Help Budbuilders Maximize Search Engine Results Tag Your Own Posts!


Scrog Queen Talks Dirt
Staff member
Bud Builders Approved Seed Vendor
Apr 14, 2023
Reaction score
We are asking all members to help us boost our search engine ranking! This can be done by adding tags to all of your threads.
Look just below the thread title and you should see your member name and the date as well as a tag icon. Click this icon, open the box and add tags to your pages. (See pic below).
You can add a total of twenty tags. Please make sure that your username is a tag, the words, budbuilder and forum as a tag to each page. Other tags should pertain to the content of your page. For example if it were a hydro discussion then a great tag is the word hydroponics. Any term repeated ten plus times is an excellent choice of a keyword.
If for some reason you cannot do this, please let us know. We are happy to help and will do it for you.
This gives the web crawlers a tag to refer to and will greatly improve our rankings on search engines. Thanks!!!
A list of tags with preferred spellings would be helpful. It doesn't have to be a long list -- yet -- maybe just a short list of tags to emphasize.
That would be different for each individual post. My advice was, if the word was used ten plus times, then keyword it. Specific keywords to each post.
Would equipment brands be a good tag to add so maybe it pulls up when people search for fans/lights/controllers etc?
At some point that will help! For right now, we need to get this forum to the front. Once we get those listings, we can then use brand names as tags. 🙂
I just looked at some of my threads and added and edited a few tags. I also scanned through the discussion and pulled out a few key terms relevant to the topic. Certainly, products should be added as key terms, and that's easy to do. It would be harder to create terms for the topics discussed, because there can be multiple ways to describe most topics. That's how a reference list would be helpful for quality control, or as an alternative, assign the task of adding/editing tags to a few staff members. Adding/editing tags is not difficult, but asking permission from the thread owner would be important.
Please let me re-iterate.

If you tag in spider farmer for example, but then there is no content related to spider farmer except a picture which bots can't see, it is actually detrimental to the ranking.

For a tag to be effective, you have to tag it then talk about it. Link to stuff. Describe things and answer questions.

Think about it this way. How many sites are talking about spider farmer? Hundreds? Not to mention that SF will dominate the top of the searches themselves - what about a tag would bring us up in the rankings over all the other ones, if there is no content to back it up? It wouldn't. In fact tagging things willy nilly trains the bots to ignore the tags.

On the other hand, a full review of a specific light with PPFD mapping and grow results - now we have something worth google sending searchers to see.

Bots are way smarter than they were even 2 years ago. Our "simple tricks" to get to the top of the rankings no longer work. What does is actual valuable content.
Yeah. Me too. I was looking for where to tag but nothing so it looks like the author has to setup the tags.
Well, the night before, I could edit everyones tags. No idea what happened.
Yeah. Me too. I was looking for where to tag but nothing so it looks like the author has to setup the tags.
Well for some reason I have that ability again. Maybe you do too. Just under the heading of the thread you will see the authors name and date, the icon after the date looks like a price tag. Click that icon to open the tagging section.
Well for some reason I have that ability again. Maybe you do too. Just under the heading of the thread you will see the authors name and date, the icon after the date looks like a price tag. Click that icon to open the tagging section.
I clicked on the tag option on this thread and nothing....
If you want message me the thread title and the keywords you want and I’ll try it for you.
Hey Granny, what do you need from me. Sorry just catching up and I see this is old.
Seems some can’t open the tag adding field. It also seems that when they do, they are limited to ten tags. Yet, I can do 20. Any ideas?
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