First time indoor grow


Dope Dynamo
Jan 27, 2024
Reaction score
I'm new to growing cannabis. I've had a vegetable garden and am a capable gardener. I know that growing cannabis is different. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.20240127_095224.jpg
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Greetings JayBee and welcome to Bud Builders!

You can help folks help you by giving the community as much info about your grow as possible. If you are having any problems, please list what you think they are and how you got to where you are at the moment.

Pictures are great so thanks for including those. Thinks like the strains you are growing, are they photo period or autos, what is your environment like in your grow space, relative humidity and temperature, what kind of nutrients are you using, what is your actual grow medium, water source, watering practices etc.??

The more info you can provide, the more that experienced growers will be able to effectively help you.
The only difference I’ve noticed between vegetable gardens and cannabis is you water/add nutrients more, otherwise it’s pretty much the same (at least from what I can tell in my year and a half of growing), so this shouldn’t be anything new to you :)

Welcome aboard!
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