How to best store freshly trimmed weed ?


Dank Daredevil
Oct 6, 2023
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So my neighbour has today told me that 3 police were knocking on my door at half 9 this morning and I'm now paranoid as fuck and don't know the best way to deal with the situation, the plan was to chop them tomorrow anyway but now im paranoid as fuck and I think they will probably be back tomorrow morning with a warrant coz there is no other reason they wud be knocking on my door, so now I'm thinking of maybe chopping them tonight and moving it out of my house, hoping that they come in the morning do there search and leave empty handed, my question is how wud be best to store the bud until I can hang it up properly tomorrow night ? Please help 🙏
IMO a couple days being hidden won't cause trouble.
Just leave them somewhere they can get air not on your property.
Many used to dry their herb outdoors in the old days.
Hoping this an April fool joke but you are early so also hoping for the best for you.
I kind of had the same thing way back when I grew outdoors. Had to take everything that was cut and drying out of my place for fear of an eminent search.
I'd pack it all up, gather some fans, maybe a carbon air scrubber too, and go hole up in a cheap motel outside of town for a few days drying it out in the bathroom and nesting on it.
Best of luck Buddy 🤞
IMO a couple days being hidden won't cause trouble.
Just leave them somewhere they can get air not on your property.
Many used to dry their herb outdoors in the old days.
Hoping this an April fool joke but you are early so also hoping for the best for you.
I kind of had the same thing way back when I grew outdoors. Had to take everything that was cut and drying out of my place for fear of an eminent search.
I wish it was an April fools joke myself bud but unfortunately not, do you think this wid work because this is what I was thinkin : laying them down in a box in layers with brown paper like amazon use separating the layers ? Do you think it wud be okay like this for a day 2 days max ?
I'd pack it all up, gather some fans, maybe a carbon air scrubber too, and go hole up in a cheap motel outside of town for a few days drying it out in the bathroom and nesting on it.
Best of luck Buddy 🤞
Unfortunately not really an option I've got a young child in the house, my mate said I can store it at his no problem I'm just scared of mould at this moment
I wish it was an April fools joke myself bud but unfortunately not, do you think this wid work because this is what I was thinkin : laying them down in a box in layers with brown paper like amazon use separating the layers ? Do you think it wud be okay like this for a day 2 days max ?
Do you think this wud be okay bud ?
Yup that would be fine IMO. Get your equipment out too.
If all goes well you should be able to check on the box and open it up maybe daily till things settle down.
Brown paper sacks from the grocery will work for a day or 2.just put only a couple layers of bud in each .we used to dry in sacks in an empty fridge when we didn't have any where to hang . Takes about 3 weeks
I don't have any advice, but being from an illegal state myself, I'd like to wish you luck. Nobody deserves to go down for a couple plants and right at harvest is just terrible timing. Fingers crossed for you, bro.
I've been done 3 times before bud they can get a warrant easy enough, anyway the buds gone now so if they come in the morning I'm just gonna be super nice to them invite them in and offer them brews and shit 😂
Go to walmart and buy a tomato plant and hidden cameras/recorders- then have someone SWAT you.
So did they get a warrant and come back?
No it was a false alarm I think bud, I'm not a hundred percent sure but I think it was the bailiffs, if it was the police I'm 99 % sure they wud of been back by now, its not even worth there time tbh they've told me when I've been done before, I'm only doing 4 plants a time so busting me really isn't up there on there agenda I'm hardly Pablo escobar, it's just if they happen to stumble across it they aren't able to just turn a blind eye unfortunately
Thinking about it, I got a plan if this ever happens. I'll just wait til they knock on my door to reveal that I have taken a hostage. So while we are in hostage negotiations, I'll casually chop up and flush everything. I won't be talked off the ledge until I'm done. Then for the surprise ending I come out holding a plastic butter knife into my own back and start talking to myself.

"Don't hurt me"
"You shut up I'm in control here"
"Ahhh please don't stick me"
"What did I say about shutting up?"

I think it'd work, maybe 🤔
Thinking about it, I got a plan if this ever happens. I'll just wait til they knock on my door to reveal that I have taken a hostage. So while we are in hostage negotiations, I'll casually chop up and flush everything. I won't be talked off the ledge until I'm done. Then for the surprise ending I come out holding a plastic butter knife into my own back and start talking to myself.

"Don't hurt me"
"You shut up I'm in control here"
"Ahhh please don't stick me"
"What did I say about shutting up?"

I think it'd work, maybe 🤔
I hope you have more than one toilet. It might be a long stand off to get all that stuff flushed.😅🤣😂
Thinking about it, I got a plan if this ever happens. I'll just wait til they knock on my door to reveal that I have taken a hostage. So while we are in hostage negotiations, I'll casually chop up and flush everything. I won't be talked off the ledge until I'm done. Then for the surprise ending I come out holding a plastic butter knife into my own back and start talking to myself.

"Don't hurt me"
"You shut up I'm in control here"
"Ahhh please don't stick me"
"What did I say about shutting up?"

I think it'd work, maybe 🤔
This might get you involuntarily commited to a psych ward 🤣
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