Blockbuster Cheese & Coastal Blueberry in Coco Dtw and autopots.

Star Dog

Bud Brawler
Jan 30, 2024
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As per title, coastal blueberry and Blockbuster cheese grown in coco with dtw using canna or hydrosol a&b, maybe a few autopots to?

Saturday I soaked the seeds in a solution of H202 and nitrozyme to get them started, yesterday 100% sprouted.
Seed solution: 3ml/ltr water (12%) H202,
1ml/ltr Nitrozyme,
Solution temp a steady 23c.

I potted the seeds into root pouches, there's not much point in anything more untill I establish the sex.20240212_155836.jpg
There's 10x coastal blueberry and 10x blockbuster cheese.
I fed the coco with canna ab 1.0ec/pH5.7 before potting the seeds up, I then put them in the propagator to increase the temps until they break the surface then I'll remove the lid and put then under 4x t5s for a week or two?

Take it easy folk's ✌️
Hello everyone just a quick update...
Blockbuster and Blueberry were level pegging but the Blockbuster snatched the lead with a late sprouting this evening 😜

Atm there's 7 blockbuster and 6 coastal blueberry raring to go!
Before planting the seeds I treated the coco with hydrogen peroxide 3ml/ltr 12% just to be certain there's no nasties causing damping off.

Take it easy folk's
Hello everyone, hmm that was disappointing, all but one of the coastal blueberry has crashed and burned.

I'm sick about that, but life goes on.
A few blockbuster didn't show up but overall they're OK.

I’ve potted some and soaked some, there's lost skunk, grape fog x lcg, northern lights and buba's gift.
So let's see what happens?

Take it easy
I have never used the rooting pouches before.
Do you have experience with them?
It would seem keeping a seedling properly 'moist' could be challenging.
Bum deal losing those, they look to have dried out.
I've been using root pouches for years i love using them, they're more than enough for vegging a seed or clone.
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There's also the added bonus of air pruning the roots with minimal hassle.
I've actually flowered in the 8"x10" bags just fine. They need to be fed a short burst every 45ish minutes but all good in pure coco...
Hey guys, according my calculations (the calendar) my current crop is 57/58 days 12-12, that should work out nicely with my seedlings.

Blueberry twist
The others.
That strange looking skunk is deceiving.
It's like a frickin fence post.

Out the other seedlings I sowed I got 100% success so I've 29 seedlings all in, 8x female seeds and 21 unknown?

Regular seeds:
10x lost skunk
5x coco kush
5x blockbuster
1x coastal blueberry (please be female 🙏)

1x bubbas gift
1x northern lights
6x grape fog x lcg

I've put them into their new abode 😂
I'll give them a week or so to all open up then I'm flipping them.

Take it easy folk's
Hello folk's, here's a updated pic of the seedlings, taken today.
I've had a heat matt under the tray working from a cycle timer, 5 min on 25 mins off, I lifted out a plant and measured the bottom until it was 23/24c on the floor of the tray.
The triple plant is the 2nd row left plant 🤔

Naturally it'll be interesting to see how it grows, watch this space 😜

Front right...Humboldt buba's gift, I was concerned about it not progressing past cotlydons but it's looking like there's the start of growth in between the cotlydons now?

Take it easy folk's
Hello folk's, here's a updated pic of the seedlings, taken today.
View attachment 46381
I've had a heat matt under the tray working from a cycle timer, 5 min on 25 mins off, I lifted out a plant and measured the bottom until it was 23/24c on the floor of the tray.
View attachment 46384
The triple plant is the 2nd row left plant 🤔

Naturally it'll be interesting to see how it grows, watch this space 😜

Front right...Humboldt buba's gift, I was concerned about it not progressing past cotlydons but it's looking like there's the start of growth in between the cotlydons now?

Take it easy folk's
Hello folk's, here's a updated pic of the seedlings, taken today.
View attachment 46381
I've had a heat matt under the tray working from a cycle timer, 5 min on 25 mins off, I lifted out a plant and measured the bottom until it was 23/24c on the floor of the tray.
View attachment 46384
The triple plant is the 2nd row left plant 🤔
I forgot to add a little tip.
When I prepare the pouches I only fill them 2/3rds.
If I get any leggy seedlings I can cover up some the stem easily, alternatively in a week or two I can top up the pouches to hold a more nutrient.

I'm hand feeding them individually atm but when they get going I just pour nutrient into the tray then drain off the excess with a piece of capillary matting.
Here's a example of capillary matt being used to drain run off, it's great stuff to have around.

Take it easy folk's
Hey folk's Ridiculous as it might seem this is pretty much all i want, upright and open.
I'll give them until tomorrow now it's getting on now almost 8pm local.
There's a couple not doing great but i can handle they losses.

The Humboldt buba's gift (front right) I'm going to put in another tent under constant 24hrs and give it some time to open up, I can see for certain now it's going to produce cotlydons 😍
I've only one buba's gift fem so I'm delighted with that.

Take it easy folk's.
Hello folk's, It'll be a week tomorrow I flipped them.
They're coming along nicely.
Day temp 25/26c
Night temp 14/15c

The night temps are a bit low but I'm using a heat matt and root it temp controller to maintain the root temps at 24c

limon blanco tester.
it's going to be harvested soon.

Blueberry tester the bottom branch, its a bit more than a tester fair enough lol.
If its good I'll want more and I'd need to dry it again, I know it's not prime but I'll get some idea of what it's going to be like.

Take it easy folk's
The Humboldt buba's gift (front right) I'm going to put in another tent under constant 24hrs and give it some time to open up, I can see for certain now it's going to produce cotlydons 😍
I've only one buba's gift fem so I'm delighted with that
Hmm take two, the buba's gift has something growing idk wtf it is though, it's not going to progress past cotlydons.

The day I flipped the others I put it in with the mother's @24hrs but it's not progressing, I've seen it before i suspected it wasn't going to grow but then it showed a wisp of growth between the cotlydons so I started thinking its going to be ok...I was wrong 🙄

I'm listening to Dire straights, Brothers in arms, it's a class album 🤗
Take it easy folk's
Hello folk's, there's not been much happening to report.
1.2ec pH5.9/6.1
I've put them into a bigger tray, they were getting a little overcrowded.

Seedlings are boring, Ok yeah I understand, here's some bud, blueberry twist.
I've made a start on harvesting.

Take it easy folk's
Hey folk's, the seedlings are getting a little crowded again I could use another tray and a few extra t5s for the sides.
I've a Mars sp150 (135w) I thought about using that but it's maybe a bit too much and I'll have low temperature issues I think?
Crowding aside they're doing ok.

Another of the plant I flipped at seedling stage.
It's growth is a bit fkd up but if it tastes good it's still a pass 👍

Hey folk's, the seedlings are getting a little crowded again I could use another tray and a few extra t5s for the sides.
I've a Mars sp150 (135w) I thought about using that but it's maybe a bit too much and I'll have low temperature issues I think?
View attachment 49443
Crowding aside they're doing ok.

Another of the plant I flipped at seedling stage.
View attachment 49446
It's growth is a bit fkd up but if it tastes good it's still a pass 👍

That cola is huge 😳
Hello folk's, the seedlings are coming along nicely.
I've swapped out the t5s for a mars sp150, the 4x t5s wasn't covering the outside plants sufficiently.

Grape fog x lcg
The K stands for K0rps that's the breeder of the grape fog x lcg.
My one coastal blueberry is female 😍😍😍
Take it easy folk's ✌️
Seedlings are on flower cycle right?
They look real good.
Just heard this for first time last week~!
Seedlings are on flower cycle right?
They look real good.
Just heard this for first time last week~!
Hey bud, yes they're on 12-12 from around 10/12 days, I give them 24hrs light to get them open and facing up then flip them.

90% were soaked between the 18/20th of February so that's a month from seed.
Fwiw the blueberry twist and Swiss skunk in the pics above were grown in this way.

Cheers bud

you're signature is a good one I like that, I often chuckle at it 😂
Seedlings are on flower cycle right?
They look real good.
Just heard this for first time last week~!
Sorry bud, i meant to add, i like on every street its one of my favourite Dire Straights albums, you and your friends, my parties, planet of the new Orleans and on every street are absolutely brilliant tracks, sheer class!
Just heard it for first time the other night and got it that night~!
My parties is great~!:LOL:
Funny to be 59 and fund 'new' music I really like~!
@Bandit420 just did a no veg grow and it turned out really well.
May be the way my next grow goes depending on what I grow.
I got some seeds I believe are heavy on the Sativa side so maybe after them.
Have you grown Sativa's with no or little veg?
Hello folk's, they're coming along ok, it's all been pretty mundane stuff but they're moving in the right direction.
A sort of average height 8" ±
The coastal blueberry looks like its going to be compact.
It's looking like 50%+ female could be feasible I'll know with more certainty in a few days.

Take it easy folk's
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