Bandit's West Texas Gunslinger Chili and whatever that abomination is you call a chili recipe thread

I actually mix the seasoning packet with the broth to get it blended well then pour the broth in last and stir.
Order of assembly I go base first since it's cooked in the bottom of the pot then I put on some nitrile gloves and crumble the meat in, add the canned products, then add the broth concoction stirring after each addition.
The Terlingua mix is just a jacked up chili powder well proportioned. It's mild IMO so you can add more cayenne or various other peppers to bring up the heat. That's where I really like the serranos.

There's some art to making a good pot of beans.
The bigger the bean the more it needs a presoak so that goes for pintos and red but not so much for black.
Age of the beans play a role. The older they are the longer they need to cook. Best to buy from a store that has a quick turnover to get fresher beans
Pressure cookers are ideal but new things like instapots can do as well. For black, stovetop is fine
Type of water matters. The more minerals in your water the longer it needs to cook. Bottled purified water will work better than tap.
Adding lard or bacon grease can help with flavoring and softening them up.
Plan on at least 2 hours to cook, maybe more depending on those factors
I spent a couple of years in California, San Louis Obisbo area in my 20's and live above a Mexican restaurant, I was of the broke kind and ran a bill at the restaurant, I'd payoff weekly. I lived on Quesadilla's, tortilla chips and refried beans.

Coming from Canada they were the best beans I'd ever had and couldn't get enough ......until I'd had enough and now I just can't eat them by themselves, either I got a real bad batch or something was off, I can still taste them if I think about it too much. I think I was poisoned by them or something in chills run up my spine.

Still love Quesadilla's as hot as I can get them, well with jalapenos, I can only take the real hot in small bits. I eat Ghost pepper and Carolina Reaper hot sauce all the time in drips and drops. I like it small bits at a time
I like it real hot to the point I'm sweating when I'm eating. GF just shakes her head when she sees me eating serranos raw. Sometimes I can even eat Habaneros raw with my meal but that gets pretty damn hot after a while.

@Bandit420 PM me your address and I'll send you the secret ingredient that's missing from your chile......😉
I like it real hot to the point I'm sweating when I'm eating. GF just shakes her head when she sees me eating serranos raw. Sometimes I can even eat Habaneros raw with my meal but that gets pretty damn hot after a while.

@Bandit420 PM me your address and I'll send you the secret ingredient that's missing from your chile......😉

what, secret?!?!?! C'mon man!!!!!!!

i make it a point to have one head sweat meal a week!!! :p


i just asked the fam what they wanted to eat this week because we're going to the grocery store tomorrow... they said chili!!!!! ;H;H
I like it real hot to the point I'm sweating when I'm eating. GF just shakes her head when she sees me eating serranos raw. Sometimes I can even eat Habaneros raw with my meal but that gets pretty damn hot after a while.

@Bandit420 PM me your address and I'll send you the secret ingredient that's missing from your chile......😉
There's hot and there's hot and then there's holly fk hot when you're sitting in a shower with cold water pouring over you full clothed heart about to explode thinking your about to die hot.....I don't do those any more.....too close to the here after they are.
I actually mix the seasoning packet with the broth to get it blended well then pour the broth in last and stir.
Order of assembly I go base first since it's cooked in the bottom of the pot then I put on some nitrile gloves and crumble the meat in, add the canned products, then add the broth concoction stirring after each addition.
The Terlingua mix is just a jacked up chili powder well proportioned. It's mild IMO so you can add more cayenne or various other peppers to bring up the heat. That's where I really like the serranos.

that good and i'll get my ass kicked if i make a big pot of chili in this house and make it too spicy... i'm always making a side batch so i can layer with spice and heat the way i like. just throwing peppers or hot sauce in at the end doesn't work for me. spice needs depth and layers as you know!

i'll give it a try, and i'll throw in some sausage too.. country style though, not hot n spicy!! hehehe

There's some art to making a good pot of beans.
The bigger the bean the more it needs a presoak so that goes for pintos and red but not so much for black.
Age of the beans play a role. The older they are the longer they need to cook. Best to buy from a store that has a quick turnover to get fresher beans
Pressure cookers are ideal but new things like instapots can do as well. For black, stovetop is fine
Type of water matters. The more minerals in your water the longer it needs to cook. Bottled purified water will work better than tap.
Adding lard or bacon grease can help with flavoring and softening them up.
Plan on at least 2 hours to cook, maybe more depending on those factors

yeah ya know i've never tried the pressure cooker.. maybe i'll give it a try!! i know i've cooked them over four hours already and didn't like them.

beans and tomatoes are about the only two things we eat from a can so the extra preservatives don't shake me up if in moderation.
If there's one thing better than a bowl of fresh piping hot chili, it's left over chili that's been chilled and reheated. ;H
Made xtra gooey with melted hot honey cheese

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hell yeah chili is better the second time around.. we eat a lot of leftovers!

we're going shopping tonight so i'm gonna get some chili fixins!!! i ordered some of that spice to try.. been a while since i bought a chili powder, last time i bought a gallon jug so it's been lasting quite a while!!

i'll post a pic when i'm done in case you want some tips on making yours better... ;teasewink
hell yeah chili is better the second time around.. we eat a lot of leftovers!

we're going shopping tonight so i'm gonna get some chili fixins!!! i ordered some of that spice to try.. been a while since i bought a chili powder, last time i bought a gallon jug so it's been lasting quite a while!!

i'll post a pic when i'm done in case you want some tips on making yours better... ;teasewink

I forgot to add before I smoke the meat or brown it in a pan, I do season it with plain chili powder, black pepper, and garlic powder
I forgot to add before I smoke the meat or brown it in a pan, I do season it with plain chili powder, black pepper, and garlic powder

i plan on a 50/50 mix of McCormicks chili season and cajun.. the cajun has the extra oregano in case i don't get the italian tomatoes.. leaning on buying tomatoes and peeling them atm..
Lasagna is another one that's better reheaded imo

hell yeah, anything with gravy or red sauce is always better, always make a big pot!! haven't made lasagna in a spell, been thinking of making spaghetti pie soon


i wonder why nobody wants the one kind... ;rfl


thats what i use as a base^^ hahahahahaha.... no it' snot!!!


Bandit i think i got the wrong pepper... i was looking for hatch but this is the closest i found, there was no label at the store... whats your best guess? did i get serranoes? (those are standard size jalapenos on the left.. )

are hatch peppers thinner and longer?

hell yeah, anything with gravy or red sauce is always better, always make a big pot!! haven't made lasagna in a spell, been thinking of making spaghetti pie soon


i wonder why nobody wants the one kind... ;rfl

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thats what i use as a base^^ hahahahahaha.... no it' snot!!!


Bandit i think i got the wrong pepper... i was looking for hatch but this is the closest i found, there was no label at the store... whats your best guess? did i get serranoes? (those are standard size jalapenos on the left.. )

are hatch peppers thinner and longer?

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Apparently the same people who like beans in chili also like canned corned beef hash ;bang

Looks like you've got jalapenos on the left and serranos on the right.
Unless it's around August, you won't find Hatch Chilis.
That's because Hatch Chili really isn't a chili but more so location in New Mexico where they grow Big Jims and Anaheim peppers.
Late July-August is the harvest season so in stores around here it becomes Hatch fest where these peppers come in by the truck load and some stores have roasters right there in front roasting peppers.
I can't remember which thread but somebody here posted pics of boxes of chilis to roast. Pretty sure those were Hatch Chilis and how we get them and I've seen them mail order that way too.

If your grocer has Anaheims, that's pretty much Hatch Chili but maybe not actually grown in Hatch, NM.
They're about as big as banana peppers, maybe bigger, and way hotter.
They're my fave to grow and use for cooking. But yeah look for Anaheim or Big Jim. If you see both, get the Big Jims. They're more flavorful



You know how on reddit you can see some really fucked up ways people grow pot? Well it's the same with chili

For the love of God. Friends don't let friends do this to your chili. Beans and hominy is one thing, but holy fuck balls turkey bags is all kinds of WTF.

It's not chili with micro plastics for fuck sakes people!!!!
Making chili can be like owning a dog. If you're not willing to pick up the dog shit it drops in the park with the poop bags, maybe you shouldn't own a dog.
If you're too fucking lazy to clean your chili pot that you use a bag for a liner, then maybe you shouldn't make chili.

There's hot and there's hot and then there's holly fk hot when you're sitting in a shower with cold water pouring over you full clothed heart about to explode thinking your about to die hot.....I don't do those any more.....too close to the here after they are.
Had a friend that liked to collect chile sauces. She made little shelves for each one and made a giant display on her wall.

I was at her place and made the mistake of asking her what the hottest one was. She took it down and showed me the bottle. It was in a bottle similar to Tabasco, I unscrewed the lid and took a wiff. WHEW! It was hot. I made the mistake of sticking my pinky into the cap to get the residue and taste it.

That shit was so hot I can't even say I actually tasted it. It went from my pinky to five alarm fire in my mouth! GODDAMN that shit was hot! I had just cracked a beer open so I guzzled that shit down trying to put out the fire but it just laughed at me and continued to roast my mouth and throat. After a few more beers and a half gallon of milk it finally started to calm down but DAMN that was hot! I don't remember what the Scoville number was on it but she was laughing her ass off because when she handed it to me she told me not to taste it that it was freaking nuclear hot. I shoulda listened to her.
Had a friend that liked to collect chile sauces. She made little shelves for each one and made a giant display on her wall.

I was at her place and made the mistake of asking her what the hottest one was. She took it down and showed me the bottle. It was in a bottle similar to Tabasco, I unscrewed the lid and took a wiff. WHEW! It was hot. I made the mistake of sticking my pinky into the cap to get the residue and taste it.

That shit was so hot I can't even say I actually tasted it. It went from my pinky to five alarm fire in my mouth! GODDAMN that shit was hot! I had just cracked a beer open so I guzzled that shit down trying to put out the fire but it just laughed at me and continued to roast my mouth and throat. After a few more beers and a half gallon of milk it finally started to calm down but DAMN that was hot! I don't remember what the Scoville number was on it but she was laughing her ass off because when she handed it to me she told me not to taste it that it was freaking nuclear hot. I shoulda listened to her.

I picked up this box of Fuck Around Find Out at Costco a couple months ago.
They're all made with Pepper X, worlds hottest pepper and bred by the same sick and sadistic bastard that brought us the Carolina Reaper.
I'm still scared to pop one open but it's not like I coulda left this behind at the store either ;fafo

I like this one on eggs, a few drops here and there go great.1733960363758.png
This goes on hamburgers real well, Gotta be a favourite
Pasta, Eggs,
This stuff just isn't hot enough and pours not drips out of the bottle, a tell tale sign its not too hot1733960780715.png

Then we're on to Mustard's, I like it hot there too for sandwiches
it's hard for me to resist a good hot sauce... mostly just buy them from places i visit and as long as i hit three or four a year i always have a decent selection.

this cha has been one of my favorites for years now!! not always in stock though...


mostly when i'm cooking though i just grab for the powder and roll with a good cayenne red pepper

I picked up this box of Fuck Around Find Out at Costco a couple months ago.
They're all made with Pepper X, worlds hottest pepper and bred by the same sick and sadistic bastard that brought us the Carolina Reaper.
I'm still scared to pop one open but it's not like I coulda left this behind at the store either ;fafo

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OH SHIT! I know which "Ed" that is. That's that bastard that grows crazy hot Reapers. I've read a few times that he was breeding an even hotter chile.

Just take the lid off the first one and stick your pinky in there to get a taste. It'll be fine. I swear.....;stir
it's hard for me to resist a good hot sauce... mostly just buy them from places i visit and as long as i hit three or four a year i always have a decent selection.

this cha has been one of my favorites for years now!! not always in stock though...

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mostly when i'm cooking though i just grab for the powder and roll with a good cayenne red pepper

View attachment 82805
I picked up this box of Fuck Around Find Out at Costco a couple months ago.
They're all made with Pepper X, worlds hottest pepper and bred by the same sick and sadistic bastard that brought us the Carolina Reaper.
I'm still scared to pop one open but it's not like I coulda left this behind at the store either ;fafo

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I’m surprised you havnt burned through a new asshole
Apparently the same people who like beans in chili also like canned corned beef hash ;bang

Looks like you've got jalapenos on the left and serranos on the right.
Unless it's around August, you won't find Hatch Chilis.
That's because Hatch Chili really isn't a chili but more so location in New Mexico where they grow Big Jims and Anaheim peppers.
Late July-August is the harvest season so in stores around here it becomes Hatch fest where these peppers come in by the truck load and some stores have roasters right there in front roasting peppers.
I can't remember which thread but somebody here posted pics of boxes of chilis to roast. Pretty sure those were Hatch Chilis and how we get them and I've seen them mail order that way too.

If your grocer has Anaheims, that's pretty much Hatch Chili but maybe not actually grown in Hatch, NM.
They're about as big as banana peppers, maybe bigger, and way hotter.
They're my fave to grow and use for cooking. But yeah look for Anaheim or Big Jim. If you see both, get the Big Jims. They're more flavorful

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You know how on reddit you can see some really fucked up ways people grow pot? Well it's the same with chili

For the love of God. Friends don't let friends do this to your chili. Beans and hominy is one thing, but holy fuck balls turkey bags is all kinds of WTF.

It's not chili with micro plastics for fuck sakes people!!!!
Making chili can be like owning a dog. If you're not willing to pick up the dog shit it drops in the park with the poop bags, maybe you shouldn't own a dog.
If you're too fucking lazy to clean your chili pot that you use a bag for a liner, then maybe you shouldn't make chili.

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Note to self: I better not let him see the canned corned beef I have in the pantry...
I like this one on eggs, a few drops here and there go great.View attachment 82794
This goes on hamburgers real well, Gotta be a favourite
View attachment 82795
Pasta, Eggs,
View attachment 82796
This stuff just isn't hot enough and pours not drips out of the bottle, a tell tale sign its not too hotView attachment 82797

Then we're on to Mustard's, I like it hot there too for sandwiches

Wasabi mustard all the way!
I like how that stuff gives me reverse brain freeze ;pervert

it's hard for me to resist a good hot sauce... mostly just buy them from places i visit and as long as i hit three or four a year i always have a decent selection.

this cha has been one of my favorites for years now!! not always in stock though...

View attachment 82804

mostly when i'm cooking though i just grab for the powder and roll with a good cayenne red pepper

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Ya know ever since Rooster Sauce went on the downward spiral I've been finding the Texas made srirachas as good if not better.

OH SHIT! I know which "Ed" that is. That's that bastard that grows crazy hot Reapers. I've read a few times that he was breeding an even hotter chile.

Just take the lid off the first one and stick your pinky in there to get a taste. It'll be fine. I swear.....;stir

Yep he got screwed over the Carolina Reaper. That's one of the reasons why Pepper X can't be found in seed form.
Hot sauce has a dark and dirty side to it. If your seeds or recipe gets corporate hooks in it, fugetaboutit.
Ed lost out on all royalties from Carolina Reaper.
Melinda's Hot Sauce brand is a stolen recipe and the real Melinda was left out in the cold to rebuild her brand, been struggling since.
Rooster Sauce had family drama, got a new pepper supplier and shit has been going down hill since. Now that sauce is often brown and super mild using all the green peppers they use now

Reading that article gave me inspiration for a new tattoo;bo



made my hillbilly version of chili today!!!

the meats...


the rest of the fixins...


and i'm kinda surprised Bandit did't use this in his chili.. black garlic


been in the slow cooker since 6am..


now it's time to make some fresh cornbread!!!
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