Pipecarvers Pipes & things

" ivermectin " you mean that horse dewormer stuff Rogan went on about?...lol....not sure if its available here. All I've been taking is Neo Citran , A hot lemon cold/flue drink and Tylenol. The worst part of this is the copious amounts of snot, I can't sleep or breath while laying down. I have some Dristan nasal spray that dries it up for a few hours then I gag awake and cough my guts out...no fun.
Is ivermectin a controlled drug in Canada?

Ivermectin, a prescription drug product, is authorized for sale in Canada for the treatment of parasitic worm infections in humans, specifically intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis, and should only be used for this purpose, under the supervision of a healthcare professional
" ivermectin " you mean that horse dewormer stuff Rogan went on about?...lol....not sure if its available here. All I've been taking is Neo Citran , A hot lemon cold/flue drink and Tylenol. The worst part of this is the copious amounts of snot, I can't sleep or breath while laying down. I have some Dristan nasal spray that dries it up for a few hours then I gag awake and cough my guts out...no fun.
That's the lame stream media spin, the reality is that Ivermectin won a Nobel prize. It's available for human consumption here, what I have is made in the USA too.

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Jan 26th
I'm coming out of my hole, gee's sick sucks...lol I came down to add water to my humidifier in my 3x3 and check the girls flowering. Sat down and rolled 1 I feel much better now. Sick but high and sick fk for the last 4 days I haven't been high. Fixed...

Took some pics of my new crop at 8 weeks in flower today. The Ice Cream Cake is a beauty, smaller buds but very frosty. The 2 All Gas OG up front are looking good as well a different bud structure more of an Sativa look to them with more hair the the Ice Cream cake

My new crop looks like its going to lose a failure, Leaves are funky and not growing well. At transplant if it hasn't picked up I'll scrap it. Don't want to bother with another potential hermie. That'll leave me with 9 and 5 of them are regs.Jan 26 allgasog.JPGJan 26 allgasog1.JPGjan 26 allgasog2.JPGJan 26 group.JPGjan26 icecreamcake.JPGjan26allgasog3.JPGjan26icecreamcake1.JPGJan26icecreamcake2.JPGjan26icecreamcake4.JPGJan 26 new crop.JPGjan 26 newcropfkedplant.JPGjan26newcrop2.JPG
Jan 28, its always something, last night before lights out I was moving a light to give a better angle of it on my plants when I touched the fixture it was hot, Too hot to leave my fingers on it. I have a G3000 that all 4 of the bars are cooking it seems, all are very hot to touch, Its the fixture I cut in half to go up front in my 5x5. Its still working but I can't trust it so I guess I'll have to scrap it and get another. I'm looking at the SE4500 to go across the front of my tent in front of the 2- SE3000. The SE3000's are still cool and they are older lights.
Jan 28, its always something, last night before lights out I was moving a light to give a better angle of it on my plants when I touched the fixture it was hot, Too hot to leave my fingers on it. I have a G3000 that all 4 of the bars are cooking it seems, all are very hot to touch, Its the fixture I cut in half to go up front in my 5x5. Its still working but I can't trust it so I guess I'll have to scrap it and get another. I'm looking at the SE4500 to go across the front of my tent in front of the 2- SE3000. The SE3000's are still cool and they are older lights.
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I put the light in my cart, hoping for another 5-6% discount tomorrow from them, wtf I can use $20 and I've seen them do that in the past. I put my laser temp gun on my hot lights. 125F and 84f on the reg lights, a 40degree temp difference can't be good.
good call on turning that off.. 125 is too much.. might only be that much now but maybe much worst while your sleeping.. hope ya get that discount man!!

If you can understand him, lol He gets really excited and loves storms, a Cape Bretoner with a long line of fishermen in his family.
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and just to think our politicians can't speak five words without a teleprompter.... that guy would burn a teleprompter down!!! haha
Jan 30 I just ordered a FC4000- EVO 320w to replace my G3000 that is too hot to use safely. I'm a Spiderfarmer fan but they don't have any of this size in stock and their price is +$30. Pretty well the same specs at less cost.

I've been adding 6 gal feed to my res every 2 days and its been 4 days since I've had to add more. I'm thinking they've stopped feeding slowing down is Okay.......but the water level isn't dropping????/ check my trays and all are dry...WTF...blockage in my lines, So I blew them all clean and started a new batch. Alls good now, no damage I caught it fast enough to prevent hanging plants.

I've transplanted my 3 fems & 2 regs with 4 more reg Triangle Death Skunk still to transplant. It looks like I have 6 Triangle Death Skunk Regs, 1 Critical Kush, 1 Ice Cream Cake and 1 Blackberry Moonshine / Whothefkknows from my last batch
I run Mars Hydros.
Just don't wind up the cord to tight and make sure all connections are tight.
I think and so far have been proven correct that most issues with MH are user error.
I wound one cord tight and it caused trouble and one light had a loose connection that got too hot.
Now I pay attention to my cords and have no issues.
I run Mars Hydros.
Just don't wind up the cord to tight and make sure all connections are tight.
I think and so far have been proven correct that most issues with MH are user error.
I wound one cord tight and it caused trouble and one light had a loose connection that got too hot.
Now I pay attention to my cords and have no issues.
Yes that's the first thing I did when I found out my light was so hot. I checked all of my connections and ran my laser temp gun over them. all connections are cool but the aluminum frame holding the diodes is hot. So a new light is on the way.
Jan 30, Power failure tonight, out of nowhere bam no electricity. -12c with a bit of wind and supposed to drop to -17c overnight....My poor plants and cats,....... lights back on 2.5hrs later, whew. 2 generators and no gas, wasn't/not prepared. I gotta do better and get one ready to go it could have been a costly fk up. water pipes, pets and plants don't like -17c
Jan 31, last nights power failure has my timers all out of whack, I'll reset at 8pm tonight, they'll be short 2.5 hrs tonight.

All plants have now been transplanted into 1/gal pots with 1 in a divided autopot and topped. My flowering girls are at 8.5 weeks so another 2 weeks and I'll start chopping. 1 Ice Cream cake is very sparkly, I've been getting 1 plant like this on each of my last 3 harvests, 1 plant stands out from the rest. They don't have the largest buds compared to the All Gas OG but make up for it in sparkle. The All gas og are growing, looking & smelling a lot like Sour diesel and they're nice producing plants. I really like the gas taste & can only hope it smokes and tastes gassy.Allgasog8.5.JPGAllgasog8.5a.JPGIcecreamcake8.5.JPGicecreamcake8.5a.JPGIcecreamcake8.5b.JPGNew Crop jan 2025.JPGJan 312025crop.JPG
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Feb 3, 9 weeks in flower yesterday, I'll start chopping around 11 weeks. All gas OG and Ice Cream cake look great I wish I could smell something,

My new crop 6 Triangle Death Skunk, regs 1 Critical Kush, 1 Gassy Cream cake. 1 Blackberry Moonshine/?All GasOG w9.JPGAll GasOG w9a.JPGAll GasOG w9b.JPGIce Cream Cake w9.JPGIce Cream Cake w9a.JPGIce Cream Cake w9b.JPGIce Cream Cake w9c.JPGFeb3 new crop.JPG
Feb 7
I transplanted 2 more Triangle Death Skunk into 1/2 autopots today. A bit of a mess they took a hit, The pots I'm transplanting out of are larger in diameter than the 1/2 pots they are going into and with my mix being perlite heavy the root mass didn't hold together well and I was a bit rough on both. I'd ordered the auto pot bases and I've used the first one in replace of clay balls. I still used some of the balls around my air dome. My 3" net pots are a bit smaller than official domes.

Good growth this week and their topped parts are showing. I was this close to topping again but there's so little greenery I'll let them go a few more days.

There's not a lot of change in my flowering buds, maybe a bit thicker but its hard to tell, 10 weeks tomorrow. My feed dropped to 2.5/2.5/2.5/4/4/5/1ml/gal.....Cal/Mag/Micro/ Grow/Bloom/Diamond Nectar/Peroxide/Hyclean

I used far reds for 1 week in my veg tent on for 15 min at lights out. Its enough to stretch them out and help widen their leaves. I had to shut off because they'd stretched enough. I'm also still using them in the flower tent on for 15 min at lights out, I'm not sure how its effecting them but I'm liking the results for sparkle, health and color they give the leaves and buds. Healthy is the word, longer in flower even with a weak feed I'm not getting much fade or degradation even on lower leaves. 1738971159568.pngAllgasogfeb7.JPGAllgasogfeb7a.JPGFeb 7 Group.JPGFeb7icecreamcake.JPG
My new light came in today, I bought the Marshydro FC4000 EVO. It has more reds with a nice peak in the blue and red spectrum's a lot more color than the Spiderfarmer and some UV. I bought this light because my G3000, I'd cut into 2 pieces and laid them end to end was hot to the touch. I used my laser temp gun and it was 125f where as the SE3000's are just 85f. Too hot I thought so I bought another light.
Today I looked at a review of my new light and he used a temp gun to read it at 120 -124f across the bars and the driver at 140f wtf maybe my G3000 was working right after all........ sigh...maybe I'll use it as side lighting or the bars will still be good as a spare if one of my SE's bars burn out.
My new crop is coming along and it doesn't look like I shocked them too bad yesterday in transplantingfeb 7 new crop.JPG

Feb 7 new light on.JPGFeb 7 newlight more color.JPGFeb 7 new light 1.JPG
Now I feel the need to gun my lights~!
I got my lights cranked to just over 75% and will have them at 100 soon.
Now I feel the need to gun my lights~!
I got my lights cranked to just over 75% and will have them at 100 soon.
I just checked mine but I'm only running them at 60% and the Mars is 83f on the bars and 110f on the driver. The spiderfarmer SE3000 are at 82f and 85f on the driver driver all set by eye and the dials at 60%
That might void the warranty! 😂🤣😂
No warranty, they gave it to me on the Farm to test out and report back 3 times a week...lol...I had a good deal going with them before I got the boot...lol...ah well shit happens.. fkem they don't deserve my presence any longer, Ive been booted out of classier joints than that one...lol. Top of the Mark Hotel in San Fransisco comes to mind early 70's
No warranty, they gave it to me on the Farm to test out and report back 3 times a week...lol...I had a good deal going with them before I got the boot...lol...ah well shit happens.. fkem they don't deserve my presence any longer, Ive been booted out of classier joints than that one...lol. Top of the Mark Hotel in San Fransisco comes to mind early 70's
So after this talk of lights and settings I used my par meter to check out the new light at it has more intensity than either of the SE3000. As I was setting the lights using my meter I notice 1 of the se3000 set at 60% was really at about 25% as I dimmed up and down, there's a very small sweet spot on the dimmer that actually adjusts the light.at 60%on the dial its almost at the bottom of its range. The plant that has been growing under this light is the frostiest of the bunch. This happened last grow as well when I turned a light down and forgot to turn it back up after taking pictures. It grew at about 25% power and was the frostiest one in my tent.

Does anyone else has any experience with this? low light = frost?
I just checked mine but I'm only running them at 60% and the Mars is 83f on the bars and 110f on the driver. The spiderfarmer SE3000 are at 82f and 85f on the driver driver all set by eye and the dials at 60%

This is one way your lights are telling you one is better than the other and that being the hot running Mars.
The SF is likely older tech, is not using top shelf diodes, and doesn't quite pack the punch newer rail lights have under the hood.

Your Mars and my new AC infinity lights are nearly identical. 3 rails, same Samsung LM301H EVO LED (which are the top of the line horticultural diodes Samsung has to offer), same 4'x2' footprint.
Only differences are yours are listed at 320 watts and mine at 280 and the drivers on mine are not attached to the light so they can be mounted outside the grow space. Yours would cost me $245 while mine are discounted from $319 to $247 with a coupon code. Mine also came with the controller while yours would be an xtra $9.
The wattage difference could be from the different driver choices and I'd have to count diodes to see if ours have the same amount but by and large, identical.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if both our lights come from the same factory in China even though they're different brands.

I'm not sure what the individual watts are per diode but the heat starts there. The bigger the chip, the more heat. Coupled with undersized heat sinks and passive cooling, they run very hot and that's totally normal.
If the heat is too much of a problem you'll need to put fans on it to prevent heat build up. The light will still be hot to the touch but the air around it will be cooled down and then when there's an exhaust, the warm air can be removed and cool air added thru the intake to keep temps in check.

EDIT: Yes I dial down intensity in the final two weeks for resin. At harvest mine are only at 20%
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This is one way your lights are telling you one is better than the other and that being the hot running Mars.
The SF is likely older tech, is not using top shelf diodes, and doesn't quite pack the punch newer rail lights have under the hood.

Your Mars and my new AC infinity lights are nearly identical. 3 rails, same Samsung LM301H EVO LED (which are the top of the line horticultural diodes Samsung has to offer), same 4'x2' footprint.
Only differences are yours are listed at 320 watts and mine at 280 and the drivers on mine are not attached to the light so they can be mounted outside the grow space. Yours would cost me $245 while mine are discounted from $319 to $247 with a coupon code. Mine also came with the controller while yours would be an xtra $9.
The wattage difference could be from the different driver choices and I'd have to count diodes to see if ours have the same amount but by and large, identical.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if both our lights come from the same factory in China even though they're different brands.

I'm not sure what the individual watts are per diode but the heat starts there. The bigger the chip, the more heat. Coupled with undersized heat sinks and passive cooling, they run very hot and that's totally normal.
If the heat is too much of a problem you'll need to put fans on it to prevent heat build up. The light will still be hot to the touch but the air around it will be cooled down and then when there's an exhaust, the warm air can be removed and cool air added thru the intake to keep temps in check.

EDIT: Yes I dial down intensity in the final two weeks for resin. At harvest mine are only at 20%
Mine was $389Cdn no tax or shipping on top. I can move the driver out of the tent but the heat is never a bad thing here, except July & Aug. The G3000 was hot to the touch when it was running at 100%, too hot imho at 125f on the bars and 135f on the driver as I remember too hot to keep my fingers on it. I'd cut it in half and I wasn't 100% that doing that didn't cause an issue, no extra heat at my splices but still too hot scared me a bit and was a good excuse to get a new light.
Feb 12
Gees -17C this am that's about as cold as it ever gets here and with any wind it gets pretty chilly being outside for long. Its a good thing I have a nice warm green room to spend my days otherwise this would suck. The fking furnace is running almost non stop, this is going to be an expensive month, the last oil bill was over $800 for 6 weeks...when it was warmish...fk fk fk come on springFeb 11 All gas og w10.5 C.JPGFeb 11 all gas og w10.5B.JPGFeb 11 all gas og w10.5D.JPGFeb 11 falling nicely.JPGFeb 11 Ice Cream cake w10.5.JPGfeb 11 new crop.JPGFeb 11 sparkly 10.5w.JPG

My vegging plants are happy I added another reptile lamp so I'm at 225watts of heat 24/7 keeping my 3x3 at 24-25CF =77f. I should be transplanting into my autopots at the end of this week. I'll be giving them their first feed this week its been water only so far.

My flowering girls are about done, I've dropped feed to 1/1/1/2/5/1ml/gal. I'll use Florakleen the last few days at 10/ml per gal
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