Observers' 2x4 Space


Quantum Yield Engineer
May 11, 2023
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Seperating my threads as I'm doing slightly/different things and organization

And I don't want viparspectra in the title lol
And some "manual crop-steering" attempts

Ok so first few hours tonight I'm doing "fast dry backs"

2.0 EC 5.5 pH

That first line is my current shot amount I'm doing, I'll measure the mL of it when i get time


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And some "manual crop-steering" attempts
media, motherfucka! you didn't mention the media. 2.0 EC in wool is different than in coco, promix, or soil. whatchu running in on this one?!
also, i prefer it called ghetto crop steering. because we do this shit on the cheap. no $5k automation systems here, our shit is duct tape, bailing wire, and some redneck ingenuity.
media, motherfucka! you didn't mention the media. 2.0 EC in wool is different than in coco, promix, or soil. whatchu running in on this one?!

haha fuck ooops

so the purple punch is 100% vermiculite, seems to actually dry faster than the 100% coco or coco/perl mix

and the others are coco with little perlite.

the other 100% vermiculite is in flower tent
media, motherfucka! you didn't mention the media. 2.0 EC in wool is different than in coco, promix, or soil. whatchu running in on this one?!
first few waterings i was trying 2.4ec but figure that could possible be high, yet i hear 4.0 and 3.0 start-finish from some LGOs so im not sure what those factors are off the top of my head

so im at 2.0 ec now seeing.

they were a little nitro/mg def
comparing to LGOs is a fool's errand man. they're running commercial gear and running turn n burn operations. eg, pushing the plants from day 1 to chop. when i was in coco, i liked hitting about 2.4 EC by week three of flower, maybe a bit higher, but that's also with high fertigation and HID lighting (would use LED now).

if you weren't seeing issues, stick with the higher feed. just be mindful that if you miss a watering, you might come back to some fried herb.
comparing to LGOs is a fool's errand man. they're running commercial gear and running turn n burn operations. eg, pushing the plants from day 1 to chop. when i was in coco, i liked hitting about 2.4 EC by week three of flower, maybe a bit higher, but that's also with high fertigation and HID lighting (would use LED now).
of for sure, not sure what the factors that allow them 4.0 or 3.0 ec "start to finish" off the top of my head.
if you weren't seeing issues, stick with the higher feed. just be mindful that if you miss a watering, you might come back to some fried herb.
so far dont think so. was 2 nights 2.4-2.5 this current batch is 2.0 ec
of for sure, not sure what the factors that allow them 4.0 or 3.0 ec "start to finish" off the top of my head.

so far dont think so. was 2 nights 2.4-2.5 this current batch is 2.0 ec
parameters are fairly straight forward. 80F, ~65%RH, super high PPFD with plenty of light distance to not bleach the plants but enough concentration to get penetration. High fertigation schedules, as in crop steering. Fully automated. The media never dries back past 80%. it's a whole other game man.

i'm sure you've seen the LGOs that are still running 1000w DE CMH. things mounted up on the ceiling, 12ft up, but look like they're 2ft apart. 100+ of em for a room. video doesn't capture how bright those rooms are, but you cannot go in them without damn near welding glasses on, or you'll lose eyesight. everything is dialed to the T. most everything is automated. that's how they're able to run such high EC because everything else is perfect and the plants can consume that level as result.

think of it like a high quality tuner. turbo speced to the displacement, bore, stroke and valve durations. fuel system just right. intake system the perfect volume. exhaust a work of art. and they're running 110 octane race gas with meth injection. extracting every last bit of potential out of the platform. same concept with those high EC grows.
should mention im running JRCROPTECH 9-17-28

i just pick an EC and go with it for that night as of now, ill look at the plants over tonight or tomorrow and see what the plants say, was N and mg deficient.
parameters are fairly straight forward. 80F, ~65%RH, super high PPFD with plenty of light distance to not bleach the plants but enough concentration to get penetration. High fertigation schedules, as in crop steering. Fully automated. The media never dries back past 80%. it's a whole other game man.

i'm sure you've seen the LGOs that are still running 1000w DE CMH. things mounted up on the ceiling, 12ft up, but look like they're 2ft apart. 100+ of em for a room. video doesn't capture how bright those rooms are, but you cannot go in them without damn near welding glasses on, or you'll lose eyesight. everything is dialed to the T. most everything is automated. that's how they're able to run such high EC because everything else is perfect and the plants can consume that level as result.

think of it like a high quality tuner. turbo speced to the displacement, bore, stroke and valve durations. fuel system just right. intake system the perfect volume. exhaust a work of art. and they're running 110 octane race gas with meth injection. extracting every last bit of potential out of the platform. same concept with those high EC grows.
when you lay it out like that

makes perfect sense, i was curious why the fucking lights are 12 feet up lol.

i got the RH and heat, with the height and the 300watts of LED in there i can get them to 1000ppfd but yeah, that would be for flower if even.

the tents are a few feet apart so now they are basically same environment which isnt necessarily optimal sure cause different phases, but yeah.

80-86 in the tents and RH is 60-78
im not really controlling the heat or rh, its usually dry here but it rained and its moist outside.

just "naturally" warm and humid rn and from the LEDs, 4 total between both tents

all i have to control so is central AC and its nice and warm in the tents and comfortable out here so thats all i can do really for now

open the flaps if its too humid, maybe run the AC a little to suck out some moisture.

the lights are keeping them toasty.
posting this here so i can easy access it when im in the thread fucking around with it
its been an hour or two, its probably beyond time for another shot.
#second shot of the night
60ml or so ill check it soon
Sense I started getting back on my shit, these are looking way better and thanks to the meters for actual proper read outs and dialing in.

Been a few nights since I've cleaned them down, I swear I cleaned the purple punch two nights ago and it looks untouched again already.

Hell yea.

Getting this shit down now!

Higher heat, higher humidity to keep up.

It's a colder night so it's colder in here, may turn the heat up a degree or so and zip em back up and should be pretty good range.

I can now feel/smell humidity levels about @Pipecarver maybe I'll try tasting E.C soon 😂


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probably time for another shot

god damn fuck lmao

and then since i need to sleep at some point, ill flood em before i lay down.
media, motherfucka! you didn't mention the media. 2.0 EC in wool is different than in coco, promix, or soil. whatchu running in on this one?!
also fuck did i mention these babies are in 0.50~ gallon "black planters" 1$/EA from WallyFuck or so.

"supra"-ultra precise custom holes at the fuckin bottom too?1?!
also fuck did i mention these babies are in 0.50~ gallon "black planters" 1$/EA from WallyFuck or so.

"supra"-ultra precise custom holes at the fuckin bottom too?1?!
h4x0r it my guy!
much oxygen, small contain.

hey hey, this ain't 4chan lol still. much wow. big impress.


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careful with those bud. they are recipe for bad decisions, especially after an emotional day. keep your cool. be smart.
thanks man, all good rn, just chillin, bout to smoke a bowl and maybe lay down after flooding the plants, put a movie on.
I’m thinking that a timer with 8 on/off settings per day might save you at least 5 minutes of watering per day??????
sup man, my cheap ass recently started looking at timers, and im shopping for the parts i need for a drip system(s) as i learn what size and parts/pieces i need.
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