End of week one flower.striped all most all the leaves off when I flipped them and added some scrog tables. The one gallon pot black cherry moonshine was a male,chopped him.i started giving them half well water half ro water. Tried pure well water at the beginning this grow and they were having trouble getting iron from too much calcium or something. Could of just been from getting over watered at the beginning. Should of tested water .Anyways they are doing good. I topped dressed 30 gallon pots with all leaves and stems from last grow and outdoor from this year,bokashi compost,dried nettle,yarrow ,comphrey,sunflower seed mill,alfafa, aloe,yucca,imo 4 (homemade microbes).i put some avacoda halves down in there to get the worms and isopods rocking.i think its the 5th run for one and 6th for the other ,the soil is getting good good.the 5 gallon buckets are just peat ,compost ,perilite,and a little bokashi.They were just over 5 weeks veg when I flipped them.
I had fungus gnats super bad from my bokashi from day one. I knew it was riddled with them before I added it .I wanted to see how the biodiversity packs from mi beneficials worked.i only added one pack split it between the 2 five gallon and two 30 gallons.i also added some sticky traps .it took almost the the whole 5 weeks of veg, but all the gnats are gone!!! I think if I would of added 2 packs it would have taken less time. They are supposed to work good on thrips too.
Main lined every thing this grow.i have fed them 2 imo 4 teas with fermented plant juice(nettle ,comphrey,yarrow), fish amino acid,oriental herbal nutrients, water soluble phosphorus, and cucumber vinegar.
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