Interesting read on Sativa/Indica and many hybrid strains/ Geek stuff


Average guy who gets high. AKA the Slacker.
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Apr 1, 2023
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I'll let you know if I ever finish and digest.
Still looking at tables and charts.
From the article;
Genetic inconsistencies may come from both suppliers and growers of Cannabis clones and stable seed, because currently they can only assume the strains they possess are true to name. There is a chain of events from seed to sale that relies heavily on the supplier, grower, and dispensary to provide the correct product, but there is currently no reliable way to verify Cannabis strains.
I'll let you know if I ever finish and digest.
Still looking at tables and charts.
From the article;
Genetic inconsistencies may come from both suppliers and growers of Cannabis clones and stable seed, because currently they can only assume the strains they possess are true to name. There is a chain of events from seed to sale that relies heavily on the supplier, grower, and dispensary to provide the correct product, but there is currently no reliable way to verify Cannabis strains.
Which is why I'm not iffy on labeling, I mean it's more professional but who knows what the strain actually is without genetic sequencing (?)
My take was you need a lot of luck and long life span to find real sativa genetics anymore.
Or maybe better said you won't find much real sativa in most crosses today.:(
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