9 years I did that run, 7 on motorcycle 2 in my pickup after having my leg broke driving home one December in the rain, a woman turned left in front of me and snap, bike, hits car, leg snaps, over the hood I go and land on the road in traffic, cars whipping by me until the ambulance arrived and blocked the traffic....I'm much better now...lol
Lucky man. Or maybe not depending how you look at it.

I rode my bike most of the time as well. Sucked in stop/go highway traffic. Fantastic in the mornings.

Glad you didn’t get run over. From what I’ve seen it’s only gotten worse. People don’t give a crap anymore, unless it effects them directly.

When was the last time you rode? It’s been about 5 years for me. Still have my bike, just lost the desire. But every once in a while I get the itch. 🏍️
White beans n ham, cornbread and fried taters..that’s what I’m doing today!
Good morning CG 👋

Hope you get through the day okay. Standing in front of a hot stove doesn’t sound fun this morning. But it does sound really good. 🤤

We decided my wife wasn’t cooking yesterday and ordered out. We didn’t need the extra heat from cooking and she’d already had a long day.
Good morning CG 👋

Hope you get through the day okay. Standing in front of a hot stove doesn’t sound fun this morning. But it does sound really good. 🤤

We decided my wife wasn’t cooking yesterday and ordered out. We didn’t need the extra heat from cooking and she’d already had a long day.
Gonna be a good day! 🙂 Not so hot here. I remember 100* days endless sun and sweating like a cold beer on a hot table. Despite all of the bullshit news warnings I lived.
Hop on ya scooter and come for supper!
White beans n ham, cornbread and fried taters..that’s what I’m doing today!
I'm dieting again, back on 3 - 500 -600 cal meals per day + fruit at about 9pm as a snack
cereal, fruit, milk...500 ish...sandwich...tuna,chicken,pastrami,shrimp,crab, peanut butter and banana is my favorite with 300 cal in toasted bread 80 peanut butter, 60 butter, 120 banana, 560 ish.....salad with every veg you can think of + 150 dressing and 120 can of tuna or another sandwich if I'm real hungry. Stacked with tomato's Sprouts or lettuce and a meat of some kind on toasted sourdough bread with some hot mustard's I have...

We're also back at the gym every 2 days we do a 1 hr work out and have been since I started dieting May 30....gym day today.....We use the the weighted equipment not the free weights.
My first piece to warm up I move more than the weight of a full grown elephant 1 ft.... 55lbs at a time in about 2-3 minutes...11,000 lbs....I pull 55lbs 200 times. I start cold and by the time I've pulled the equipment 100 times I'm in full out sweat mode after 200 I'm saturated, then we move on to other pieces, we work on 10 pieces of equipment per workout.....
.we are a little wobbly after finishing, stop for a coffee and drive 1/2hr home....boy that first joint hits well after that, stiff and sore everyday now until I start working out then I feel pretty good but stiffness returns.

Some of that Mac & cheese does wonders though, my son was super impressed he couldn't finish a full joint...43 yr old light weight...lol
I'm dieting again, back on 3 - 500 -600 cal meals per day + fruit at about 9pm as a snack
cereal, fruit, milk...500 ish...sandwich...tuna,chicken,pastrami,shrimp,crab, peanut butter and banana is my favorite with 300 cal in toasted bread 80 peanut butter, 60 butter, 120 banana, 560 ish.....salad with every veg you can think of + 150 dressing and 120 can of tuna or another sandwich if I'm real hungry. Stacked with tomato's Sprouts or lettuce and a meat of some kind on toasted sourdough bread with some hot mustard's I have...

We're also back at the gym every 2 days we do a 1 hr work out and have been since I started dieting May 30....gym day today.....We use the the weighted equipment not the free weights.
My first piece to warm up I move more than the weight of a full grown elephant 1 ft.... 55lbs at a time in about 2-3 minutes...11,000 lbs....I pull 55lbs 200 times. I start cold and by the time I've pulled the equipment 100 times I'm in full out sweat mode after 200 I'm saturated, then we move on to other pieces, we work on 10 pieces of equipment per workout.....
.we are a little wobbly after finishing, stop for a coffee and drive 1/2hr home....boy that first joint hits well after that, stiff and sore everyday now until I start working out then I feel pretty good but stiffness returns.

Some of that Mac & cheese does wonders though, my son was super impressed he couldn't finish a full joint...43 yr old light weight...lol
I don’t have anything this time that I can smoke a whole one of, and I’m not complaining!
Still on the work out, pay attention to food thing I see, good on ya! I’m pretty active but have found with age no matter how busy I have been, that ole stiff and sore is present daily.
Lucky man. Or maybe not depending how you look at it.

I rode my bike most of the time as well. Sucked in stop/go highway traffic. Fantastic in the mornings.

Glad you didn’t get run over. From what I’ve seen it’s only gotten worse. People don’t give a crap anymore, unless it effects them directly.

When was the last time you rode? It’s been about 5 years for me. Still have my bike, just lost the desire. But every once in a while I get the itch. 🏍️
30 years ago, I had a fleet of 750 four Honda's. from 74-78 all interchangeable parts I had 2 ready for the road at any time and 2 for parts. Then after my tib/fib break I sold it all and I haven't ridden since other than a scooter in Cuba and a small motorcycle on Cosumel that I whipped my elbow out slipping in the parking lot....I'm now on the hunt for an Ebike...I have my eye's on this one..one for me one for my son with different tires
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I don’t have anything this time that I can smoke a whole one of, and I’m not complaining!
Still on the work out, pay attention to food thing I see, good on ya! I’m pretty active but have found with age no matter how busy I have been, that ole stiff and sore is present daily.
I smoke 2 back to back of everything...not because I need to but I like smoking...I'm good at it...its a hobby and you need to keep practicing or you'll lose the hang of it...as I stick my filter into my 2nd
30 years ago, I had a fleet of 750 four Honda's. from 74-78 all interchangeable parts I had 2 ready for the road at any time and 2 for parts. Then after my tib/fib break I sold it all and I haven't ridden since other than a scooter in Cuba and a small motorcycle on Cosumel that I whipped my elbow out slipping in the parking lot....I'm now on the hunt for an Ebike...I have my eye's on this one..one for me one for my son with different tires
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Looks like fun!
I smoke 2 back to back of everything...not because I need to but I like smoking...I'm good at it...its a hobby and you need to keep practicing or you'll lose the hang of it...as I stick my filter into my 2nd
You would truly appreciate this Biscotti Blond! Imma grow two of them next time!
You would truly appreciate this Biscotti Blond! Imma grow two of them next time!
I have a Quebec Blue going again and it's looking great, standing next to a Chocolate Mimosa that came from runt to star once she hit the autopots...they are both leading the pack in size over 2 Green Crack and 2 Topanga Cookies...Both Topanga are going to be the best producers but smaller buds at 4 weeks in flower today
7 hours work at noon was enough for all~!
I waited till they said mercy today. :cool:
74f at 4am, 94f at noon.
Sitting by the water hole slacking.
Smoking Cherry Gar See Ya and glad I just started a whole cherry/grape grow.
Man I love the sweet cultivars. :p
Wow 36C in Bridgewater today where our gym is located. we went in at 3 pm 29C out at 4:15 @ 36C....that's hot for these parts....I'm closer to the ocean and its only 29C outside and in my basement 21C @ 62% Tent 78f @ 62% with dehue set at 50% running 24/7 puling 4 gallons a day out and I still can't get it down...I'll have to go on turbo but that sucks the juice and I try to avoid that as much as I can
Decided to play hooky today. :sneaky:
Supposed to get to 94-97 before random thunderstorms maybe.
I started seeds the other day with this full moon in my mind.
What's better to start cherry and grape strains than a strawberry moon~!:p
I don’t have anything this time that I can smoke a whole one of, and I’m not complaining!
Still on the work out, pay attention to food thing I see, good on ya! I’m pretty active but have found with age no matter how busy I have been, that ole stiff and sore is present daily.
I don't mind the former butt don't like the latter.
Wife tells me we had a storm from 2am-6am. I had no idea but that explains the wall of moisture when you open the door. 🥵

At least the garden survived. I don’t like watering every day but man do the cucumbers need it.

Strawberries are getting ready to flower again. They tried indoors but not enough sun so they gave up.
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