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Use some moderation @tobh.😂
that word is not in my vocabulary, good sir :p go hard or go home
You mean the mass video purge? He claimed it hurt his google rankings, so all the videos were yanked.

Personally I don't get that, but whatever his site. Here, we like music and videos, do your worst. Just nothing XXX rated, mmmmkay?
you got it. i'll make sure the titties have pasties on the nips 😜
at least these days i'm staying off the hard liquor lol i behave much better without the brown sauce in me.

It's not the liquor I worry about... It is the ravioli.

Probably shouldn't have told me that.
Was thinking about this.

You once posted a really long video of many different loads being shot (bullets, not the other kind) into different targets, and it was in slow motion. And it just kept going and going with bigger bullets.

I sat there for at least 20 minutes with my water pipe in my hand and my mouth open mesmerized.

We need more high brain candy vids!
Since you guys just started, let me just say that linking to external videos and such is cool. Music vids on youtube - do it.

When I get this server moved to it's forever home, we will have unlimited storage. Post whatever you want at full res.

Anything posted or said remains the copyright of the poster, or it's original owner as the case may be.

We will not pull the rug out from under you.
I absolutely love this about this place. Calm, relaxed, no bullshit, and the do whatever ya want within reason vibe is really awesome.
This place is already 100x better than that other sh**hole.
So great to see all the new faces. Awesome to see more of the best of the best coming together. Call me a Kumquat all ya want but I can't help but feel blessed and appreciative to be in the company of all the members here. I have no disillusions that 90-95, ok fk it likely 100% of the members here literally pawn me with cultivating knowledge on all fronts. But that is exactly what I mean, I feel so lucky 🙏

Sometimes I express myself best with videos. This should sum it up lmao and I've right of mind to ask @Moe.Red to change my sub handle to "Din Grogu" 🤣 and you all combined are my Din Djarin

Good afternoon all, just wanted to introduce myself. I heard about this site from Jeff aka Dragon on his discord and I'm thrilled to be a part of the fun. Not much experience under my belt, currently on my 8th grow and always learning everyday. Looking forward to getting to know as many of you as I can and seeing some nice flowers
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