Feast AND famine, Post-harvest/pre-cure


Herb Hitman
May 21, 2023
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It’s that time after the plants come out of the ground and left to hang, but long before they’re ready to grind and puff.

I have two plants at drying day 8, three more at drying day 2.
I had also pulled a branch off a couple plants about 11 days ago because they were in shade and I was hoping to get an early test puff!

I feel like a starving man looking through a window at a feast!

I did test some of the “day 11” stuff yesterday and thoroughly thrilled with taste and effect, just needs more dry/cure time.
I also tested some of the “day 8” stuff (one plant in particular - Apples and Bananas). It was in week 10 at harvest and has an amazing fuel smell to it. I expected with a fuel smell, it was going to be a little “uppy”, but it put me in bed within about 45 minutes. I simply was out! I expected that from an indica, not a hybrid!

I can see light at the end of the tunnel, but for now, I need to just remain diligent, temps and humidity in the Bay Area are near perfect now for a dry and cure. But no time to be caught sleeping at the wheel.

I’ll get some pics posted next time I go into the “dry room” to drool!
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