yet another "is it ready" question with shitty pics


Bud Brawler
May 24, 2023
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Gorilla glue 7 1/2 weeks into 12/12.
breeder says 8 weeks but they always bullshit on time.
i'm seeing to much clear to chop , but i'm also seeing to much amber for my liking. any advice on what to do?


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Gorilla glue 7 1/2 weeks into 12/12.
breeder says 8 weeks but they always bullshit on time.
i'm seeing to much clear to chop , but i'm also seeing to much amber for my liking. any advice on what to do?
I think breeder times are typically on the short end for marketing reasons.

I also vote more time.
yeah i know not to follow the breeders timeline, it was just the amber that was confusing me.
i'm still new at this and haven't seen this much amber and clear at the same time.

2 weeks lol
I'd look at 11 weeks for most I've been growing lately, they'll just swell from here on in so you've nothing to lose by waiting............a saying I heard on the old farm is that many complain of cutting too early but few complain of cutting too late
yeah i know not to follow the breeders timeline, it was just the amber that was confusing me.
i'm still new at this and haven't seen this much amber and clear at the same time.

2 weeks lol

I would look at longer than 2 weeks personally.

Screen Shot 2023-07-12 at 6.47.05 PM.png

Unless my eyes deceive me those are white pistils at the top of the cola. IMO not even time to pull out the glass. You can start looking when some lower buds still have some white, but the white on top says she is still adding mass. I would grow appropriately to that meaning don't stop feeding or turn down the temps or PPFD - let it continue to grow in whatever flower mode means to your grow style.

I'm currently following Grany's recipe for the first time currently. I would expect the buds to be larger, another reason to let them run at full speed for a while.
yeah i know not to follow the breeders timeline, it was just the amber that was confusing me.
i'm still new at this and haven't seen this much amber and clear at the same time.

2 weeks lol
Good to see you made it over here from the place we don’t mention, lol
I think breeder times are typically on the short end for marketing reasons.
Someone on another forum mentioned that the clock for flowering time should start when stretching stops, instead of when the light is flipped to 12/12. I've been pondering that ever since I read the post. Could that be why breeder times are shorter? It's a seemingly plausible alternative explanation.
Someone on another forum mentioned that the clock for flowering time should start when stretching stops, instead of when the light is flipped to 12/12. I've been pondering that ever since I read the post. Could that be why breeder times are shorter? It's a seemingly plausible alternative explanation.
Whoever said that was wrong lol

Flowering starts the first full day of 12/12 for a mature plant
I just think it's an interesting idea. I recall that it was written more like a suggestion than a fact. I don't remember who posted it.
Nonsense like "Flowering starts after stretch ends," is a worthless, subjective definition to the start of flower. Get ten growers growing the same plants and get 7 or 8 different times for the stretch ending. Then you'd have poor newbies going over to The Farmer, "Has stretch ended yet?"

We have a solid start to flower that everyone can time down to the second. Why replace it with some soft, subjective nonsense?
@dean1963 - I apologize for hijacking this thread.

I admit my first post was written poorly. I shouldn't have used end of stretching as an indicator. I was having trouble remembering what the other poster wrote and this Acapulco Gold we've been vaping is impressive. We just got a new grinder, too.

I understand it's convenient to track from the flip when plants are grown under lights. As an indoor grower, it's what I routinely use. From the plant's perspective, however, increased darkness is what tells it that it's time to begin reproduction. Does that mean the plant begins flowering at that precise point in time? Maybe not. There are many descriptions of how the first signs of flowering appear in the second week after the flip. So, perhaps a more useful indication might be when a plant starts growing its reproductive organs.

This conversation began with a reasonable suggestion that advertised shorter flowering times could be breeder marketing rhetoric. I suggested an alternative to the flip date as a measure. Use of flowering signs could make breeder flowering times more accurate. After all, breeders can't know if a plant will be grown under lights or under the sun. They surely must know how to interpret what the plant is doing, including when it starts to flower.

This snippet is from a Google search:

I'vs started counting my weeks when I start to see pistils, usually 10-14 days after flip. This seems to me to be the most accurate marker for flowering times in my limited experience.
Just like in astrophysics they made up a "cosmic constant" that makes up all the errors in our otherwise stellar understanding of the universe! Well, there must be a cannabis constant for flowering times.
Take the breader estimate, append 2 weeks, 3 days, 7 hours, 4 minutes and 18 seconds and you'll have the exact moment of perfect ripeness!

I should get a nobel prize for that calculation :)
I would look at longer than 2 weeks personally.

View attachment 13087

Unless my eyes deceive me those are white pistils at the top of the cola. IMO not even time to pull out the glass. You can start looking when some lower buds still have some white, but the white on top says she is still adding mass. I would grow appropriately to that meaning don't stop feeding or turn down the temps or PPFD - let it continue to grow in whatever flower mode means to your grow style.

I'm currently following Grany's recipe for the first time currently. I would expect the buds to be larger, another reason to let them run at full speed for a while.
the majority of the buds are much smaller than i'd like. just means more time with scissors in my hands for me.
much more but smaller. i think next round i'll top once only. and i will not fim.
the 1 top i fimmed has 5 colas tightly packed together and all i can think about is mould.
i will absolutely scrog from now on though as it's much easier than tying the branches down. same result, just much simpler.
Just like in astrophysics they made up a "cosmic constant" that makes up all the errors in our otherwise stellar understanding of the universe! Well, there must be a cannabis constant for flowering times.
Take the breader estimate, append 2 weeks, 3 days, 7 hours, 4 minutes and 18 seconds and you'll have the exact moment of perfect ripeness!

I should get a nobel prize for that calculation :)
actually albert einstein added the cosmological constant to correct what he thought was a mistake he made to keep the universe from expanding.
he called it his biggest blunder.
turns out the universe is expanding and his "biggest blunder" was correct after all.
and don't ask why i know that but don't know how to grow pot please!
actually albert einstein added the cosmological constant to correct what he thought was a mistake he made to keep the universe from expanding.
he called it his biggest blunder.
turns out the universe is expanding and his "biggest blunder" was correct after all.
and don't ask why i know that but don't know how to grow pot please!
That’s because growing pot is an art and not science, lol
i'm so happy.
the 40 x 25 loupe just came. good bye 30 x 25
i might be able to see shit out of my tired old bloodshot eyes now.
i don't have an amazon account so i used my wifes so the package came addressed to her.
when i first saw the fancy case i thought , ooh shit, did she order one of those sex toys and i shouldn't have opened this. lol
she's away at a family thing now.


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