how fuckin cool is that!!!!! he's an awesome guy, and an even better role model!!! i hope once he get's into the 19 he can sneak some of his 14 crew onto the team!!
ya know i love columbia gear too... figures!
man if you really like the detail sound from the bar than the bass and mid can easily be added later. that's kind of how i set them up anyway, i use the sound bar itself as a treble rebel and use it mostly for imaging. for the middle of the room or atmos or ceiling speaker i like to stick with a rich mid level. something over 4" if possible. and then the sub, hell yeah i'm like you in that regard. so you could always upgrade a subwoofer. i like that low low 20-30 hz rumble!!!!! my garage system blows everything away that i have indoors.. a very salty 18" subwoofer coupled with a pair of 12's and my garage is shaped like a giant speaker, i can rock half the mountain with it!!!
i use the 12's as mids and the horns as treble and give everything under 150 hertz to big bad sub!!!!
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Brisky's just all class man. He could walk away sour but nope! My guy is way too classy to disrespect the car, team, and sport. And really himself too that's just the kinda guy he is.
We'll see how the team shapes out. I know Coach is in his corner and will give him whatever he needs.
You see he was the answer to Thursday trivia?
BTW might wanna cash in points asap. Options for redemption are dwindling away.
Those look like the speakers we use at football practice! Loud AF. People trip on it too.
Our practices are different I guess you could say. There's really two going on at the same time...twice the work in the same amount of time but it's also very fast paced, violent, and the tunes are cranked up. Parents and recruits always trip out on it the first time they see it.
ah damn i just saw the 4 car wrap... maybe darth vader will take him out and both wreck!!!
Ugly ugly ugly. U.G.L.Y. it aint got no alibi it's ugly!!!
Blaney gotta be wondering WTF he has to do to get a Star Wars car.
I kinda hope they make a mini replica of Bubbas helmet though. Race helmet x Vader needs to be on display in my room.
Little update to post. It's a Stealers Wheel kinda grow now.
Indicas to the left of me, haze to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you
The tables!!! IDK what to say about them other than throw out a chef's kiss.
Haze and Indica, side by side.
The haze table is pancaked to the floor to accommodate stretch and the indica table is about a foot up off the ground since indi's don't stretch anywhere close to haze or hybrids. So that's how they're arranged on the tables... according to genetics and likelihood of excessive stretching.
It's working out better than planned.
Micro dosing feeding every other day with a full 1 gallon saturation.
Mixing it day it's bennys and Trinity. Next day is liquid crab and lobster. Next it's tomato and veggie food and that cycle repeats itself. They never get pure water and they never get what would be considered a full dose of food.
Frost and aroma is beginning to accumulate and genetic traits are starting to show between individual plants as they begin expressing themselves. The diversity in genetics here is something that makes me giddy as a school girl
Still working thru the distillate project. I got this blob so far and now I'm gonna use ethanol again to dewax or winterize it.
Another idea that's come to mind thru this is wanting to use the distillate extraction for cooking and make concentrated pastes of herbs like cilantro, rosemary, and tyme.
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