plant by plant and bud by bud. I’m gonna be pulling hairs all the way up to the jarring process.
Alright folks. Plants have been cut. Now they’re hung in a veg closet and 2 in the flower room I ran out of space. Got plants hanging everywhere.
Guess we don’t need pics. Who hasn’t seen a plant hanging to dry. The God’s Gift I cut 3 weeks ago is curing nicely. Firing up a bowl as we speak. Turned out awesome. Sticky, smelly. You can definitely taste the fuel on this one but in a good way. Buds came out tight and compact. Need a grinder for this. Unless your me. I just crumble it best I can and smoke it. It’s got a nice jar appeal. I’ll post finished buds once they’re ready. Here’s a pic of the Gods Gift that’s in the jar.



Thank you to everyone who commented on my grow and liked what I was doing. I really do appreciate the support.
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