Grow 4 life, Mr.G grow and show.

With such an unlevel canopy, I’m running the bar light at a pretty decent slope to give more even coverage, probably should put some form of risers to bring them closer but I don’t wanna see another plant fall off.
Took a handful of grape tomato cuts a few weeks back, these will put transplanted Into supersoil and put into the tent with the peppers. Have never grown tomatoes indoors, but will give it a go. Will update the indoor veggie garden growth as things progress.


Garlic MacDragon shaping up to be something special, IMG_4145.jpeg
spent an hour removing more leaves and shifting some tall ones around so they wouldn’t be in the lights. Have one plant forming leaf buds which is a first for me. View attachment 32486
Does it have buds in the normal place also?
Seen it before but mind blown~!🤯
Tough Decisions will need to be made in the garden today, morning watering I got eyes on a nan cluster in the biggest plant in the back, spoke too soon and big expectations for that one. I’ll have to pull everything out and have a good look again and either go in with the tweezers or do the unthinkabl🚮. Running tester genetics needs a hands on approach, and is the main reason for not having a trellis net in the grow IMG_4169.jpeg
Tough Decisions will need to be made in the garden today, morning watering I got eyes on a nan cluster in the biggest plant in the back, spoke too soon and big expectations for that one. I’ll have to pull everything out and have a good look again and either go in with the tweezers or do the unthinkabl🚮. Running tester genetics needs a hands on approach, and is the main reason for not having a trellis net in the grow View attachment 32696
Pluck and move on is my opinion after dealing with straight herms from untrustfull.
That plant looks like it could be a real 💎
Pluck and move on is my opinion after dealing with straight herms from untrustfull.
That plant looks like it could be a real 💎
Pulled it out, plucked 3 clusters, rearranged some lights, and moved it to the front to keep eyes on it. Some receding pistols in the room but day 30 could be normal. IMG_4171.jpeg
Pulled it out, plucked 3 clusters, rearranged some lights, and moved it to the front to keep eyes on it. Some receding pistols in the room but day 30 could be normal. View attachment 32701
Yeah i definitely wouldve picked the clusters off too.
That plant looks really nice, I wouldn't be able to chop it down lol.
Hahaha, I accidentally posted this in the @tobh troll cave,
photos might be too blurry on here to play spot the nanners, but it will be impossible to get them all, some may have already crop dusted, but I will push on, too dank to discard. IMG_4184.jpeg
So after some more clusters today, and realizing I dont have the time to deal with playing a version of Greenthumb operation tweezing banannas, plant will get the axe tomorrow morning. I’m uncertain as to what pollination has already been done, but I won’t allow the ladyboy to Chuck all over everything else. Tough decision but it’s the right one I think. IMG_4191.jpegIMG_4188.jpeg
No nanners spotted on the other 2 GMD plants. Left one of the leaf buds at a top just for science, will watch observe and deal with the others if they nut out as well. Can’t be too disappointed running tester genetics, it’s a crapshoot IMG_4203.jpeg
B good if you had another area to throw the herm plants. just incase the pollens not viable..I’ve had that happen a couple of times.
B good if you had another area to throw the herm plants. just incase the pollens not viable..I’ve had that happen a couple of times.
I dont have that luxury unfortunately, the pollen may not be viable, but given what I’m seeing in the room, there are signs that some pollination happened. By the time a person spots the nanners, it’s likely they already released some pollen, and with the airflow that I run, it can really distribute it around.
Time will tell for this run, but not overly optimistic for good harvest results.
Saturday Evening photo dump.
Healthy first real dump of snow today, slightly above freezing makes that nice snowball snow. IMG_4222.jpeg
I’ll give the plants a better once over tomorrow, mostly to check the other garlicMac plants. Leaf bud looks sus but can’t force myself to pluck that leaf. The plant is extremely frosty.


@dragonsflamegenetics grape pie/tri skunk plants budding smaller, but potential for quality.



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Saturday Evening photo dump.
Healthy first real dump of snow today, slightly above freezing makes that nice snowball snow. View attachment 33451
I’ll give the plants a better once over tomorrow, mostly to check the other garlicMac plants. Leaf bud looks sus but can’t force myself to pluck that leaf. The plant is extremely frosty.

View attachment 33452
View attachment 33453

@dragonsflamegenetics grape pie/tri skunk plants budding smaller, but potential for quality.

View attachment 33454View attachment 33455
Nice man.
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