Setting up my next grow


Strain Encyclopedia, POTM winner
May 11, 2023
Reaction score
Setting up my next grow trying to go through my list of stuff and make sure everything is in check. Figured I'd post my plan and see if it sounds good or is laughable.

Growing in soil:
FF ocean forest 25%
FF happy frog 25%
Earthworm Castings (wiggler brand) 25%
Perlite 25%

May be heavy on the perlite seemed to work well for me last time though as I tend to over water a bit?

Gaia Green all purpose
Gaia Green bloom
Buildasoil micronized gypsum
Down to Earth powder Azomite
Epsom salt (great value brand...probably should spend a bit more on it and get a better brand lol)
Bigfoot mycorrhizae

Also will be using Recharge from time to time just to give a little boost at watering if needed in between amendments.

I will be using shadeds method with a little sprinkle of my own flavor. Thinking about just top dressing with everything every 2 weeks and cutting the monthly Gaia top dressings in half (to correlate with the 2 weeks feeding). I'm not sure I like going a month between but I still may do the 1 month top dress and then the triforce (gypsum, azomite, epsom) every 2 weeks if people think that would be better than doing all amendments every two weeks. Thoughts?

I will also be running a regimine for pests posted by SSHZ and recommended to me by Anthem.

Dr woods peppermint 1/4 cup
Dr woods tea tree 1/4 cup
1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide
1 cup 70% isopropyl alcohol
2 quarts warm water

Will be running in grow bags, from clone so it's gonna take a while for me to get going. Probably another month or so.

Sorry it's kind of a shitpost I just didn't want to start the journal for this grow yet bc I'm not ready and didn't want the initial page to be clogged up with back and forths ironing out the details....this is my thread for ironing it out.

Thanks in advance, if anything looks stupid just tell me I'm an idiot please lol
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