Barney's Farm "Glookies" under 2 Gavita's........

The only times I’ve seen slow growth it can b genetics,but mostly old seeds ,slow to germinate then grow slow.yours shot quick so the seeds aren’t old .hopefully they get going soon .usually I see plants take off around day 15..
Hey Max, did not know you had grown auto's? I just bought Frosted Skywalker from Nightowl seeds. I am here for training, 4 oz. a plant is my goal, never grew any so this thread teaches about nitrogen and magnesium uptake, ect. Just lookin, carry on SS
I made the executive decision tonight to start the Ethos Zsweet Inzanity and trash this grow........even with 2 weeks wasted with these, I’ll still come in faster with the Zsweet, since I will only have to veg 4-5 instead of 7-8 with the Glookies. Basically 2 weeks in sinc they’ve popped thru the soil and they are 1 1/2 inches high. It’s ridiculous and I’ve lost patience with them. I’ll start the Zsweet in paper towels in the morning, and go on from there............this thread is now dead.

I made the executive decision tonight to start the Ethos Zsweet Inzanity and trash this grow........even with 2 weeks wasted with these, I’ll still come in faster with the Zsweet, since I will only have to veg 4-5 instead of 7-8 with the Glookies. Basically 2 weeks in sinc they’ve popped thru the soil and they are 1 1/2 inches high. It’s ridiculous and I’ve lost patience with them. I’ll start the Zsweet in paper towels in the morning, and go on from there............this thread is no
I made the executive decision tonight to start the Ethos Zsweet Inzanity and trash this grow........even with 2 weeks wasted with these, I’ll still come in faster with the Zsweet, since I will only have to veg 4-5 instead of 7-8 with the Glookies. Basically 2 weeks in sinc they’ve popped thru the soil and they are 1 1/2 inches high. It’s ridiculous and I’ve lost patience with them. I’ll start the Zsweet in paper towels in the morning, and go on from there............this thread is now dead.

I was wondering have you grown Planet of the grape or Crescendo these are my best sellers and if you have what did you think of them. I cant wait to see how Zsweet does for you they are on my list.
I'm sure these would have made it and been fine...........but a 2 month veg is crazy. I'm not patient enough. i was on the fence whether to do these or the Zsweet anyway. Just so you know, I already did a tester on the new Zsweet a grow or two ago, just one plant started late to fill in for a runt in the room. i know i mentioned it, I probably never got back to discussing the final results, which was excellent. It was started very late, well into the room veg period, and i got a bonsai plant that yielded quite well with 2 large colas.

Some of you will remember i did a whole room of these before i think, the partial diary is over at the RIU, and then finished at the Farm. It instantly became my 2nd fav Ethos strain, after that super smelly Chem strain that's been discontinued. On Ethos's new seed run of these, these are a back cross into themselves (RBX).
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I have not done either of those, as I'm basically off the Ethos train- too many disappointments. I'm only doing the Zsweet because I've already done it and know the quality is there. Ethos has too many hit and misses, with more misses than hits. All their stuff looks good and yields well generally, but the highs are lacking with inflated thc numbers and i'm tired of it. i've basically sworn off them for now.
I have confirmed, in numerous places, that this Glookies is a slow starter. I saw people mention it at Reddit and Growdiairies. Everyone loved it, but most didn't veg it long enough and were disappointed with the yield, but not the smoke. I'll pull these all out shortly, and the Zsweet has been started in their wet paper towel. A new thread will be started shortly on the Zsweet.
Exactly...........that's why i bumped up the ppm and lowered the LED's, thinking i wasn't giving them a chance. I just pulled them all, the tap root on all of them was white and healthy. These would have done fine in the long run, but a 2 month veg and 10 week flowering period is ridiculously long.

I also started some Rare Dankness "Coco Nibbles" seeds as a back up, and will use these to fill in any holes if some of the Zsweet don't pop. I gave a neighbor a pack of these and some Bros Grimm Thai seeds to grow outside on his farm and they are doing really well per his last report.
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I actually blamed it on the soil. I didn't stop to think it was a genetic characteristic. Live and learn, they say...
I would have said that was a possibility but i never change it grow to grow, so that can't be an option. I have seen this before, but it's fairly rare. If i wasn't growing commercially, i would have left them be. They were all healthy, just tiny.........
Hey Max, did not know you had grown auto's? I just bought Frosted Skywalker from Nightowl seeds. I am here for training, 4 oz. a plant is my goal, never grew any so this thread teaches about nitrogen and magnesium uptake, ect. Just lookin, carry on SS
No I haven’t bud..never will.I like to b in control of the plant .they got to do as they’re told lol.
wow.if mine grew like that.I’d do the same..I’d b like well they still appear okay but growth is like they are stunted.good call’d mis out on another grow a year running those.I’m still thinking why are they soo damn reckon it’s the breeding or breeder just grew the parents crapola .I reckon Jeff @dragonsflamegenetics would now why..they have lost their vigor .what is there parentage sshz..
It's genetics.........Gorilla Glue x Thin Mints Girl Scout Cookies

i still think it's a genetics thing, since they were healthy and the roots were deep and white. Others have reported the same thing, and the 60 day needed veg period. It came down to a yield issue, having to wait til they decided to grow big enough to put into flowering. They must have used a slow growing pheno as a parent.

New thread started for the Zsweet.........
i used almost 1.5 cu ft per bale of Promix.............which is about normal for me. I didn't account for the coarseness of it, #3, so the pieces are quite big. Promix's only fault is it compacts over time, especially the top few inches so this helps make sure watering doesn't just run down the sides of the pots. Until there's more roots to soak up the water, I'll probably cut down a bit how much i water each pot...........I'll also keep raising the ppm each flowering, now i'm up to about 500-550 as they are showing me they want more right now.

The plan at least for now is to top at week 4, lolipop and defoliate in week 5 and then start to flower. I just want to observe their growing pattern, how many leaves they are putting out and any variances between the plants in the room.
Haha..did you just have a cone..posted in wrong one 🙂
Lol, smokey these days for health reasons. Re-posted correctly now.
Hears 2 diffrent phenos, unfortunately just like the mimosa evo the gene pool has changed drastically thank god I cloned, the mimosa evo I had a while back is all I ran every grow then I had multiple 10 packs ture out to be middle teir low grade quality. Iv read that has happened to quite a few strains from them. Unfortunately once the gene 🧬 pool it contaminated it stays that way….I tested these phenos on the purple scientific iron and hit 30% (max that unit allows) then the t check hit 40% (max that unit allows) zero smell zero taste on them just strait potency


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Hears 2 diffrent phenos, unfortunately just like the mimosa evo the gene pool has changed drastically thank god I cloned, the mimosa evo I had a while back is all I ran every grow then I had multiple 10 packs ture out to be middle teir low grade quality. Iv read that has happened to quite a few strains from them. Unfortunately once the gene 🧬 pool it contaminated it stays that way….I tested these phenos on the purple scientific iron and hit 30% (max that unit allows) then the t check hit 40% (max that unit allows) zero smell zero taste on them just strait potency
Welcome to Budbilders @Buddernugs
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