Mulder Chart - potential lockout and nutrient interactions

Does the green arrow direction mean the ion the arrow is pointing away from is antagonizing the one it's pointed at or the other way around?
That balance has always bean the biggest challenge in hydroponics. Imo
agreed. that one element can cause so many other symptoms and send you chasing tail. at this point, it's the first thing i look at. check notes and see what ratio my last mix-up had, and adjust accordingly. LEDs really fucked up my system, too. the learning curve was not kind.
Ok. So when the arrow is pointing at something that something is being antagonized?
Ok. So when the arrow is pointing at something that something is being antagonized?
It's fouling up uptake of the element the green arrow is pointing to. If you ever forget, remember that calcium pretty much can foul up the uptake of everything else, and everything points away from calcium.

I have about 30 ppm of Ca in my water, according to the water company's analysis. That amount prevents me from adding any additional Ca in soil, or I get lockout by sometime in mid-flower. I need to buy an RO filter, even for soil.
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