Tom’s Sierra Foothills entertainment

My outdoor plant in the sierra foothills:
Apples and Bananas, clone was taken from a plant in flower around April of this year.
It rooted, then went into a short reveg (compared to the other clone which is now growing indoors, very mild one too) and grew for a couple months in the ground before slipping into flower mode (first multiple pairs of white hairs found 8/3/23).

Given that criteria, I'd say she's squarely in the middle of her first week of flower.
I have seen no sign of stretch taking place, but there are hundreds of budsites set very closely together for about 18" along many branches.
I presume these will stretch out some soon or be some of the phattest buds I've ever seen.

Even though it grew normally for a couple months in the sun after a short reveg, it began growing a lot of 3 finger leaves just before I noticed the pistils (one or two weeks). I must have messed up the sun! :)
Would the 3 finger leaves be a nutrient related problem/issue or a hangover from the earlier reveg?
Is 3 finger leaves an issue? Does it impact quality or amount of production expected?

Just curious!IMG_0106.JPEGIMG_0107.JPEGIMG_0108.JPEGIMG_0112.JPEGIMG_0113.JPEGIMG_0114.JPEGIMG_0133.JPEGIMG_0136(1).JPEG
Finally! That look, the one that says, get out of the way, I’m about to stretch.

By my calculations, it’s almost 3 weeks behind when I expect stretch to begin in the Bay Area.
130 miles apart, same latitude. Hotter, dryer and much more direct sunlight exposure in the foothills. IMG_0548.jpegIMG_0547.jpegIMG_0546.jpegIMG_0545.jpeg
My outdoor plant in the sierra foothills:
Apples and Bananas, clone was taken from a plant in flower around April of this year.
It rooted, then went into a short reveg (compared to the other clone which is now growing indoors, very mild one too) and grew for a couple months in the ground before slipping into flower mode (first multiple pairs of white hairs found 8/3/23).

Given that criteria, I'd say she's squarely in the middle of her first week of flower.
I have seen no sign of stretch taking place, but there are hundreds of budsites set very closely together for about 18" along many branches.
I presume these will stretch out some soon or be some of the phattest buds I've ever seen.

Even though it grew normally for a couple months in the sun after a short reveg, it began growing a lot of 3 finger leaves just before I noticed the pistils (one or two weeks). I must have messed up the sun! :)
Would the 3 finger leaves be a nutrient related problem/issue or a hangover from the earlier reveg?
Is 3 finger leaves an issue? Does it impact quality or amount of production expected?

Just curious!View attachment 16675View attachment 16676View attachment 16677View attachment 16678View attachment 16679View attachment 16680View attachment 16681View attachment 16682
Hey looking great....I tell you I wish I could grow in your weather rather than mine but eh we can grow
Hey looking great....I tell you I wish I could grow in your weather rather than mine but eh we can grow
It’s pretty low humidity and high heat area.
The VPD chart is out the window here outdoors. Daily in the hundreds with sub 20% RH.
The plant is now just below my shoulder. It’s growing much denser than any of my previous plants, even outdoor in the Bay Area. I could never provide more than 6 hours of direct sun and up to 8 hours of bright sky.
Here, this plant has direct sun from a few moment after sunrise and about 30 min before sunset.

I’m wanting to grow a big sativa out here, but doggone, i don’t know if I can keep something that big out of prying eyes.
Day light and lights out pictures of the foothills clan of sisters.

The girls in the tent (2), are so cross branched it’s difficult to tell who is who. One is noticeably frostier than the other, but the latter is catching up.

The plant on the hill gets direct sunlight all day long and is about three weeks behind.
It looks like it’s going to grow long spear like colas, about 12 of them. It’s a lot bigger than her sisters in the tent. IMG_0662.jpegIMG_0654.jpegIMG_0653.jpegIMG_0657.jpegIMG_0656.jpegIMG_0637.jpegIMG_0670.jpegIMG_0669.jpegIMG_0674.jpegIMG_0673.jpegIMG_0671.jpegIMG_0668.jpegIMG_0667.jpegIMG_0666.jpegIMG_0665.jpegIMG_0664.jpegIMG_0663.jpegIMG_0638.jpegIMG_0639.jpegIMG_0607.jpeg
In the case of all three plants, I thought I was ramping up N sufficiently to support the stretch but all three started shedding lower fans to yellowing.

In all cases, I’d probably have removed most if not all of those anyway during a thinning, so it seems like nature. Is just opening up the centers on the plants for me. As long as that doesn’t continue, we should be good to enter the next set of challenges that are flowering period!

I’ll need to keep this as well as maulder’s chart to see if I need more or less macro and micro notes that might be interfering with N uptake. (I think that was a run on sentence, so my apologies if its not making sense, might be buzzed too!!).

I do love the fact that plants and phases are so predictable, I’m not good at getting the right notes early enough yet, but I’m getting there and beginning to better understand nutrient interplay.
Unusually high RH today.
Usually when it’s 110 or higher, the humidity is more like 14%.

I think that’s a VPD that’s close to my age. This plant amazes me it grows no matter what. IMG_0677.jpeg
The two ladies here in the foothills in the tent are in week seven and putting on weight rapidly.

They still have three weeks to go. They smell great, sweet with a little tartness.


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Had a brief but intense rain squall blow through this morning, only about 10 or so minutes of wind and rain, but broke one lower branch off to the outer layer of tissue.
I wired everything back and provided some upper branch support to reduce future failure issues, but it was a pretty thorough break.

Hope it forms a big knuckle and big beefy buds.
Foothills budporn, the tent is mid week 7.

One Apples and Bananas, the other is Golden Kiwi x Water melon punch.

I can no longer tell them by location. They are so interwoven. Two buds side by side can be from different plants.

Outside we’re just discovering trichomes. I believe it’s going to be a sugary girl but gotta wait and see.

One thing I noticed, having spent most of her life and all but 3 days of flowe with highs over 100, and often approaching 110, pistils are amazingly short. They seem to be red early too, I hope I don’t have a rogue neighbor pollinating the air.
I don’t see or feel any seeds but I’ll need to keep watching.
I’m wondering if a really hot area changes the plants growing structure? It’s nothing like it’s clone in the controlled environment. IMG_1359.jpegIMG_1365.jpegIMG_1364.jpegIMG_1363.jpegIMG_1362.jpegIMG_1350.jpegIMG_1348.jpegIMG_1349.jpegIMG_1345.jpegIMG_1344.jpegIMG_1343.jpegIMG_1359.jpegIMG_1365.jpegIMG_1364.jpegIMG_1363.jpegIMG_1362.jpegIMG_1350.jpegIMG_1348.jpegIMG_1349.jpegIMG_1345.jpegIMG_1344.jpegIMG_1343.jpeg
Foothills budporn, the tent is mid week 7.

One Apples and Bananas, the other is Golden Kiwi x Water melon punch.

I can no longer tell them by location. They are so interwoven. Two buds side by side can be from different plants.

Outside we’re just discovering trichomes. I believe it’s going to be a sugary girl but gotta wait and see.

One thing I noticed, having spent most of her life and all but 3 days of flowe with highs over 100, and often approaching 110, pistils are amazingly short. They seem to be red early too, I hope I don’t have a rogue neighbor pollinating the air.
I don’t see or feel any seeds but I’ll need to keep watching.
I’m wondering if a really hot area changes the plants growing structure? It’s nothing like it’s clone in the controlled environment. View attachment 19987View attachment 19988View attachment 19989View attachment 19990View attachment 19991View attachment 19992View attachment 19993View attachment 19994View attachment 19995View attachment 19996View attachment 19997View attachment 19987View attachment 19988View attachment 19989View attachment 19990View attachment 19991View attachment 19992View attachment 19993View attachment 19994View attachment 19995View attachment 19996View attachment 19997
I think you doubled up on your photo posts! 😄
Nice man, looks real good. I get sad when i see plants like this outside because i wish i could grown plants like that outside here but theyd be nothing but mold factories by now.
Nice man, looks real good. I get sad when i see plants like this outside because i wish i could grown plants like that outside here but theyd be nothing but mold factories by now.
I am really blessed by the weather GODs, at least for weed and most of the time. As long as the plant has enough water pumping through it in the heat of the day, it’s awesome.
Looking good Tom
Chop day in the foothills.
Both plants were 9 weeks and 3 days.

The Golden kiwi was ready with a capital RED. The Apples and bananas was right at the beginning of its window.

It was a sticky and smelly event. Now the long 10 days followed by an even longer couple weeks.

Chop day in the foothills.
Both plants were 9 weeks and 3 days.

The Golden kiwi was ready with a capital RED. The Apples and bananas was right at the beginning of its window.

It was a sticky and smelly event. Now the long 10 days followed by an even longer couple weeks.

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Hey! Chop day bros. We even used the same ties. Congrats on a successful harvest 👊
Chop day came today, one day short of 9 weeks. I wanted it to go past 10, but I had to balance loss to caterpillars with weight gain.

I ended up tossing some big branches that had brown patches, if I touched them, the bug detritus would drop out. Probably efficient insect frass, but all I saw was buds going to the trash.

I did a branch wash in h202/h20 and a follow up in h20 before the hang.

I’ll guess it was about 1/3 of the plant in the trash, about 1.5 lbs wet weight. Th rest is hanging and will be examined with a fine tooth comb to check for additional bugs and mold.

The smell of the preserved buds is really nice, sweet with a spicy touch to it. It will be interesting to compare to the indoor plant.
Yesterday we were supposed to (and did) receive a little rainfall (less than .1”), then we were supposed to be drying and warming.

Last night, we got pounded by rain. More than an inch in about 3 hours. I had chopped my outside plant yesterday and had most of it hanging outside under our arbor (fortunately) with a fan blowing on it.

Well, that rain didn’t help the drying process but at least in plant was covered.

It’s since been moved into the shed with two dehuys running (I hope I can pull out enough moisture to avoid mold), stay tuned, same Bat time, same Bat channel! :). Sorry, I’m old!
Yesterday we were supposed to (and did) receive a little rainfall (less than .1”), then we were supposed to be drying and warming.

Last night, we got pounded by rain. More than an inch in about 3 hours. I had chopped my outside plant yesterday and had most of it hanging outside under our arbor (fortunately) with a fan blowing on it.

Well, that rain didn’t help the drying process but at least in plant was covered.

It’s since been moved into the shed with two dehuys running (I hope I can pull out enough moisture to avoid mold), stay tuned, same Bat time, same Bat channel! :). Sorry, I’m old!
As long as you have air moving around it you should be ok.
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