Is this Magnesium deficiency?


Ganja Guerrilla
Jul 4, 2023
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I'm in coco feeding 1.2EC Canna Aqua Flores. Week 6 of flower. Only one (Amnesia Haze) plant looks unhappy. Does this look like Magnesium deficiency? Temps are around 22-27C, 50-60%RH. I've added some epsom salt. It's about learning how to diagnose plant problems for me.

The close up is the plant on the far right. The plants in the back of the tent are in soil so they look way more pale. The one in the middle had been diagnosed as Nitrogen toxicity but seems to be doing OK since lowering the feed back to 1.2 after a short stint on 1.5ec.
Two things look like that. Zinc and mag. With the heavy yellowing I actually would lean more toward zinc. Zinc deficiency is normally caused by PH being too high.
Check your run off, line out the PH, and give her a light foilar spray with epsom salt. One tablespoon of epsom salt to a gallon of water and spray at lights out. Doing both processes should see you lined out.
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I suck at deficiencies but it doesn’t look happy along with the stripes.

I’ve had that happen to seedlings and clones but that’s my trying to hold them back and grow slow.

Like the Northern Lights on the left, big lower fan leaves.
I suck at deficiencies but it doesn’t look happy along with the stripes.

I’ve had that happen to seedlings and clones but that’s my trying to hold them back and grow slow.

Like the Northern Lights on the left, big lower fan leaves.
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That appears to be a mag deficiency. Mix a tablespoon of plain not scented epsom salt in a gallon of water, then spray your plant. It takes a bit to show a difference.
That appears to be a mag deficiency. Mix a tablespoon of plain not scented epsom salt in a gallon of water, then spray your plant. It takes a bit to show a difference.
GNick told me to stop that stuff.

I’m on it. Still have everything for a foliar spray. 👍

I fixed it by adding a bit of ProCal. I cut off the top and cloned it a few days ago. But if it occurs again foliar it is.
You shouldn't be seeing Mg deficiency symptoms so close to the tops. I don't have a great view with that pic, but it looks like the lower leaves are not showing the symptom. Is that correct?

If that is the case, you might need to raise or dim your lights.
Thanks for the suggestions and information.

The lower leaves show the same symptoms but I would say it is more pronounced at the tops. I have foliar fed epsom, dimmed the light slightly and added a few seconds of feeding on the timer. There have been no changes in the environment recently but the symptoms have escalated. Hopefully the sum of these measures will improve plant health.

I have never grown different strains at the same time. It is interesting how much strains differ in their response to an identical environment. I really wanted more variety in product but now I see why people usually pick a single strain.
GNick told me to stop that stuff.

I’m on it. Still have everything for a foliar spray. 👍

I fixed it by adding a bit of ProCal. I cut off the top and cloned it a few days ago. But if it occurs again foliar it is.
You can also water it in - some folks just don’t like to spray ! In this case if done properly it’s a benefit. Lights out
Thanks for the suggestions and information.

The lower leaves show the same symptoms but I would say it is more pronounced at the tops. I have foliar fed epsom, dimmed the light slightly and added a few seconds of feeding on the timer. There have been no changes in the environment recently but the symptoms have escalated. Hopefully the sum of these measures will improve plant health.

I have never grown different strains at the same time. It is interesting how much strains differ in their response to an identical environment. I really wanted more variety in product but now I see why people usually pick a single strain.
I run multiples and it is a little more difficult , but worth it for variety imo. - the soul plants you seem to just accept the pale color ? Y , personally I see that as a bigger problem than the tiger stripes , can you get a couple pics up that girl? And what soil ya in ? Are you feeding same? Just curious ?
Thanks for the suggestions and information.

The lower leaves show the same symptoms but I would say it is more pronounced at the tops. I have foliar fed epsom, dimmed the light slightly and added a few seconds of feeding on the timer. There have been no changes in the environment recently but the symptoms have escalated. Hopefully the sum of these measures will improve plant health.

I have never grown different strains at the same time. It is interesting how much strains differ in their response to an identical environment. I really wanted more variety in product but now I see why people usually pick a single strain.
I almost always grow multiple strains in a single tent. I'm about to start 9 plants and only two will be the same strain. In soil it's a little easier, since each pot can be different. But it is not a way to get the best yield.

My only other alternative is to add another tent. That would be terrible, wouldn't it? Having multiple tents, one with multiple varieties, the other just to produce a lot of one strain you like? The horror of it haunts me.
I almost always grow multiple strains in a single tent. I'm about to start 9 plants and only two will be the same strain. In soil it's a little easier, since each pot can be different. But it is not a way to get the best yield.

My only other alternative is to add another tent. That would be terrible, wouldn't it? Having multiple tents, one with multiple varieties, the other just to produce a lot of one strain you like? The horror of it haunts me.
Been there tried that , ended with multiple tents with multiple strains Then another tent, then another soon I was running 6/8 different strains at once in flower and anther 6/8 in veg just plain addicting ! Lmao
Been there tried that , ended with multiple tents with multiple strains Then another tent, then another soon I was running 6/8 different strains at once in flower and anther 6/8 in veg just plain addicting ! Lmao
Ive got 10 different strains in veg right now...
4 different strains in flower.
3 tents later and now i have a soaring electric bill 😳😫
I started in a tiny minigrowbox, then 2x4 now 5x5. I find process and results are therapeutic. It is wild to observe how some of the things I do and assume are mostly wishful thinking. Then occasionally I course correct.

@Moshmen how would you handle the soil plants to avoid this level of fading? The soil plants in the back are in 1Gal pots of Biobizz Light Mix. They get the ph'd runoff from the coco plants. I had read that there is little point trying to fight the fading of flower plants in soil. This setup was my attempt at running a zero waste grow and comparing soil to coco. Definitely not optimal. The soil plants are half assed but I assumed that what I'm seeing is what I should expect in soil. This is not a well founded belief :)

In future I would either go with higher quality soil in bigger pots or coco only. I tend towards coco for the automation...
Well as much as I hate to admit coco /hydro is away more efficient method - soil is just more forgiving imo, - first no need to ph in the bio bizz . I feel ya on the no waste and using the run off but that could be part if the issue ? Any idea what ppm or ec ya got from the soil run off ? What nutrient line ya running ? They are either hungry or something is locked out , ur soil plants should be just as healthy and lush as the coco plants imo, just slower growth , misc soil grows below all multiple strains . All in 1 or 2 gallon pots of promix


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@Moshmen, thanks for the input. That's interesting and news to me. I have focused on the plants in coco and not paid a lot of attention to the plants in soil. Maybe I should. I definitely want to learn as much as possible.

I use Cann Aqua. The runoff / soil feed is around 1.4ec (higher afer Ph up). I am only watering the soil girls once per day. I never checked at what point during the day they have sucked up the water. I have had days where they still seemed to have water left over from the previous feed so I assumed that was not the limiting factor.

Is it worth trying to feed them higher ec? Maybe add some nutes to the runoff? Is watering once per day not enough?

Once a day should be plenty are ya watering till run off ? Nute wise it’s hard to say I wouldn’t add any more , I hardly ever hit 1 on the 700 scale , so might be locking up on ya ima look up them bites I’ll pop back in later this afternoon
Is this the stuff ur using ? If so may be optimal for soil - on the flip side ur making it work it’s not a lost cause just a adjustment I would start by either get something different to use for soil and stop using the runoff , sounds like u can ruse it in coco ? Or possible adjust the runoff mixture


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Thanks for the input.

I try to water not quite to runoff but close.

I assume you meant to say "not optimal for soil"? I have some organic fertiliser. I'll use that and see what happens.

The coco runoff can go to house and garden. It's not like it's that much anyways. I'd rather optimise yield than try to save pennies in the wrong part of my grow.
In soil if you’re feeding salt based or liquid nutrients you need to water till runoff to avoid salt build up and nutrient lock out . Ck out @Aqua Man tutorials on how to water soil , and how to water coco - he’s the man ! I’ll see if I can find ya a link or two
In soil if you’re feeding salt based or liquid nutrients you need to water till runoff to avoid salt build up and nutrient lock out . Ck out @Aqua Man tutorials on how to water soil , and how to water coco - he’s the man ! I’ll see if I can find ya a link or two
I've read a lot of his stuff but never on soil. I'll go have a look. Thanks for the suggestions.

I can't find anything on soil. If you have a link for me that would be great. I thought I wasn't supposed to water to runoff but I do not remember the source of that bit of information...

Edit v2: got it. I matters whether the nutrients are synthetic or not... I'll try to water until runoff and give some fresh fertiliser but keep it synthetic. To me they look like they are almost done...
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You shouldn't be seeing Mg deficiency symptoms so close to the tops. I don't have a great view with that pic, but it looks like the lower leaves are not showing the symptom. Is that correct?

If that is the case, you might need to raise or dim your lights.
If that was directed to me and the Northern Lights I topped that plant when I really missed the FIM.

Here it is a few days later cleaned up. IMG_4906.jpeg
I've read a lot of his stuff but never on soil. I'll go have a look. Thanks for the suggestions.

I can't find anything on soil. If you have a link for me that would be great. I thought I wasn't supposed to water to runoff but I do not remember the source of that bit of information...

Edit v2: got it. I matters whether the nutrients are synthetic or not... I'll try to water until runoff and give some fresh fertiliser but keep it synthetic. To me they look like they are almost done...
Ur right they are getting close , too late to do much at this point but next go you have better soil grow , if you still do soil, he’ll I might even start plain water for the next week or two and see what happens
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