Man.. not sure what's going on but I've got two more leaners. Not real bad just yet but they're acting like the last one that gave up.

I just don't think it's the fact that they're leggy. 4 basically identical seedlings. One's out already, two starting to lean and one that's healthy as could be. All the same height. Then there's the replacement. It's nearly two inches taller than the rest with no lean.

I turned down the red a bit and raised up the blue. 1r:3w:6b.

@Stoneyluv, @Bandit420... where should my intensity be at this stage? 10-11 day old seedlings. I don't know just how powerful this light is and don't know what's too much. @GoodShit97 says give 'em some more light.

@Aqua Man.. I've been running 80 degrees and 62 humidity. Is that too high VPD? My log shows it hitting 1.25 with a 1 degree offset for leaf temps ~79. I'm gonna assume yes until you reply, so I bumped up the humidity a touch bringing it closer to 1 for now.
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Man.. not sure what's going on but I've got two more leaners. Not real bad just yet but they're acting like the last one that gave up.

I just don't think it's the fact that they're leggy. 4 basically identical seedlings. One's out already, two starting to lean and one that's healthy as could be. All the same height. Then there's the replacement. It's nearly two inches taller than the rest with no lean.

I turned down the red a bit and raised up the blue. 1r:3w:6b.

@Stoneyluv, @Bandit420... where should my intensity be at this stage? 10-11 day old seedlings. I don't know just how powerful this light is and don't know what's too much. @GoodShit97 says give 'em some more light.

@Aqua Man.. I've been running 80 degrees and 62 humidity. Is that too high VPD? My log shows it hitting 1.25 with a 1 degree offset for leaf temps ~79. I'm gonna assume yes until you reply, so I bumped up the humidity a touch bringing it closer to 1 for now.
Do you know the leaf temp?

Are there roots in the water?

Are you too feeding them?
@Stoneyluv, @Bandit420... where should my intensity be at this stage? 10-11 day old seedlings. I don't know just how powerful this light is and don't know what's too much. @GoodShit97 says give 'em some more light.

this round is the most i gave them and they took it with no problems and didn't overdue it. once plants were out of seed and heads above soil i gave them 30-30-30 power. and i have two 550's on so should be close to the exact same watts you have. i have Gen1 lights so a bit different spectrum. but once at 30-30-30 i raised it 5% each spectrum every 3-4 days so increasing about ten percent every week. just last night i adjusted to 99-99-99 and i am at the beginning of week seven. since seed.

if you want to stay with the 39:49:99 ratio suggested by CLW i would try 10R-15W-30B thats the power i used in the past runs then after the first week i would bump to 15-20-40 then another week to 20-25-50 and so on, bumping the highest number 10% each week and let the other ratios follow suite.

i believe you have fancy equipment to measure your DLI? adjust your light hieght according to your DLI. for seedlings keep it around 15-25 DLI and that should work it out to be around 18"-24" above the seedlings.
i believe you have fancy equipment to measure your DLI?
I don't have a way to measure ppfd. I've used the apps and they never aligned with manufacturers specs. I've wanted to get a good ppfd meter, though. I'll bump up the intensity and try the 10:15:30

You did remind me of a time when Aqua helps with flux readings. I''ll have to check out that thread and see if I can find the post. For some reason I'm thinking 25k flux. I'll go check that.

EDIT: checked and they're getting 5-6k flux. 10:15:30 bumps it up to 11-12k.
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seems significant, it was half that.. i wouldn't even be afraid to go a little higher man, your seedlings are not baby new anymore. don't be scared to bump it up another 5%-10%
Ok I found the post he recommended bumping it up to 25k. I was quite a bit further into veg with a plant already filling out the scrog. I'll see how they handle the bump up to 12ish.

Here's the plant we gave 25k
Ok I found the post he recommended bumping it up to 25k. I was quite a bit further into veg with a plant already filling out the scrog. I'll see how they handle the bump up to 12ish.

Here's the plant we gave 25k
View attachment 67251

watch for the seedlings stems to get thicker more than taller and then you'll know you're on the right path. and you get the luxury of monitoring your roots, as long as they keep growing i would take that as a good sign.
Trichs don't really give any indication on the males tendency, it's best to use males and test the offspring, or u can reverse a male into a female and get a really good idea what your working with. I've seen females with pre trichs in veg that kinda fizzled out and ones that were late bloomers turn out to be fire
Right yea it seemed kinda like a reach like they were looking for anything to tell them they had a better plant lol 😅
It actually didn't take that long. The towel under it is basically dry and I can barely feel any wetness where the leak was coming from. YOU ALL SAW IT TOO, RIGHT?!
Oh well. New pump coming.


Everything's coming along nicely. Got one leaner but I think it'll do fine. The first to pop is looking great. It's in the pics below.
View attachment 67048View attachment 67049
The water level is an inch or so below the netpots. These aren't the most aggressive roots of the bunch, but they're abundant.

9th day from sprouting
Temp: 80-82
RH: 60-62
Water temp: 70
PH: 5.9
PPM (500): 160

I think I'm gonna like these Lotus nutes. I know it's early, but the pH stays rock steady. I'm not too sure about the solubility, though. There were some odd little black flakes mixed into the Grow blend. I assume that's normal for them? They seemed to dissolve? I put that '?' in there because I mixed for a long time and gave up trying to get them all to dissolve.
You try starting it with a little hot water first

I always just use hot water then cool it down now

Yeah. Couple inches worth.

Yeah they're getting 160ppm. 20 is Agsil and the rest is Lotus' Grow blend.
That leaf temp is way too high for little plants. 75-76 max.

They don’t transpire enough to cause much cooling at that size so a room temperature of 80 combined with the light waste converting to heat is probably why they are that high.
Are the roots in the water?
You should be top feeding once a day until you get a good volume of roots in the water.

How far below the net pot is your water?

Do you have air stones in the buckets? If not the water will not splash the roots enough and you need to top water
i am really against more light bro.

You also have to understand that measuring light that high in red and blue with lux is very difficult and different.

Lux measures green light. A red and blue heavy light can be 3x or more the ppfd when converted. See below. Red blue vs red blue white.

The ratios make a huge difference man.

Seedling will also bend out of the way when they get too much light.

I don’t understand why people push light in veg it just makes no sense
Both of those are measured in lux and converted. You see the difference in ppfd? Its huge. Like i said lix only measures green light and the conversation is a best guess based on light spectrum
That leaf temp is way too high for little plants. 75-76 max
Right on. For some reason I was thinking 75-79. I'll drop the temps down to get them closer to 76 or so.

Are the roots in the water?
Yeah. Each plant has several shoots in the water that are a few inches long.

You should be top feeding once a day until you get a good volume of roots in the water.
I can see the gro-plug is moist so I stopped top-feeding a few days ago.

How far below the net pot is your water?

Do you have air stones in the buckets? If not the water will not splash the roots enough and you need to top water
The water is now 1.5 inches below the netpot. The combination of jets and bubbles has plenty of splash. The underside of the lid is wet and dripping each time I check the roots.

i am really against more light bro.
Is the 10:15:30 too much, then? I won't be able to check on them after bumping it up and heading to work. Should I get the wife to drop it back down?
I have no way to know what the intensity is. I can look up your light tomorrow if you can give me the model and name
It's a CLW SolarSystem 1100. The manual states that the intensity ranges from 10% to 100%. So inputing a 1 starts you out at 10%.

Same light that Stoney and Bandit use but they use 2 550's instead of 1 1100. That's why I initially asked them about the spectrum first.
This isn't what I read. I'll have to look for it again. They ststed that their lights don't go lower than 10% and that starts at 1.

EDIT: Found it in the manual
View attachment 67303

i believe you man, but i think they were smokin something good when they wrote that. :ROFLMAO: their math doesn't make sense.

according to them 0 is off. 1 is 10% and 99 is 100% .. what is 2 for them? 20% or 11% :LOL::LOL: whats 50, 500%? makes no sense to me.

i bet it's a typo and should say 1% not 10%
i believe you man, but i think they were smokin something good when they wrote that. :ROFLMAO: their math doesn't make sense.

according to them 0 is off. 1 is 10% and 99 is 100% .. what is 2 for them? 20% or 11% :LOL::LOL: whats 50, 500%? makes no sense to me.

i bet it's a typo and should say 1% not 10%
So, assuming it's not a typo, it would equate to a ~.91% bump in intensity for every 1 digit rise.

How else would 99 mean 100%. According to your theory, 98 means 98% and then 99 means 100%. How would you get 99%?

I know it's a negligible difference not worth bickering over, but I'm gonna email them anyway.
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So, assuming it's not a typo, it would equate to a ~.91% bump in intensity for every 1 digit rise.

How else would 99 mean 100%. According to your theory, 98 means 98% and then 99 means 100%. How would you get 99%?

I know it's a negligible difference not worth buckering over, but I'm gonna email them anyway.

IDK man... i just know in a scale from 0-100 that 1 is not 10%. i know it's not 100 but i'm not fussing over the 1%... call it 1-99 or 2-100 there still 99 digits. if they wern't so cheap to add three digits it would go up to 100% haha
I turned down the red a bit and raised up the blue. 1r:3w:6b.

If that's correct and not a typo, your light is pretty much off.
That spectrum dialed up on mine is only 40 watts out of an available 410 so you're at around 9.7% total output.
At that stage, I'm throwing about 120 watts at seedlings or 30% total available power on a balanced spectrum. 30x3.
My solution would be 30x3, adjust height to 30" and take that Lambo out of 1st gear.

A Killawatt meter will help you more than anything IMO. No matter what spectra you dial up you can find your true output then adjust height accordingly.

There are not an equal amount of diodes between the colors.
On mine with one color set at 1 and the other two 0, this is the pull
Blue 17 watts
White 17 watts
Red 30 watts
Looking good brother, they'll be taking off into trees in no time!
Seems like tis the season to switch nutes tho, cause you, sshz, and I just changed to something different lol
I haven’t changed yet but will next grow........I did t want to change half way thru a grow.
This isn't what I read. I'll have to look for it again. They stated that their lights don't go lower than 10% and that starts at 1.

EDIT: Found it in the manual
View attachment 67303

There are not an equal amount of diodes between the colors.
On mine with one color set at 1 and the other two 0, this is the pull
Blue 17 watts
White 17 watts
Red 30 watts

okay i see now, this is where i was wrong i was assuming 1 for 1 diode to %

so then a 1-1-1 would pull around 64w of a possible 410w (minus fans and power supply burn) making it about 10% power.

just cause the digits go up one at a time doesn't account for not having equal diodes of spectrums. thats where i went wrong.
okay i see now, this is where i was wrong i was assuming 1 for 1 diode to %

so then a 1-1-1 would pull around 64w of a possible 410w (minus fans and power supply burn) making it about 10% power.

just cause the digits go up one at a time doesn't account for not having equal diodes of spectrums. thats where i went wrong.
Seems unnecessarily confusing, either way. I mean, I get it. It just seems silly.
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