Pay it forward (Wanted/Offering)

Aqua Man

Weed Guru
Staff member
May 11, 2023
Reaction score
This thread is where you can donate your used equipment to other growers.

Or post up equipment you may be in need of that other growers may possibly be able to donate to you.
How about donating seed packs for an auction to raise money for the site?

I have a number of unopened breeders packs I'll never get to, no reason these should not be grown out.
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I have a super rare Quantum Horticulture Ballast media station up for grabs


This was given to me by a Quantum sales rep a long time ago during my days of hanging out at the local hydroshop.
No power cord, lost it a long time ago, probably used it for something else IDK.
Docking station is for old first generation ipod and iphones and there's an auxiliary audio jack in the back.

Basically it's a 1000 watt Quantum digital ballast housing with the guts swapped out for media station guts. 5 watt speaker is in the side where the fan would be and controls are in the front.
Made in an era when docking stations were a thing and is vintage grow room swag.
Not many companies make things like this. Usually it's samples, stickers, stationary, posters, and tshirts... Not weird ipod docks made from ballasts lol.

Last time it was plugged in it worked and sound quality is about what you'd expect from a 5 watt speaker docking station.
You cover the shipping and it's yours. I think priority service is around $12-$20 for something this size.
Seed swapping is fine. This forum is a conduit, any seed swaps are directly between users, so don't blame us when your cannabis seeds produce cucumbers and sunflowers.
I bought a variety of "cactus seeds" from wish or something, after a month wait i got my seeds. put them in....
yep, i got a bunch of literal weeds coming up!

China GOT ME! lol
Wanted: pH pen/probe that works lol.

This Phenol red shit is not accurate enough (color shade test)

Just thought I'd ask, if anyone has any decent pH pen/probe that sits around unused, as if it's an older one/got a newer one or so.

Could pay shipping and for the meter - looking for a discount lol

Otherwise may just get one of the cheaper apera pens after move
Wanted: pH pen/probe that works lol.

This Phenol red shit is not accurate enough (color shade test)

Just thought I'd ask, if anyone has any decent pH pen/probe that sits around unused, as if it's an older one/got a newer one or so.

Could pay shipping and for the meter - looking for a discount lol

Otherwise may just get one of the cheaper apera pens after move
I use a cheap ph pen and test strips to check my pens accuracy......If I read 6.5 and the strip is close then thats' good enough for me.

I've about 20 used fabric bags I won't be using any longer, If theres anyone in my area that wants them they're all yours
I use a cheap ph pen and test strips to check my pens accuracy......If I read 6.5 and the strip is close then thats' good enough for me.

I've about 20 used fabric bags I won't be using any longer, If theres anyone in my area that wants them they're all yours
ive used those cheap 10$ blue red/orange ones, didnt take long for me to mishandle them and keep them accurate

so then i started using phenol red....but i need something more precise.
Once I got my pH dialed in I don't even check it, bad practice but those pens go bad on me and I won't spend on another. I have test strips and use them occasionally. I need mure "disipline". Frick, SS
Seed swapping is fine. This forum is a conduit, any seed swaps are directly between users, so don't blame us when your cannabis seeds produce cucumbers and sunflowers.
Hey! It was a perfectly honest mistake!

Jeez, a guy sells a few bird seed a few times and people never leave him alone about it.
Anyone use any "apera instruments"
I use 2 Apera’s my original one is their cheaper model but still calibrates fine. Cost was about $60. Biggest negative about it is the pH probe can’t be replaced!

Then I bought their Gro Star $150 model on a splurge by at the Hydro store. It also does EC but biggest positive IMO is the pH probe is replaceable for about $35.

IMO a serious grower should have 2 in order to double check if something seems off. As stated above you have to rinse any pH pen AFTER EVERY USE and IMO more importantly keep the cap on so it never dries out.

I honestly wish I had spent a little more and got a Blue Lab pen however my original Apera is over three years old and my new one is over a year old and both work and calibrate. So nothing negative to say about Apera and so far their products have lasted and worked great.

Lastly and also my opinion as well as the way I was taught. pH pens are only worth a damn if calibrated at least every 2 weeks and I try to do it once a week. You should know about what the pH is in your typical nutrient solution. If the pH pen reads 9.1 instead of the typical 7.2 it normally is there generally is a problem with the pen and it at minimum needs to be calibrated as well as double checked with a back up pen.

Just my 2 cents.

Peace out,

Your right LJ, I,we know it is a S.O.P. and I am guilty of lessening my protocol. Hasn't bite me in the ass yet but the way I change and adjust nutrients, change, exclude, include it should have bitten me good. I just bought another $100 seeds and that would have gotten me a pH pen huh. Thanks for the get 2, 1 for backup verification. Cheers SSgrower
I have the bluelab meter (gaurdian I believe) that stays in my res and their pens for backup. Freshly calibrated and they still read .2-.3 different. I have just been using the meter's probe. I pull it from my res when I mix a new batch of nutes just for consistency. I was using the pen for new batches but with the difference, I was having to adjust way too much once I filled my res. Which one is correct? I dont know. I don't wanna get a third to double check.

My meter's probe grows gunk on it so I have to clean it off every couple days. The gunk hasn't messed with it's readings unless I let it get out of hand. My next grow, I'll be replacing the probe, though, just in case.
I have the bluelab meter (gaurdian I believe) that stays in my res and their pens for backup. Freshly calibrated and they still read .2-.3 different. I have just been using the meter's probe. I pull it from my res when I mix a new batch of nutes just for consistency. I was using the pen for new batches but with the difference, I was having to adjust way too much once I filled my res. Which one is correct? I dont know. I don't wanna get a third to double check.

My meter's probe grows gunk on it so I have to clean it off every couple days. The gunk hasn't messed with it's readings unless I let it get out of hand. My next grow, I'll be replacing the probe, though, just in case.
I use a cheap ph probe and test strips.....I don't need 100% accuracy I just need a close reading........if my ph tester reads 6.0 and my strips are close in color wtf......what more do I need? does it matter if its off a point or 2? not in my world.
I use a cheap ph probe and test strips.....I don't need 100% accuracy I just need a close reading........if my ph tester reads 6.0 and my strips are close in color wtf......what more do I need? does it matter if its off a point or 2? not in my world.
It might not be that big of a deal for me, either, but after a res change, I can see a drop of .5 or more. If I'm starting .2 or .3 lower than I think, that .5 could be way too low by the time I get off work and could amend.

You do you Pipe. You're recent grow is full of beautiful flowers, so I wouldn't change it up if I were you. 👊
It might not be that big of a deal for me, either, but after a res change, I can see a drop of .5 or more. If I'm starting .2 or .3 lower than I think, that .5 could be way too low by the time I get off work and could amend.

You do you Pipe. You're recent grow is full of beautiful flowers, so I wouldn't change it up if I were you. 👊
All of my grows have been in peat based mediums...Promix and such and I think plants are more tolerable to ph swings grown in it compared to coco.....I really don't pay too much attention to it. I check it occasionally just to see where its at...With my auto pots anything between 6.0 & 6.5 seems good...
I use a cheap ph probe and test strips.....I don't need 100% accuracy I just need a close reading........if my ph tester reads 6.0 and my strips are close in color wtf......what more do I need? does it matter if its off a point or 2? not in my world.
Seems perfectly reasonable to me and definitely cheaper than 2 pens. I am seriously overly OCD about most things in general but as long as you have a second reference to check a pen with if something seems off and/or the pen is acting up that’s all that is needed. IMO
Seems perfectly reasonable to me and definitely cheaper than 2 pens. I am seriously overly OCD about most things in general but as long as you have a second reference to check a pen with if something seems off and/or the pen is acting up that’s all that is needed. IMO
Sup man.

I'm probably gonna buy the Apera 50$ kit and some strips
I have the bluelab meter (gaurdian I believe) that stays in my res and their pens for backup. Freshly calibrated and they still read .2-.3 different. I have just been using the meter's probe. I pull it from my res when I mix a new batch of nutes just for consistency. I was using the pen for new batches but with the difference, I was having to adjust way too much once I filled my res. Which one is correct? I dont know. I don't wanna get a third to double check.

My meter's probe grows gunk on it so I have to clean it off every couple days. The gunk hasn't messed with it's readings unless I let it get out of hand. My next grow, I'll be replacing the probe, though, just in case.
I would love to get probes instead that set in a res but not for now

Was looking at bluelab just out of budget range, those seem to be recommended alot.
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