BB T-Shirt AI Designs - help us pick the best

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Love this last example, as I wear these canna T-shirts everywhere. I get some stares as I abide in Tejas. Many people wary of canna community and have no idea we are here. Great days ahead, Happy St. Patrick's day growmies! SS
I can't design on a computer but I see a Tshirt with Bud Builders logo on the front top right where all logos on T shirts go and a large bud pic on the back selected from Bud Busters pic of the year winner, or you could cycle through monthly winners with a new shirt of the month.........and this idea is not because I was a lucky winner it came out of my right corner I think...shit moves around a lot but ...but ya that's my input on design....
The astronaut floating above the smoky cola forest with a BB logo being reflected in the face mask and 4202024 is the tail on the spaceship.

Pixels appear!

Damn, didn't work for me.
Its cuz of the formatting and stuff. If its not a legit vector file or exported correctly it will be crap quality aka unusable.
Its cuz of the formatting and stuff. If its not a legit vector file or exported correctly it will be crap quality aka unusable.
That was my stupid attempt at a joke. My ability to use AI is to type what I want in the forum, and run the command Pixels Appear!

That does not work, so AI is not THAT smart yet.

I know, I am a child.
That was my stupid attempt at a joke. My ability to use AI is to type what I want in the forum, and run the command Pixels Appear!

That does not work, so AI is not THAT smart yet.

I know, I am a child.
AI is def getting better but still in its infancy. THe idea that they are already weaponizing it does...not bode well for the future of mankind lol.
AI is def getting better but still in its infancy. THe idea that they are already weaponizing it does...not bode well for the future of mankind lol.
Bad actors will take advantage like they do with scams on the internet, disrupting services and exposing vulnerabilities and now with Ai help....We won't know real from fake soon and that will cause more chaos. Liver up now boys and girls shit could get...... shall we say colorful in the near future.
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