Tom’s Sierra Foothills entertainment


Herb Hitman
May 21, 2023
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After giving my last girl the chop La month, this girl has been the prime position.

Near the end of week 5.
Soil, Recipe 420 with additional pumice and perlite.
Flipped 4/22.
Using GH flora nova, massive, kool bloom.
250 watts light (forgot mfg)
Golden Kiwi x Watermelon Punch.
Indica leaning hybrid
Supposed to go 8 weeks, I think it will need more to put on enough weight, looks undersized to me. IMG_8459.jpegIMG_8460.jpegIMG_8461.jpegIMG_8462.jpegIMG_8463.jpegIMG_8464.jpeg
It concerns me somewhat that at this early stage (towards the end of week 5), there is the occasional yellow leaf that shows up.
I think at one time a week or so back, I went a little heavy on the massive (at expense of the basic bloom nutes to keep the ppm within range). I’m wondering if I started a nitrogen shortage at that point? Will it continue to go yellow too fast or if I get my chemistry corrected will it settle down until the end?
No it’s me. No data left until EOM.

So I ghost around and try to post. Only a week to go. Don’t change a thing. Just wanted to make sure I could say high before hopping to another thread or I log off. 😝
Week 7 starts today. It’s supposed to go 8-9 weeks.
It still has about 50% white pistils, but I am getting fall colors.

I’m confused.

I’m going to try looking at the trichomes, I expect all clear, with the way today is going I’ll probably find leprechauns 😳IMG_8741.jpegIMG_8743.jpegIMG_8742.jpeg
I’m going to try looking at the trichomes, I expect all clear, with the way today is going I’ll probably find leprechauns 😳
If you find more than one can I have one please?

Missed your likes the last week. Hope all is well.

I’ll wait for a more experienced member to chime up on deficiencies. But this might help.

Combination of the symptoms i see may be caused by chronic over or underwatering and a nutrient buildup in the media…

Hard to say but as they reach this stage they start drinking much less and you may need to alter your watering schedule.

For the nutrient build uo as someone else recently posted about recharge is a good option to run every couple weeks to prevent and with good runoff can correct the issue.

Imo it was likely a combination of those things. The further we get into the grow the more these types of issues will show themselves even though the cause was likely much earlier and you didn’t change anything. Like i say these types of causes happen slowly over time but at a certain point the symptoms just kinda jump out at you
Well, I looked at the trichs, didn’t expect to find almost 75% white trichomes this early.
7 weeks today.

Are there some very short duration ripening strains?
I feel like this is early by weeks, not just a day or two.

@aquaman, would the issues you refer to above, affect trichome colors? Toward white Or milky?
Its a root zone issue that i can tell you 100% you are likely to make little difference at this point other than slowing the progression and unlikely to see any major problems with your harvest in terms of quality also.

This is something you adress your next go around
@TomH i should add that the stress may even improve the quality… not something i fully understand yet but working in it
I like the sound of that!
I imagine it impacts bulk though, just because of lack of proper nutrition at some point along the way.
This plant has looked a little underweight all along.
Maybe strain related, but it would make sense that the nutrition issue would hold it back some. Scrawny kid with good grades?
I like the sound of that!
I imagine it impacts bulk though, just because of lack of proper nutrition at some point along the way.
This plant has looked a little underweight all along.
Maybe strain related, but it would make sense that the nutrition issue would hold it back some. Scrawny kid with good grades?
100% agree with you there
Next in the lineup are two clones, planned for flipping sometime around mid to late June.
One clone was taken from a plant during its second week in flower, it is currently in a reveg cycle, should be about finished as I’m seeing normal new growth just beginning.
I hope a couple weeks more of veg will beef them up, I have a hard stop late in August when everything needs to be finished in the shed.

the lanky plant is golden kiwi x watermelon punch.
The reveg plant is apples and bananas. IMG_8814.jpegIMG_8815.jpegIMG_8816.jpegIMG_8818.jpegIMG_8817.jpeg
This is the foothills clone, golden kiwi x watermelon punch. Saturday is end of week 7, estimated to go 8-9.
If it goes beyond Saturday the 17th, I’ll be surprised. All trichomes are white, nothing even thinking about amber but nothing clear anymore either. The white shows in photos without a flash pretty well. IMG_8918.jpegIMG_8917.jpegIMG_8916.jpegIMG_8911.jpegIMG_8910.jpegIMG_8905.jpegIMG_8904.jpegIMG_8894.jpegIMG_8893.jpegIMG_8875.jpegIMG_8869.jpegIMG_8835.jpegIMG_8830.jpegIMG_8832.jpegIMG_8831.jpeg
My little lady in the foothills was harvested this morning.

I arrived here in the mountains, after being away for a week, to see a plant that is looking dusky in color.
Giving the buds a close look with a lens, they are showing a significant amount of amber showing.

Chopped and hanging now, I have all the patience of a crack baby, I wanna toke it now 😛IMG_9190.jpegIMG_9191.jpegIMG_9192.jpegIMG_9193.jpegIMG_9218.jpegIMG_9222.jpegIMG_9225.jpegIMG_9226.jpegIMG_9229.jpegIMG_9228.jpegIMG_9242.jpeg
With the lady out of the tent, I have some cleaning to see to and prepare for the next two plants to move in.

I’m still a couple weeks of veg before flipping, one plant is just now showing normal growth points after being cloned, flowering in the rooting process, it’s finally getting some normal growth going. Probably three to four weeks and move to flower.

The other clone is getting bigger so it must be time to bend some branches.


Finally, I opened up the middle of my outdoor plant to improve airflow, not sure if this is important outside, but I did it anyway.
This plant is very symmetrical for a clone, it’s also just about double its size in a week, but stretch is still about 6 weeks in the future so I think she got her roots out and is happy with the environment.

Question is, can I keep her happy through October?IMG_9267.jpegIMG_9268.jpeg
This is the latest harvest in the foothills.
Golden Kiwi x Watermelon Punch.

She’s been hanging in the cool, dim corner of the shed.
Early this morning, I popped off a random bud to see how the dry is progressing. The bud is still moist but losing moisture and compressing well.

The smell was so sweet it doesn’t really smell like weed, it’s a great smell, but not the weed of my yout (/joepescivoice)

So, what to do? Let’s spark it up!
Dropped a bud into the pipe, three good drags later, all of a sudden it was like being smacked with a hammer, it came on hard and fast.

Three drags and more buzzed than I’ve been able to achieve from dispensary weed or even my past grows.

I’m looking forward to tasting this one after a complete cure. IMG_9302.jpegIMG_9303.jpegIMG_9304.jpegIMG_9298.jpegIMG_9288.jpegIMG_9279.jpeg
This stuff is MAGIC.

I slept more than 9 hours strait through last night.
I haven’t slept 9 hours in a single week for the past 3 years.

I tested out that bud yesterday, super stoned, then a few zzz early in the day, so I tried it again a little later, stoned AF, then zzzzzz.

Last night, I took a couple puffs, my GF started rubbing my back, yada yada yada, it’s today already!

I hope it keeps working that magic!

This is a cut of Golden KiwI x Watermelon Punch, it only went 8.5 weeks, but it had a ton of amber trichs.
I’m sure I missed it somewhere but what are the cups of stones in the pots for ?
I’m sure I missed it somewhere but what are the cups of stones in the pots for ?
I’ve been doing battle with gnats, I water through these cups, they slow drip in all directions.
Then I can drench the cup with bug spray to keep the flies away.

After each grow, I pull the root ball to examine to see if anything weird is going on.
The majority of the growth isn’t only around those cups, by the time the water table gets to the bottom, it’s filled the entire width of the basket, the root ball is thick across the entire bottom of the container.
After spending the week in the Bay Area, I’m back in the foothills.
The plants are looking good.
The two clones finally have their roots figured out and the reveg plant is producing normal growth now.
I’m going to clean the tent, drop them in and give them 3 or 4 weeks of veg before flipping.
This should just about align the outside plant which should be stretching at the end of July. IMG_9475.jpegIMG_9476.jpegIMG_9477.jpegIMG_9478.jpegIMG_9471.jpegIMG_9472.jpegIMG_9473.jpegIMG_9474.jpegIMG_9484.jpegIMG_9486.jpegIMG_9487.jpegIMG_9488.jpeg
This girl looks like she is ready to explode with new growth.
She’s sitting in a 25 gallon whole in the red clay soil. I added a “custom mix” from my local hydro store, this plant loves it and the amendments I keep topping off with.
It got really long and leggy for a while, then started busting out an amazing amount of new growth points.
I’m thinking, when I return in about 9 days, I won’t even recognize her. IMG_9570.jpegIMG_9569.jpegIMG_9565.jpegIMG_9567.jpegIMG_9568.jpegIMG_9564.jpegIMG_9563.jpegIMG_9562.jpeg
Outdoor plant is nearing 4 feet. Just passed 46 inches tall.

Some of the growth is looking different than I’m used to seeing.
It appears like reveg kind of activity, but it is in veg now.
It’s a clone which was taken from a plant that was in flower.

Is that what is causing the weird growth.
I’m expecting stretch to begin in about 10 days or so, but this doesn’t seem like stretch growth.

Holy smokes, it’s been nearly a month since I updated the tent grow here in the foothills.
I have one cut from Golden Kiwi x Watermelon Punch and one from Apples and Bananas, which will add interesting contrast as my outdoor plant is also a clone from the same plant.

The indoor plants look like they are solidly in week 2, possibly week 3 even though they were still getting 13 hours of light per day. I thought I would try a gradual change in light hours per day from 18 hours to 12 hours over about 3 weeks.
If I had to guess, they started flowering at around 15 hours per day and began seriously stretching around 13 hours.

They are both stuffed into a single 30”x30” tent, they are difficult to tell where one plant ends and the other one starts. IMG_0048.jpegIMG_0049.jpegIMG_0052.jpegIMG_0051.jpegIMG_0050.jpegIMG_0039.jpeg



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Always looks more like a flower garden in your pics. Well done. 👏👍
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