Quick question


Wingin' it
Staff member
Contest Guy
Apr 16, 2023
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Hey guys. I've got a quick nutrient question before I start a journal. I'm using the GH Flora trio and I also have several of their additives on deck. Using their light feeding chart, I added 50mL of Micro, bloom and grow, in that order. I also added 30mL of RapidStart. I mixed this into my 30 gal top-off res, then pH adjusted down to 5.8 or so. After this, I pumped ~15 gallons down into the RDWC system. There may have been some 8 pH RO water left in the plant res, which raised the pH up to 6.9. I've added a squirt or two of pH down every 12-24 hours since, and the pH continues to drift upward. No plant in the system yet and the top-off res has stayed put at 5.8. What's causing this drift upward?

Forgot to mention, after pumping into the RDWC, I added 30mL of Hygrozyme and Southern Ag's.

The feed chart suggested starting Cal-mag in the second week, so I didn't add any of that or any Armor-si. If these two won't bother my seedling, I have no issue adding them now. Looking forward, I'll need a full res change to add them both, since they need to be added to the mixture first. Is that correct?

Right now, I'm just messing with nutes and watching pH while my seed germinates. I will have no issue with starting my mix over, if that's necessary.

Ppms at a stable 260.
I think you are doing the right thing.

When do you normally add the armor SI?

In a perfect world, when I start up a system, I put the silica (armor) in first and run all the pumps and stones for a while. PH will probably go to higher than 9. Thats what you want.

Then after it is stirred real good, start adding PH down (watered down to prevent precipitation) and bring the PH down to the 5.5 range. Overnight it will drift back up as more silica adds to the buffer. Adjust it to 5.8 then start adding nutes, including the cal mag. This will also add to the buffer.

If you can let that run another day before you put plants in, that would be best. I'm not sure about Armor SI, but the pure potassium silicate I use does not all become...
I think they are active aqua. It can be done without a chiller especially when beginning
It can be done yes, how successful it will depend. My first attempt at rdwc was without. I harvested 7 oz from 1 plant. The other 3 didn't make it. The next year i purchased a chiller.
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